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Mysql36 database backup and recovery
2022-07-06 10:23:00 【Protect our party a Yao】
One . Physical backup and logical backup
The physical backup : Backup data files , Dump database physical files to a directory . Physical backup recovery is faster , But it takes up a lot of space ,MySQL Can be used in the xtrabackup Tools for physical backup .
Logical backup : Use tools to export database objects , Summary into backup file . Slow recovery of logical backup , But it takes up little space , More flexible .MySQL The common logical backup tool in is mysqldump . Logical backup is Backup sql sentence , Performing a backup at the time of recovery sql Statement to achieve the reproduction of database data .
Two . mysqldump Realize logical backup
2.1. Back up a database
Basic grammar :
mysqldump –u User name –h Host name –p password Name of the database to be backed up [tbname, [tbname...]]> Backup filename
call .sql
explain : The file name with suffix... Is not required .sql, For example, the suffix is .txt Your files are also OK .
give an example : Use root User backup zyy_master_slave database :
mysqldump -uroot -p zyy_master_slave>zyy_master_slave.sql
mysqldump -uroot -p zyy_master_slave > /var/lib/mysql/cptest/zyy_master_slave.sql
vim zyy_master_slave.sql
2.2. Back up all databases
If you want to use mysqldump Back up the entire instance , have access to --all-databases or -A Parameters :
mysqldump -uroot -pxxxxxx --all-databases > all_database.sql
mysqldump -uroot -pxxxxxx -A > all_database.sql
2.3. Backup part of the database
Use --databases or -B Parameters , This parameter is followed by the database name , Multiple databases are separated by spaces . If specified databases Parameters , There will be a statement to create the database in the backup file , If no parameters are specified , There is no . The grammar is as follows :
mysqldump –u user –h host –p --databases [ Database name 1 [ Database name 2...]] > Backup file name .sql
give an example :
mysqldump -uroot -p --databases zyy_master_slave dbtest3>two_database.sql
mysqldump -uroot -p -B zyy_master_slave dbtest3 > two_database.sql
2.4. Back up some tables
such as , Make a backup before the table changes . The grammar is as follows :
mysqldump –u user –h host –p Database name [ Table name 1 [ Table name 2...]] > Backup file name .sql
give an example : Backup zyy_master_slave Database based student surface
mysqldump -uroot -p zyy_master_slave student> student.sql
student.sql The contents of the document are as follows
You can see ,student The file is similar to the backed up library file . The difference is ,student The file contains only book surface DROP、CREATE and INSERT sentence .
To back up multiple tables, use the following command , Such as backup mytbl and student surface :
# Back up multiple tables
mysqldump -uroot -p zyy_master_slave mytbl student> 2_tables_bak.sql
2.5. Backup some data of single table
Sometimes a table has a lot of data , We just need some data . It can be used at this time --where Options. .where The conditions to be met are attached .
give an example : Backup student In the table id Less than 10 The data of :
mysqldump -uroot -p zyy_master_slave student --where="id < 10 " > student_part_id10_low_bak.sql
2.6. Exclude backups of some tables
If we want to back up a library , But some tables have a large amount of data or are not related to the business , At this time, we can consider excluding these watches , alike , Options --ignore-table You can do this .
mysqldump -uroot -p zyy_master_slave --ignore-table=zyy_master_slave .student > no_stu_bak.sql
By specifying as follows, it is determined that there is no... In the file student Table structure :
grep "student" no_stu_bak.sql
2.7. Back up only the structure or only the data
Only the backup structure can be used --no-data Shorthand for -d Options ; Only backup data can be used --no-create-info Shorthand for -t Options
- Just back up the structure
mysqldump -uroot -p zyy_master_slave --no-data > no_data_bak.sql
# Use grep command , Can't find insert Related statements , Indicates that there is no data backup .
grep "INSERT" no_data_bak.sql
- Backup data only
mysqldump -uroot -p zyy_master_slave --no-create-info > atguigu_no_create_info_bak.sql
# Use grep command , Can't find create Related statements , Indicates that there is no data structure .
grep "CREATE" atguigu_no_create_info_bak.sql
2.8. The backup contains stored procedures 、 function 、 event
mysqldump Backup does not contain stored procedures by default , Custom functions and events . have access to --routines or -R Option to back up stored procedures and functions , Use --events or -E Parameters to back up events .
give an example : Back up the entire MYSQLTEST library , Contains stored procedures and events :
- Use the following SQL You can view which stored procedures or functions exist in the current library
Now back up MYSQLTEST Database data , Functions and stored procedures .
mysqldump -uroot -p -R -E --databases MYSQLTEST> fun_MYSQLTEST_bak.sql
Query whether the function exists in the backup file , As shown below , You can see that it does contain functions .
