当前位置:网站首页>Rainbow 5.7.1 supports docking with multiple public clouds and clusters for abnormal alarms

Rainbow 5.7.1 supports docking with multiple public clouds and clusters for abnormal alarms

2022-07-07 08:19:00 Rainbond

Interpretation of new functions

Support rapid docking with multiple public clouds

In the previous version , Only Alibaba cloud is supported ACK colony , Not friendly to users using other cloud vendors . In order to facilitate users to quickly connect clusters of different public cloud manufacturers . We optimized the installation process . Now it is supported to pass helm Connect to Alibaba cloud 、 Hua Wei Yun 、 Clusters provided by Tencent cloud and other cloud manufacturers .

Users choose different cloud vendors , You can provide the configuration of relevant resources by yourself , Finally, a complete installation command is generated , Execute in the cluster managed by the cloud vendor . When Rainbond After the installation of the data center end of , The console will be automatically docked . You can manage multiple cloud service provider clusters on the console .

Support cluster abnormal alarm

Combined with user feedback , We find that users are using , Abnormal cluster communication is often encountered on the console . Although it does not necessarily directly affect the business components running above . But for users , It's also a serious problem that you can't directly manage your business .

At this time, users often need to manually Kubernetes Troubleshoot problems in the cluster . For example, when the resources in the cluster are overused Pod Being expelled or abnormal nodes may lead to this situation .

Before , We also provide Rainbond Monitoring and alarm system , But there are few users . Therefore, in order to facilitate users to understand possible problems in advance . We are based on the previous alarm rules , Display the alarm information on the page . So that the platform administrator can deal with relevant problems in time .

Detailed change points

New function

  • 【 install 】 Supported by helm Quickly connect to multiple public clouds (ACK、TKE、CCE)

  • 【 Alarm management 】 Support the direct display of cluster exception information on the page

BUG Repair

  • 【 Team management 】 Problems that the team list cannot show when the cluster loses response

  • 【 Plug-in management 】 The problem of wrong plug-in storage type

