在程序编写过程中,需要将数值型变量按照一定的格式转化为字符串变量,下面介绍一些基本格式转换的语句: 格式化货币 string.Format '{0:C}',0.2 ; //¥0.20(英文操作系统下:$0.20) 该方法默认格式化小数点后面保留两位小数,如需保留一位或是更多,可以指定位数,截取时采用...
2022-07-07 08:06【还是要努力呀!】
当软件配置有问题时,会导致程序下载后,无法识别芯片的问题。需要对芯片进行擦除操作。 一、硬件连线 1、使用USB转串口工具,连接STM32芯片的UART1引脚上,注意TX和RX顺序 2、将boot0引脚电平拉高 二、 软件下载地址: https://img blog.csdnimg.cn/2e8...
2022-07-07 08:08【GEEK.攻城狮】
阅读更多[email protected]能帮助我们快速拿到日志对象
2022-07-07 08:10【qq_25243147】
代码如下: function browserRedict pcurl, moburl { let userAgentInfo = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase ; let device = /ipad iphone midp rv: ucweb and...
2022-07-07 08:10【weixin_42178670】
一。使用: @Transactional 注解可以作用于接口、接口方法、类以及类方法上,但是 Spring 建议不要在接口或者接口方法上使用该注解,因为这只有在使用基于接口的代理时它才会生效。 @Transactional 注解应该只被应用到 public 方法上,这是由 Spring AOP 的本...
2022-07-07 08:12【thoughtCodes】
选型问题不谈,主要考虑info 级别的数据: 一般信息: 一般说来,我们都会上项目上封装一个返回异常类,用来包装信息。 通常我们来说就是返回码和返回信息,这种最常见了。 为了更好的检查问题,我们设计如下: 000000 业务成功 000001 业务失败等 对于Msg信息呢: 我们可以定义信息格式:或...
2022-07-07 08:12【thoughtCodes】
阅读更多Study summary of postgraduate entrance examination in July
7 The monthly record was written after a long time , Because you only turn on the computer once a week, a week has passed if you forget to write , I a...
2022-07-07 10:21【qq_ forty-two million one hundred and twenty thousand eight hun】
阅读更多Study summary of postgraduate entrance examination in August
mathematics Completed the series review and thus completed the first round of review of high numbers . Probability has finished the basic course ...
2022-07-07 10:21【qq_ forty-two million one hundred and twenty thousand eight hun】
阅读更多Study summary of postgraduate entrance examination in September
mathematics The probability handout completes Chapter 6, basic concepts of mathematical statistics Line generation finished the intensive course...
2022-07-07 10:21【qq_ forty-two million one hundred and twenty thousand eight hun】
阅读更多Study summary of postgraduate entrance examination in October
mathematics Completed probability handouts and linear algebra tutorial handouts Did 05,06 The real question Major courses Picking up the ope...
2022-07-07 10:21【qq_ forty-two million one hundred and twenty thousand eight hun】
阅读更多When there are pointer variable members in the custom type, the return value and parameters of the assignment operator overload must be reference types
Problem description : For custom types that contain Pointer type member variable When , Assignment operator overload Time function Return ...
2022-07-07 10:21【qq_ forty-two million one hundred and twenty thousand eight hun】
阅读更多Study summary of postgraduate entrance examination in November
mathematics The real question 07 year 15 year During this period, I also did some wrong questions review of advanced mathematics and line gener...
2022-07-07 10:21【qq_ forty-two million one hundred and twenty thousand eight hun】
阅读更多01 use function to approximate cosine function (15 points)
Zhejiang University Edition 《C Language programming experiment and exercise guidance ( The first 3 edition )》 Topic collection https://img blog.csd...
2022-07-07 10:21【qq_ forty-two million one hundred and twenty thousand eight hun】
阅读更多0x0fa23729 (vcruntime140d.dll) (in classes and objects - encapsulation.Exe) exception thrown (resolved)
When running the program 42 Row threw exception , But I will cpp If the file is put under another solution, there will be no exceptions / include...
2022-07-07 10:22【qq_ forty-two million one hundred and twenty thousand eight hun】
阅读更多The variables or functions declared in the header file cannot be recognized after importing other people's projects and adding the header file
problem : After importing the corresponding header file , Still hint There is no matching function instance ( The environment is VS2017): https:...