2.9. mysqldump Common options
mysqldump Other common options are as follows :
- –add-drop-database: At every CREATE DATABASE Add before statement DROP DATABASE sentence .
- –add-drop-tables: At every CREATE TABLE Add before statement DROP TABLE sentence .
- –add-locking: use LOCK TABLES and UNLOCK TABLES Statement references each table dump . Insert faster when reloading dump files .
- –all-database, -A: Dump all tables in all databases . And use –database The options are the same , Name all databases on the command line .
- –comment[=0|1]: If set to 0, It is forbidden to dump other information in the file , For example, program version 、 Server version and host .–skip-comments And –comments=0 Same result for . The default value is 1, Include additional information .
- –compact: Produce a small amount of output . This option disables annotations and enables –skip-add-drop-tables、–no-set-names、–skip-disable-keys and –skip-add-locking Options .
- –compatible=name: Generated with other database systems or old MySQL Server more compatible output , The value can be ansi、MySQL323、MySQL40、postgresql、oracle、mssql、db2、maxdb、no_key_options、no_table_options perhaps no_field_options.
- –complete_insert, -c: Use the complete INSERT sentence .
- –debug[=debug_options], -#[debug_options]: Write debug log .
- –delete,-D: Empty table before importing text file .
- –default-character-set=charset: Use charsets Default character set . If not specified , Just use utf8.
- –delete–master-logs: On the primary replication server , Delete the binary log after the dump operation . This option is automatically enabled -master-data.
- –extended-insert,-e: Use includes several VALUES Multiple lines of the list INSERT grammar . This makes the dump file smaller , Reloading files can speed up insertion .
- –flush-logs,-F: Refresh before starting dump MySQL Server log files . This option requires RELOAD jurisdiction .
- –force,-f: During table dump , Even if SQL Mistakes continue .
- –lock-all-tables,-x: Lock all tables in all databases . In the overall dump process, it is realized by global locking . This option turns off automatically
- –single-transaction and –lock-tables.
- –lock-tables,-l: Lock all tables before starting dump . use READ LOCAL Lock the table to allow parallel inserts MyISAM surface . For the transaction table ( for example InnoDB and BDB),–single-transaction Is a better option , Because it doesn't need to lock the table at all .
- –no-create-db,-n: This option disables CREATE DATABASE /!32312 IF NOT EXIST/db_name sentence , If given –database or –all-database Options , It is included in the output .
- –no-create-info,-t: Export data only , Without adding CREATE TABLE sentence .
- –no-data,-d: Do not write any row information of the table , Only dump the structure of the table .
- –opt: This option is shorthand , It can dump quickly and produce a file that can be loaded quickly MySQL Dump file of the server . This option is on by default , But you can use –skip-opt Ban .
- –password[=password],-p[password]: The password used when connecting to the server .-port=port_num,-P port_num: jointed TCP/IP Port number .
- –protocol={TCP|SOCKET|PIPE|MEMORY}: Connection protocol used .
- –replace,-r –replace and –ignore: Controls the processing of replacing or copying input records with existing records of unique key values . If specified –replace, The new row replaces the existing row with the same unique key value ; If specified –ignore, The input line that copies the existing unique key value is skipped . If you do not specify these two options , An error occurs when a duplicate key value is found , And ignore the rest of the text file .
- –silent,-s: Silence mode . Output only when there is an error .
- –socket=path,-S path: When the connection localhost Socket file used when ( For the default host ).
- –user=user_name,-u user_name: When connecting to the server MySQL User name used .
- –verbose,-v: Lengthy mode , Print out the details of the program operation .
- –xml,-X: produce XML Output .
Run the help command mysqldump --help , You can get a complete list of options for a specific version .
Tips If you run mysqldump No, --quick or --opt Options ,mysqldump Load the whole result set before dumping the results
save . If you dump a large database, there may be problems , This option is enabled by default , But you can use --skip-opt Ban . If you use the most
The new version of the mysqldump Program backup data , And used to restore to the older version MySQL Server , Do not use --opt
or -e Options .
