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2022-07-06 17:23:00 TiggerRun

become an independent school


Title address :https://ctf.pediy.com/itembank.htm
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It's a verifier , It can also be called a registration machine .
The meaning of the title is to let us get users :CTFHUB Of Code

0x1 Check the shell

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0x2 OD debugging

My first thought is to break the message , Break on the button class
Click on “check” Rear disconnect , But the knowledge of message breakpoints is not very good , I can't trace back to the address I jumped back to after message processing .

So I changed my mind
Yes EditText , So I thought of the method I used before
analysis :

  1. The contents of the edit box are stored in memory
  2. Click on check After accessing the memory, fetch the value

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Access to memory through value taking operation , Location of positioning function
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Sure enough, I succeeded in catching up with the function , At the same time, I saw win32API GetDialogTextA() function , Here, I also expand my knowledge points , In the future, you can use API The breakpoint GetDialogTextA

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First of all, I set a breakpoint on the function header , It is found that this function is probably a callback function of window messages , It's a switch, Classify messages .

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call .00401000 Before this function push Two parameters
The pressing parameters are :

  1. Name
  2. KeyCode
    With cmp eax,0x1, then jnz switch Of default Branch , No more execution
    So we can guess that if the verification is successful, then eax Should be stored in 0x1

At this time, I began to play smart , Then I thought it was just a pop-up message box , stay jnz When the time is right ZFLAG Just change it , Or the eax Change it to 0x1, Later, I looked at the topic carefully , Let me submit a Code

0x3 obtain Code analysis

First of all, we need to analyze the principle of the registration machine , We enter a registration code , The program generates a correct registration code , Compare the two , So as to judge whether it is correct .

So get Code There are ways 2 Kind of :

  1. Parse generation Code The algorithm of
  2. Find the generated through dynamic debugging Code Use directly

0x4 Analysis compilation

00401000  /$  53            push ebx                                 ;   become an independent school .00406A30
00401001  |.  8B5C24 0C     mov ebx,dword ptr ss:[esp+0xC]           ;   become an independent school .0040125C
00401005  |.  55            push ebp
00401006  |.  56            push esi                                 ;   become an independent school .00406930
00401007  |.  8B7424 10     mov esi,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x10]          ;   become an independent school .00406930
0040100B  |.  8A0B          mov cl,byte ptr ds:[ebx]
0040100D  |.  33ED          xor ebp,ebp
0040100F  |.  57            push edi
00401010  |.  8A06          mov al,byte ptr ds:[esi]
00401012  |.  3AC1          cmp al,cl
00401014  |.  0F85 69010000 jnz  become an independent school .00401183
 Push the  0x1
 assignment  ebx  by  "keycode"
 Push the  ebp  I don't know what it is 
 Push the  esi  in  getDialogTextA() Function address 
 assignment  esi  by   account number 
 assignment  cl  by  [ebx] One byte of   'cl  by keycode First character '
 Exclusive or  ebp,ebp
 Push the  edi 0x0
 assignment  al  by  [esi] The first byte of  'al  Is the first character of the user name '
 Compare  al  and  cl Whether it is equal or not 
 If equal, continue , Otherwise jump to  00401183 ' End function '
//----------------------------------------------- Here we analyze keycode The first character is C
0040101A  |.  8BFE          mov edi,esi                              ;   become an independent school .00406930
0040101C  |.  83C9 FF       or ecx,-0x1
0040101F  |.  33C0          xor eax,eax
00401021  |.  F2:AE         repne scas byte ptr es:[edi]
00401023  |.  F7D1          not ecx                                  ;  user32.75860043
00401025  |.  49            dec ecx                                  ;  user32.75860043
00401026  |.  83F9 05       cmp ecx,0x5
00401029  |. /0F82 54010000 jb  become an independent school .00401183

Knowledge point :
repne scas Used to traverse strings in assembly
ecx adopt or ecx,-0x1 Initialize to FFFFFFFF
stay edi Store string in , stay AL Store characters in
Each cycle ecx - 1
not ecx Take the opposite
dec ecx Minus one # Because the real string length is to subtract one after the string traverses to the last stop character

 assignment  edi  by  esi ' user name '
 Get the length of the user name to  ecx
 Compare ecx and 0x5
//----------------------------------------------- Here we can analyze that the length of the user name is at least 5
0040102F  |.  807B 01 2D    cmp byte ptr ds:[ebx+0x1],0x2D
00401033  |.  0F85 4A010000 jnz  become an independent school .00401183
//----------------------------------------------- Judge KeyCode Whether the second character is  0x2D '-'