2022-07-07 10:22【qq_ forty-two million one hundred and twenty thousand eight hun】
阅读更多Use the fetch statement to obtain the repetition of the last row of cursor data
Problem description : 《MySQL Will know 》 Medium P179 After the execution of the stored procedure, a row is repeatedly inserted in the new table ...
2022-07-07 10:22【qq_ forty-two million one hundred and twenty thousand eight hun】
阅读更多Review of the losers in the postgraduate entrance examination
Two years of postgraduate entrance examination passed in a flash , When I learned that my adjustment was over , Know that this journey needs ...
2022-07-07 10:22【qq_ forty-two million one hundred and twenty thousand eight hun】
阅读更多A small problem of bit field and symbol expansion
annotation : Bit field : Some information is stored , It doesn't take up a whole byte , Only a few or one binary bits are required , For example,...
2022-07-07 10:22【qq_ forty-two million one hundred and twenty thousand eight hun】
阅读更多Some properties of leetcode139 Yang Hui triangle
Yang Hui triangle has special properties 1. Each line of numbers is symmetrical from 1 Start getting bigger and smaller , And finally back to 1. 1...
2022-07-07 10:22【qq_ forty-two million one hundred and twenty thousand eight hun】
阅读更多Sword finger offer 38 Arrangement of strings [no description written]
subject Enter a string , Print out all the permutations of the characters in the string . You can return this array of strings in any order , But...
2022-07-07 10:22【qq_ forty-two million one hundred and twenty thousand eight hun】
- 探索STEAM艺术设计中的创造力
- dolphinscheduler3. X local startup
- 为什么安装mysql时starting service报错?(操作系统-windows)
- [solution] final app status- undefined, exitcode- 16
- Idea add class annotation template and method template
- Official media attention! The list of top 100 domestic digital collection platforms was released, and the industry accelerated the healthy development of compliance
- Rainbow 5.7.1 supports docking with multiple public clouds and clusters for abnormal alarms
- Introduction to uboot
- [hard core science popularization] working principle of dynamic loop monitoring system
- 第一讲:包含min函数的栈
传统的教学模式已不能适应现代化社会高速发展的需要,而以科技创新教育为核心的素质教育正在慢慢走进大家的视野,一场从根本上改变中国传统教育模式的革命正在悄然发生,这一场教育的变革,是势在必行的 ”在20世纪30——40年代我国人民教育家陶行知首先倡导创造教育,发表了著名的“创造宣言”提出了“ 处处是创造...
Recommend a free open course of zero sound College , Personally, I think the teacher spoke well , Share with you : Linux,Nginx,ZeroMQ,MySQL,Redis,fas...
background Bank IT The system is in the cloud 、 Containerization 、 Centralization 、 Microservices and other architectures are in the process of ...
这里我们主要讲两种方式: Provide/Inject Mitt全局事件总线; 一、Provide和Inject(子孙级) Provide/Inject 用于非父子组件之间共享数据: 比如有一些深度嵌套的组件,子组件想要获取父组件的部分内容; 在这种情况下,如果我们仍然将props沿着组件链逐渐传递...
In vitro transcription (IVT)mRNA It is widely used in basic research and Application , It provides a promising gene expression system for rapid and c...
736. Lisp Syntax parsing lisp expression/ '736. Lisp Syntax parsing ' https://img blog.csdnimg.cn/6b182a350903411ea7c57b5feaa961c8.png https:/...
Catalog One 、 Problem description %E4%B8%80%E3%80%81%E9%97%AE%E9%A2%98%E6%8F%8F%E8%BF%B0 Two 、 The analysis reason %E4%BA%8C%E3%80%81%E5%88%86%...
1 js 1.1Js输出语句 js 可以通过以下方式进行内容的输出,只不过不同的语句输出到的位置不同 使用 window.alert 写入警告框 DOCTYPE html html lang='en' head meta charset='UTF 8' title Title /title scr...
stay Rainbond In the cluster , Each team corresponds to the bottom Kubernetes One of the Namespace , Due to the underlying network previously...
目录 1.标准库里面的string类了解 1string 1 2.sting常用的构造函数用法 2sting 7 3.string小练习 3string 151 4.迭代器 4 293 1.正向迭代器 1 294 2.反向迭代器 2 312 3.加了const的迭代器 3const 332 5.s...