3、 ... and . mysql Command restore data
Basic grammar :
mysql –u root –p [dbname] < backup.sql
3.1. Restore a single database from a single database backup
Use root user , Back up the... From the previous exercise TRANTEST.sql The backup in the file is imported into the database , The order is as follows :
- If the backup file contains a statement to create a database , The database name does not need to be specified during recovery , As shown below
mysql -uroot -p < TRANTEST.sq
- Otherwise, you need to specify the database name , As shown below
mysql -uroot -p TRANTEST< TRANTEST.sql
3.2. Full backup recovery
mysql –u root –p < all.sql
mysql -uroot -pxxxxxx < all.sql
After the execution ,MySQL The database has been restored all.sql All files in the database .
3.3. Restore a single library from a full backup
There may be such a need , For example, we just want to restore a certain library , But we have backup of the whole instance , At this time, we can separate the backup of a single database from the full backup .
give an example :
sed -n '/^-- Current Database: `TRANTEST`/,/^-- Current Database: `/p' all_database.sql
# After the separation, we can import atguigu.sql You can restore a single library
3.4. Restore a single table from a single database backup
This demand is still quite common . For example, we know which watch is misoperated , Then you can use the method of single table recovery to restore .
give an example : We have TRANTEST Backup of the entire library , But because of student Table misoperation , You need to restore this form alone .
# Delete student
DROP table student;
# View the tables in the Library
show tables;
# First separate the statement of creating table
cat TRANTEST.sql | sed -e '/./{H;$!d;}' -e 'x;/CREATE TABLE `student`/!d;q' > student.sql
# Then separate the insert table statement
cat TRANTEST.sql | grep --ignore-case 'insert into `student`' > StudentData.sql
Then import
mysql -uroot -p TRANTEST<student.sql
mysql -uroot -p TRANTEST<StudentData.sql
SELECT * FROM student;
Four . The physical backup : Directly copy the entire database
Direct will MySQL Copy the database files in . This is the easiest way , And the fastest .MySQL The location of the database directory is not necessarily the same :
- stay Windows Under the platform ,MySQL 8.0 The directory where the database is stored is usually... By default “ C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\Data ” Or other user-defined directories ;
- stay Linux Under the platform , The database directory location is usually /var/lib/mysql/;
- stay MAC OSX Under the platform , The database directory location is usually “/usr/local/mysql/data”;
But in order to ensure the consistency of backup . Need assurance : - The way 1: Before backup , Stop the server .
- The way 2: Before backup , Execute... On related tables FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK operation . In this way, when copying files in the database directory , Allow other customers to continue to query the table . meanwhile ,FLUSH TABLES Statement to ensure that all active index pages are written to the hard disk before starting the backup .
This way is convenient 、 Fast , But not the best backup method , Because the actual situation may Stop... Is not allowed MySQL The server perhaps Lock the watch , And this method Yes InnoDB Storage engine The table of does not apply . about MyISAM The table that stores the engine , This makes backup and restore easy , But it's better to restore the same version MySQL database , Otherwise, there may be different file types .
Be careful , After the physical backup , perform UNLOCK TABLES To settle the modification of the table by other customers .
explain : stay MySQL In the version number , The first number indicates the major version number , With the same major version number MySQL The database file format is the same .
Besides , You can also consider using relevant tools to realize backup . such as , MySQLhotcopy Tools .MySQLhotcopy It's a Perl Script , It USES LOCK TABLES、FLUSH TABLES and cp or scp To quickly back up the database . It's the fastest way to back up a database or a single table , But it can only run on the machine where the database directory is located , And can only back up MyISAM Type of watch . be chiefly used in mysql5.5 Before .
5、 ... and . Physical recovery : Copy directly to the database directory
step :
1) Show me how to delete the data of the specified table in the backed up database .
2) Copy the backed up database data to the data directory , And restart MySQL The server .
3) Query whether the data of related tables are recovered . You need to use the following chown operation .
requirement :
- It must be ensured that the database of the backup data and the database server to be restored have the same major version number . Because only MySQL When the main version number of the database is the same , To ensure these two MySQL The database file type is the same .
- This way is right MyISAM Table of type is more effective , about InnoDB Tables of type are not available . because InnoDB Table spaces cannot be copied directly .
