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Penetration test information collection - WAF identification

2022-07-06 18:35:00 Aspirin. two thousand and two

waf distinguish


Web Application protection system ( Also known as : Website application level intrusion prevention system . english :Web Application Firewall, abbreviation : WAF). Use an internationally accepted saying :Web The application firewall is designed by performing a series of actions against HTTP/HTTPS The security policy for Web An application that provides protection

WAF Difference from network firewall

Network firewall as access control device , The main work is OSI Model three 、 four layers , be based on IP Message detection . Just limit the port , Yes TCP The agreement is blocked . Its product design does not need to be understood HTTP conversation , It also determines that you can't understand Web Application languages such as HTML、SQL Language . therefore , It's impossible HTTP Communication for input verification or attack rule analysis . in the light of Web Malicious attacks on websites Most of them will be encapsulated as HTTP request , from 80 or 443 The port successfully passed the firewall detection .

waf species

  • Hardware equipment ( Green League 、 Venus 、 Anheng 、 Know Chuangyu 、 Tianrongxin, etc )
  • Software products ( Safe dog 、 Cloud lock 、D Shield, etc )
  • Cloud based WAF( Alibaba cloud 、 Anheng 、 Know Chuangyu )

waf distinguish

  • wafwoof—https://github.com/EnableSecurity/wafw00f

  • see X-Powered-By: WAF Parameters

Tool use

 The target site :https://www.safedog.cn/

 Under folder `python main.py https://www.safedog.cn/

Know that the site uses waf after , It can be judged that the manufacturer is trying to bypass , And know that the site exists waf after , Pay attention when using scanning tools , Easy to ban ip


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