From the analysis here, we can know the following points :

  1. CODE The prefix for ‘C-’
  2. The user name must be at least 5
00401039  |.  8BFE          mov edi,esi                              ;   become an independent school .00406930
0040103B  |.  83C9 FF       or ecx,-0x1
0040103E  |.  33C0          xor eax,eax
00401040  |.  33D2          xor edx,edx
00401042  |.  F2:AE         repne scas byte ptr es:[edi]
00401044  |.  F7D1          not ecx
00401046  |.  49            dec ecx

This code looks familiar , There is , Just take it out EDI Medium string length

00401049  |> /0FBE0C32      /movsx ecx,byte ptr ds:[edx+esi]
0040104D  |. |03E9          |add ebp,ecx
0040104F  |. |8BFE          |mov edi,esi                             ;   become an independent school .00406930
00401051  |. |83C9 FF       |or ecx,-0x1
00401054  |. |33C0          |xor eax,eax
00401056  |. |42            |inc edx
00401057  |. |F2:AE         |repne scas byte ptr es:[edi]
00401059  |. |F7D1          |not ecx
0040105B  |. |49            |dec ecx
0040105C  |. |3BD1          |cmp edx,ecx
0040105E  |.^\72 E9         \jb short  become an independent school .00401049

add ebp,0x6064

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It can be seen here that it is a cycle , The pop-up condition is edx == ecx,ecx The length of the user name is stored in
The operation of the loop is to traverse each character of the string , Character ASCII Value added to ebp in
The first sentence is to take out edx + esi One character of the address ,edx The initial value is 0, With the cycle inc edx Increasing
After jumping out of the loop ebp Another constant is added

00401066  |.  55            push ebp
00401067  |.  68 34604000   push  become an independent school .00406034                       ;  ASCII "%lu"
0040106C  |.  68 306B4000   push  become an independent school .00406B30                       ;  ASCII "49796"
00401071  |.  E8 B6030000   call  become an independent school .0040142C

The more you look at it, the more something goes wrong , The first question is not so difficult ??
Then I thought about going back , See if you can find a good one CODE.
Sure enough , Ceaseless F8 You can get

0040118E  |.  BF 446B4000   mov edi, become an independent school .00406B44                    ;  ASCII "C-B25120-49796"

So although I have this right Code, If the topic is a little difficult , He wants to randomly generate the user's registration code , So the solution is 2 Kind of :

  1. HOOK Generate Code Function of , Get the right Code
  2. Analyze the encryption algorithm

0x5 Analyze the encryption algorithm to realize the registration machine

This is actually beyond the outline , The problem solving lies in 0X4 It's over . If you are interested, please continue to look down .

How to judge the correct algorithm flow ? We already have the right Code, So follow the right Code Should be able to run out of the right process .

00401076  |.  8A16          mov dl,byte ptr ds:[esi]
00401078  |.  8BFE          mov edi,esi                              ;   become an independent school .00406930
0040107A  |.  83C9 FF       or ecx,-0x1
0040107D  |.  33C0          xor eax,eax
0040107F  |.  8815 446B4000 mov byte ptr ds:[0x406B44],dl
00401085  |.  C605 456B4000>mov byte ptr ds:[0x406B45],0x2D
0040108C  |.  F2:AE         repne scas byte ptr es:[edi]
0040108E  |.  F7D1          not ecx
00401090  |.  49            dec ecx
00401091  |.  0FBE4431 FF   movsx eax,byte ptr ds:[ecx+esi-0x1]
00401096  |.  50            push eax
00401097  |.  E8 C4020000   call  become an independent school .00401360

This compilation , First, take out the length of the user name
then movsx eax,byte ptr ds:[ecx+esi-0x1], Take out the last character
push eax Put this character on the stack , Perform the following functions , But the following function has no effect on the stack and registers of the program after execution , So this function is negligible .

0040109C  |.  A2 466B4000   mov byte ptr ds:[0x406B46],al
004010A1  |.  BF 306B4000   mov edi, become an independent school .00406B30                    ;  ASCII "25120"
004010A6  |.  83C9 FF       or ecx,-0x1
004010A9  |.  33C0          xor eax,eax
004010AB  |.  F2:AE         repne scas byte ptr es:[edi]
004010AD  |.  F7D1          not ecx
004010AF  |.  2BF9          sub edi,ecx
004010B1  |.  81C5 64600000 add ebp,0x6064

This code is familiar , Then we add 0x6064

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I see it here C-B, Then look up at the assignment statement
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guess 0x406B44 Is the first address of the string array