- stay Linux Under the operating system , After copying to the database directory , Be sure to change the users and groups of the database into mysql, The order is as follows :
chown -R mysql.mysql /var/lib/mysql/dbname
among , Two mysql Represent groups and users respectively ;“-R” Parameters can change the users and groups of all sub files in the folder ;“dbname” The parameter represents the database directory .
Tips Linux The permission setting under the operating system is very strict . Usually ,MySQL Database only root Users and mysql user
Under group mysql Users can access , Therefore, after copying the database directory to the specified folder , Be sure to use chown The order will
The user group of the folder becomes mysql, Change the user to mysql
6、 ... and . Export and import of tables
6.1. Export of tables
6.1.1. Use SELECT…INTO OUTFILE Export text file
stay MySQL in , have access to SELECT…INTO OUTFILE Statement to export the contents of the table into a text file .
give an example : Use SELECT…INTO OUTFILE take TRANTEST In the database student Export the records in the table to a text file .
(1) Select database TRANTEST, And query student surface , The results are shown below .
SELECT * FROM student;
(2)mysql There are permission restrictions on the exported directory by default , That is, when using the command line for export , You need to specify a directory to operate .
Inquire about secure_file_priv value :
show global variables like '%secure%';
(3) The results above show ,secure_file_priv The value of the variable is /var/lib/mysql-files/, Set the export directory to this directory ,SQL The statement is as follows .
SELECT * FROM student INTO OUTFILE "/var/lib/mysql-files/student.txt";
(4) see /var/lib/mysql-files/account.txt` file .
cd /var/lib/mysql-files/
vim student.txt
6.1.2. Use mysqldump Command to export a text file
First, the previously generated student.txt Delete
# Delete student.txt
rm -rf student.txt
# View the files in this directory
give an example 1: Use mysqldump Command will TRANTEST In the database student Export the records in the table to a text file :
mysqldump -uroot -p -T "/var/lib/mysql-files" TRANTEST student
mysqldump After the command is executed , In the specified directory /var/lib/mysql-files/ Now I have student.sql and student.txt file .
open student.sql file , Its content includes creating student Tabular CREATE sentence .
open student.txt file , Its content only includes student Table data .
give an example 2: Use mysqldump take atguigu In the database account Export table to text file , Use FIELDS Options , Commas are required between fields “,” interval , All character type field values are enclosed in double quotes :
First, the previously generated student.txt and student.sql Delete
# Delete student.txt
rm -rf student.txt
# Delete student.sql
rm -rf student.sql
# View the files in this directory
mysqldump -uroot -p -T "/var/lib/mysql-files/" TRANTEST student --fields-terminated-by=',' --fields-optionally-enclosed-by='\"'
sentence mysqldump After the statement is executed successfully , Two files will appear in the specified directory student .sql and student .txt.
open student .sql file , Its content includes creating student Tabular CREATE sentence .( Same as before )
open student .txt file , Its content includes creating account The data table . As can be seen from the document , Fields are separated by commas , The value of the character type is enclosed in double quotes .
6.1.3. Use mysql Command to export a text file
give an example 1: Use mysql Statement export TRANTEST In the data student Record in table to text file :
mysql -uroot -p --execute="SELECT * FROM student;" TRANTEST > "/var/lib/mysql-files/student.txt"
give an example 2: take atguigu database account Export the records in the table to a text file , Use –veritcal Parameter displays the condition record in multiple lines :
mysql -uroot -p --vertical --execute="SELECT * FROM student;" TRANTEST >"/var/lib/mysql-files/student.txt"
open student.txt file , Its content includes creating student The data table .
give an example 3: take TRANTEST database student The records in the table are exported to xml file , Use –xml Parameters , The specific sentences are as follows .
mysql -uroot -p --xml --execute="SELECT * FROM student;" TRANTEST >"/var/lib/mysql-files/student.xml"
explain : If you want to export table data to html In file , have access to --html Options . Then you can use your browser to open .
