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[system management] clear the icon cache of deleted programs in the taskbar
2022-07-07 04:11:00 【Allen Moore】
The notification area is located on the taskbar (Taskbar) Right side , contain
- 【 Application tray (Tray)】 Icon , Provide reminders and settings about the application , See the following figure to mark the yellow area
- 【 System icon 】 Icon , Provide status and notification of system services
- 【 problem 】 Display the icon of the uninstalled application in the notification area icon setting in the system settings ?
- 【 resolvent 】 Delete the notification area icon cache in the registry and reset and automatically create the notification area icon .
- 【 Cause analysis 】 Improper software uninstallation , Especially delete the green version directly & Installation free (Portable) Software , It is easy to damage the icon cache of the notification area , The icon that causes the icon setting of the notification area still appears .
Solution steps
The notification area icon cache is located in the following registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes\Local
Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\TrayNotify\ The following two variables in
- IconStreams
- PastIconsStream
- Copy the following and save as Reset_NotiAreaIconsCache.bat To desktop .
@echo off
set regPath=HKCU\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\TrayNotify
set regKey1=IconStreams
set regKey2=PastIconsStream
echo Before deleting the notification area tray cache icon , Be sure to close the resource manager process .
echo Before proceeding , Be sure to save important working documents .
taskkill /IM explorer.exe /F
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%a in ('Reg Query "%regpath%" /v %regkey1% ^| find /i "%regkey1%"') do goto IconStreams
echo Deleted registry key "IconStreams".
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%a in ('Reg Query "%regpath%" /v %regkey2% ^| find /i "%regkey2%"') do goto PastIconsStream
echo Deleted registry key "PastIconsStream".
goto restart
reg delete "%regpath%" /f /v "%regkey1%"
goto verify-PastIconsStream
reg delete "%regpath%" /f /v "%regkey2%"
echo You need to restart your computer to complete the reset task of your notification area icon .
CHOICE /C:YN /M " Do you want to restart your computer now ?"
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto yes
echo The resource manager is restarting ....
echo Please remember to restart the computer later to complete the reset task of your notification area icon .
start explorer.exe
exit /B
shutdown /r /f /t 00
! Be careful : The above text code is GB 2312; Other codes will cause the problem of garbled prompt text .
! Be careful : Before proceeding to the next step , Please close and save the important content that the user is working on . The following steps will involve restarting the resource manager and restarting PC.
function .bat file .
If there is a hint , Please click on the / Click on “Enter” Continue with consent .
Follow the instructions in the command prompt to reset the notification area icon . If you don't restart your computer now , You need to reset the notification area icon later .
Related questions
- How to clean up the deleted programs in the system settings taskbar / Green Program / Legacy icons of non installer / picture ?
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