Through the later debugging, it is found that key The format is C-{ The last character of the user }{ Come by calculation }-{ Come by calculation }
The address is 00406B30, This data is important
So make a break for him , When does the locator write to this memory

In this way, I located inside the algorithm , Then return to the upper function , Located in the real encryption function

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But it is found that this value already exists in the stack , Explain that before executing this function , It has been encrypted .
So trace back to the previously called function

00401F2A  |> /8B45 F0       |/mov eax,[local.4]
00401F2D  |. |FF4D F0       ||dec [local.4]
00401F30  |. |85C0          ||test eax,eax
00401F32  |. |7F 06         ||jg short  become an independent school .00401F3A
00401F34  |. |8BC6          ||mov eax,esi
00401F36  |. |0BC7          ||or eax,edi
00401F38  |. |74 3B         ||je short  become an independent school .00401F75
00401F3A  |> |8B45 F4       ||mov eax,[local.3]
00401F3D  |. |99            ||cdq
00401F3E  |. |52            ||push edx
00401F3F  |. |50            ||push eax
00401F40  |. |57            ||push edi
00401F41  |. |56            ||push esi
00401F42  |. |8945 C0       ||mov [local.16],eax
00401F45  |. |8955 C4       ||mov [local.15],edx
00401F48  |. |E8 03150000   ||call  become an independent school .00403450
00401F4D  |. |FF75 C4       ||push [local.15]
00401F50  |. |8BD8          ||mov ebx,eax
00401F52  |. |83C3 30       ||add ebx,0x30
00401F55  |. |FF75 C0       ||push [local.16]
00401F58  |. |57            ||push edi
00401F59  |. |56            ||push esi
00401F5A  |. |E8 81140000   ||call  become an independent school .004033E0
00401F5F  |. |83FB 39       ||cmp ebx,0x39
00401F62  |. |8BF0          ||mov esi,eax
00401F64  |. |8BFA          ||mov edi,edx
00401F66  |. |7E 03         ||jle short  become an independent school .00401F6B
00401F68  |. |035D D4       ||add ebx,[local.11]
00401F6B  |> |8B45 F8       ||mov eax,[local.2]
00401F6E  |. |FF4D F8       ||dec [local.2]
00401F71  |. |8818          ||mov byte ptr ds:[eax],bl
00401F73  |.^\EB B5         |\jmp short  become an independent school .00401F2A
00401F75  |>  8D45 B7       |lea eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-0x49]
00401F78  |.  2B45 F8       |sub eax,[local.2]
00401F7B  |.  FF45 F8       |inc [local.2]

Here is the encryption function we want , The first CALL For the key CALL
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After repeated analysis, it is found that , The previous compilation has no effect , take esp + 0x8 Location is important , And then through div ecx, There are further discoveries , Find out ECX The value of is constant , From the outer function, we can see ,0XA It's a constant ,div ecx, Put the divisor in EAX in , After treatment, put it in EAX in , The remainder is placed in EDX in , Then go to the next cycle , This quotient is also regarded as the divisible number , Then I also found that the remainder is the reverse output of our first encryption parameter .

So the problem goes back to tracing this EAX Initial value 0x6261 How did it come to ?

I have analyzed one before ebp += User name character ASCII And then add one 0x6064
In order to verify , Me too. eax Trace the source of , The memory access breakpoint , It also happens to return to the position of the previous analysis .
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And then just use c++ Write a demo Test the following ideas
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Here is 6220 Because the user name I used in the test is the same as that in OD It's not the same in , But if it's the same This value is equal .
So my guess is correct .

Here we find 25120 02152 It's the reverse , I think about it … % 0xA It's a process from hexadecimal to decimal ? So there is no need to recalculate .

The first parameter comes out , The second parameter is not far away , Write breakpoints through the same memory , Trace the key CALL, The discovery finally came to the encryption algorithm we analyzed , It's just eax The initial value is not 0x6220 了 , It's another number , I thought there was another one before ebp+0x6064 Where you live ?
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Sure enough, add one 6064 It's ok , Then there is the matter of converting to decimal !

If it is reproduced according to the original algorithm , That should be
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But in fact, it is not so complicated , Last code

using namespace std;
int main(){
	string name;
	cout<<" enter one user name :";
	int strLen =  name.size();
	int ebp,code1,code2;
	code1 = code2 = 0;
	ebp = 0x0;
	for(int i=0;i < strLen;i++){
		ebp += int(name[i]);
	ebp += 0x6064;
	code1 = ebp;
	code2 =code1 +  0x6064;

	return 0;

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Please indicate the source of forwarding , Interested in learning together ~