6.2. Table import
6.2.1. Use LOAD DATA INFILE To import a text file
give an example 1:
Use SELECT…INTO OUTFILE take TRANTEST In the database student Export the records of the table to a text file
SELECT * FROM TRANTEST.student INTO OUTFILE '/var/lib/mysql-files/student.txt';
Delete student Table data :
From a text file account.txt Recovering data in :
LOAD DATA INFILE '/var/lib/mysql-files/student.txt' INTO TABLE TRANTEST.student;
Inquire about student Table data :
select * from student;
give an example 2: Select database TRANTEST, Use SELECT…INTO OUTFILE take TRANTEST database student Export the records in the table to a text file , Use FIELDS Options and LINES Options , Commas are required between fields "," interval , All field values are enclosed in double quotes :
SELECT * FROM TRANTEST.student INTO OUTFILE '/var/lib/mysql-files/student.txt' FIELDS
Delete student Table data :
from /var/lib/mysql-files/student.txt Import data to student In the table :
LOAD DATA INFILE '/var/lib/mysql-files/student.txt' INTO TABLE TRANTEST.student FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '\"';
Inquire about student Table data , Specifically SQL as follows :
select * from student;
6.2.2. Use mysqlimport To import a text file
give an example :
export file student.txt, Use commas between fields "," interval , The field values are enclosed in double quotes :
SELECT * FROM TRANTEST.student INTO OUTFILE '/var/lib/mysql-files/student.txt' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '\"';
Delete student Table data :
Use mysqlimport The order will student.txt Import the contents of the file into the database TRANTEST Of student In the table :
mysqlimport -uroot -p TRANTEST '/var/lib/mysql-files/student.txt' --fields-terminated-by=',' --fields-optionally-enclosed-by='\"'
Inquire about account Table data :
select * from student;
7、 ... and . Database migration
7.1. summary
Data migration (data migration) It's about choice 、 Get ready 、 Extract and transform data , The process of transferring data permanently from one computer storage system to another . Besides , Verify the integrity of the migrated data and Decommission the old data storage , It's also considered part of the whole data migration process .
The reasons for database migration are diverse , Including server or storage device replacement 、 Maintain or upgrade , Application migration , Website integration , Disaster recovery and data center migration .
Different migration schemes may be adopted according to different requirements , But on the whole ,MySQL Data migration schemes can be roughly divided into Physical migration and Logical migration Two types of . Usually as far as possible automation By , So as to liberate human resources from tedious tasks .
7.2. Migration plan
- Physical migration
Physical migration is suitable for the overall migration of large amount of data . The advantage of using the physical migration scheme is that it is relatively fast , But it needs to be down for migration and it requires MySQL The version and configuration must be the same as the original server , It can also cause unknown problems .
Physical migration includes copying data files and using XtraBackup There are two backup tools .
Physical migration can be used between the same server , We can install the same version of database software on the new server , Create the same directory , It is suggested that the configuration file should be the same as the original database , Then copy the data file and log file from the original database , Configure file group permissions , Then use it on the new server side mysqld Command start database . - Logical migration
Logical transfer is more applicable , Whether it's Partial migration still Full migration , You can use logical migration . The most commonly used method in logical migration is through mysqldump And other backup tools .
7.3. Pay attention to migration
7.3.1. Precautions for migrating between databases of the same version
It refers to those with the same major version number MySQL Move databases between databases .
The way 1: Because before and after migration MySQL Database The main version number is the same , Therefore, database migration can be realized by copying the database directory , But physical migration is only applicable to MyISAM The engine's table . about InnoDB surface , The database cannot be backed up by directly copying files .
The way 2: The most common and safest way is to use mysqldump command Derived data , Then use... In the target database server MySQL Command import .
give an example :
#host1 Back up all databases in your machine , And migrate the database to a database named host2 On the machine
mysqldump –h host1 –uroot –p –-all-databases|
mysql –h host2 –uroot –p
In the above statement ,“|” The symbol represents the pipe , Its function is to mysqldump Backup files to mysql command ;“–all-databases” Indicates that you want to migrate all databases . In this way, the migration can be realized directly .
7.3.2. Precautions for migration between different versions of databases
for example , It turns out that many servers use 5.7 Version of MySQL database , stay 8.0 After the version is pushed out , Improved 5.7 Many defects of the version , Therefore, the database needs to be upgraded to 8.0 edition .
Between the old version and the new version MySQL Different default character sets may be used , For example, some old versions use latin1 As default character set , And the latest version of MySQL The default character set is utf8mb4. If there is Chinese data in the database , In the process of migration, we need to Modify the default character set , Otherwise, the data may not be displayed normally .
The high version of the MySQL Databases usually Compatible with lower versions , Therefore, it can be from the lower version of MySQL Migrate the database to a higher version MySQL database .
7.3.3. Precautions for migration between different databases
Migration between different databases refers to the migration from other types of databases to MySQL database , Or from MySQL Database migration to other types of databases . There is no universal solution to this migration .
Before moving , You need to understand the architecture of different databases , Compare the differences between them . Defining the same type of data in different databases Keywords may be different . for example ,MySQL The date field in is divided into DATE and TIME Two kinds of , and ORACLE The date field is only DATE;SQL Server It's in the database ntext、Image And so on ,MySQL The database does not have these data types ;MySQL Supported by ENUM and SET type , these SQL Server Database does not support .
in addition , The database vendor did not fully comply with SQL Standard to design database system , Lead to different database systems SQL sentence There are differences . for example , Microsoft SQL Server The software uses T-SQL sentence ,T-SQL It contains non-standard SQL sentence , Unable to join MySQL Of SQL Statement compatibility .
The differences between different types of databases cause mutual The difficulty of migration , These differences are actually technical barriers deliberately created by commercial companies . But the migration between different types of databases is not It's not totally impossible . for example , have access to MyODBC Realization MySQL and SQL Server Migration between .MySQL Official tools MySQL Migration Toolkit You can also migrate data between different data .MySQL Migrate to Oracle when , Need to use mysqldump Command export sql file , then , Manually change sql In the document CREATE sentence .
7.4. Migration summary
8、 ... and . Delete database processing
8.1. delete: Delete lines by mistake
- It's safer to recover data , yes Restore a backup , Or find a slave library as Temporary storage , Perform these operations on this temporary Library , Then we will confirm the data of the temporary database , Restore to the main library . If you modify the main library directly , This may result in a of data Secondary destruction .
- Of course , Aiming at the problem of preventing erroneous deletion of data , Recommendations are as follows :
- hold sql_safe_updates Parameter set to on . thus , If we forget to be in delete perhaps update Write in statement where Conditions , perhaps where If there is no index field in the condition , The execution of this statement will report an error .
- If you are sure to delete all the data in a small table , In setting up the sql_safe_updates=on Under the circumstances , Can be in delete Add to statement where Conditions , such as where id>=0.
- Before the code goes online , Must go through SQL Audit .
8.2. truncate/drop : Erasure Library / surface
programme :
In this case , To recover data , You need to use Full volume backup , Add Incremental log The way of the . This solution requires regular full backup online , And back up in real time binlog.
In the case of both conditions , If someone is at noon 12 I deleted a library by mistake , The process of data recovery is as follows :
- Take the most recent Full volume backup , Let's say that this library is available once a day , The last backup was the same day In the morning 2 spot ;
- Restore a with a backup Temporary storage ;
- From the log backup , Take it out in the morning 2 Post order log ;
- Put these logs , Except for the statement of deleting data by mistake , All applied to temporary storage .
8.3. Delay copying the standby database
If there is Very central The business of , Too long recovery time is not allowed , Consider setting up a standby database for delayed replication . The problem with the general primary and secondary replication structure is , If a table in the main database is deleted by mistake , This command will soon be sent to all slaves , In turn, all the data tables from the database are deleted by mistake .
A delayed replication standby is a special kind of standby , adopt CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_DELAY = N command , You can specify that the standby database keep the same as the primary database N Second delay . For example, you put N Set to 3600, This means that if there is data deleted by mistake on the main database , And in 1 This misoperation order was found within hours , This command has not been executed in the standby database for delayed replication . At this time, execute on this standby database stop slave, And then through the methods introduced before , Skip misoperation command , You can recover the data you need .
8.4. Prevent deleting database by mistake / The method of table
- Account separation . The purpose of this is , Avoid writing wrong orders . such as :
- Only for business development students DML jurisdiction , But not to truncate/drop jurisdiction . And if business developers have DDL If you need it , It can be supported by developing a management system .
- Even if it's DBA Team members , It is also stipulated that only Read only account , Only use the account with update permission when necessary .
- Set up operation specifications . such as :
- Before deleting the data table , Must first Change the name of the watch operation . then , Observe for a while , Make sure there is no impact on the business before deleting this table .
- When changing the name of the watch , A fixed suffix is required for the table name ( For example, add _to_be_deleted ), Then the action of deleting the table must be performed through the management system . also , When the management system deletes a table , Only tables with fixed suffixes can be deleted .
8.5. rm: False deletion MySQL example
For a MySQL For clusters , Never mind rm Delete data 了 . Just delete the data of one of the nodes ,HA The system will start working , Choose a new main library , So as to ensure the normal operation of the whole cluster . All we have to do is recover the data on this node , Then connect to the whole cluster .
Nine . appendix :MySQL Common commands
9.1. mysql
The mysql Don't mean mysql service , But to mysql Client tools .
grammar :
mysql [options] [database]
9.1.1. Connection options
# Parameters :
-u, --user=name Specify user name
-p, --password[=name] Specified password
-h, --host=name Specify the server IP Or domain name
-P, --port=# Specify the connection port
# Example :
mysql -h -P 3306 -u root -p
mysql -h127.0.0.1 -P3306 -uroot -p password
9.1.2. Execution Options
-e, --execute=name perform SQL Statement and exit
This option is available in Mysql Client execution SQL sentence , Instead of connecting to MySQL The database then executes , For some batch scripts , This is especially convenient .
# Example :
mysql -uroot -p TRANTEST -e "select * from student";
9.2. mysqladmin
mysqladmin Is a client program that performs administrative operations . It can be used to check the configuration and current state of the server 、 Create and delete databases, etc .
Can pass : mysqladmin --help Command to view help documents
# Example :
mysqladmin -uroot -p create 'test01';
mysqladmin -uroot -p drop 'test01';
mysqladmin -uroot -p version;
9.3. mysqlbinlog
Because the binary log file generated by the server is saved in binary format , So if you want to check the text format of these texts , Will be used to mysqlbinlog Log management tools .
grammar :
mysqlbinlog [options] log-files1 log-files2 ...
# Options :
-d, --database=name : Specify database name , Only the specified database related operations are listed .
-o, --offset=# : Ignore the previous in the log n Line command .
-r,--result-file=name : Output the output text format log to the specified file .
-s, --short-form : Show simple format , Omit some information .
--start-datatime=date1 --stop-datetime=date2 : All logs within the specified date interval .
--start-position=pos1 --stop-position=pos2 : All logs within the specified location interval .
9.4. mysqldump
mysqldump Client tools are used to back up databases or migrate data between different databases . The backup includes creating tables , And insert the SQL sentence .
grammar :
mysqldump [options] db_name [tables]
mysqldump [options] --database/-B db1 [db2 db3...]
mysqldump [options] --all-databases/-A
9.4.1. Connection options
# Parameters :
-u, --user=name Specify user name
-p, --password[=name] Specified password
-h, --host=name Specify the server IP Or domain name
-P, --port=# Specify the connection port
9.4.2. Output content options
# Parameters :
--add-drop-database Add... Before each database creation statement Drop database sentence
--add-drop-table Add... Before each table creation statement Drop table sentence , Default on ; Don't open (--
-n, --no-create-db Do not include database creation statements
-t, --no-create-info Create statement without data table
-d --no-data No data
-T, --tab=name Automatically generate two files : One .sql file , Statement to create a table structure ;
One .txt file , Data files , amount to select into outfile
# Example :
mysqldump -uroot -p db01 tb_book --add-drop-database --add-drop-table > a
mysqldump -uroot -p -T /tmp test city
9.5. mysqlimport/source
mysqlimport Is the client data import tool , Used to import mysqldump Add -T The text file exported after the parameter .
grammar :
mysqlimport [options] db_name textfile1 [textfile2...]
Example :
mysqlimport -uroot -p test /tmp/city.txt
If you need to import sql file , have access to mysql Medium source Instructions :
source /root/tb_book.sql
9.6. mysqlshow
mysqlshow Client object finder , Used to quickly find which databases exist 、 Tables in the database 、 A column or index in a table .
grammar :
mysqlshow [options] [db_name [table_name [col_name]]]
Parameters :
--count Display statistics of databases and tables ( database , surface You can not specify )
-i Display the status information of the specified database or table
Example :
# Query the number of tables in each database and the number of records in the table
mysqlshow -uroot -p --count
# Inquire about test The fields in each table in the library , And the number of lines
mysqlshow -uroot -p TRANTEST --count
# Inquire about TRANTEST In the library student Details of the table
mysqlshow -uroot -p TRANTEST student --count
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