2022-07-02 09:43:00 【处女座程序员的朋友】
撰文 | 丁玖(美国南密西西比大学数学系教授)
首先我指出,英文写作与中文写作的基本原理是一样的,即:要想说好某件事,一定要有某事说。这被美国已故的数学写作与演讲大家哈尔莫斯(Paul Halmos)列为“写作第一原则”:In order to say something well you must have something to say. 他心目中的“写作第二原则”是:当你决定写作时,问问自己预期读者是谁(When you decide to write something, ask yourself who it is that you want to reach.)。每一个写作者,包括数学家们,都要牢记这两项基本原则。
标题(title)是用最少的文字表达文章的主要内容,它应该简洁、具体,并且要直接明了。一个佳例是我博士导师李天岩教授三十岁时与他的博士论文导师约克(James Yorke) 教授于1975年12月在《美国数学月刊》(American Mathematical Monthly)上发表的论文Period Three Implies Chaos。虽然文章的定理给出的是在比“周期三点存在”更加一般的假设下,逐次迭代一个连续函数的惊人结论,但“周期三点存在”这个特殊假设使得只有四个单词的标题成为可能,而且该题目概括了文章的主要贡献——此文在数学上首次引进“混沌”的数学术语。笔者参与写作的关于一类新分形的一篇文章,标题就是直截了当的分形名字:Sierpiński Pedal Triangles,读者看了马上一目了然。另外一些科学名篇的简洁标题包括“混沌之父”洛伦兹(Edward Lorenz)的“Deterministic Nonperiodic Flow”。
由于文章标题特别重要,它需要作者费点心思推敲确定。香港城市大学电子工程系的陈关荣教授在一次关于科技写作的演讲中,举了自己与弟子合作的一篇短论文作为例子,谈论怎样修改标题。这篇后来被广泛引用的文章,初稿完成后的标题是“A New Chaotic Attractor Connecting the Lorenz Attractor and the Chen Attractor”。在文章修改过程中,作者仔细斟酌了标题,发现它虽然表达清楚,但有不简洁的缺点,例如单词“attractor”出现了三次。最终,他们将它改成了既精炼又醒目的短标题A New Chaotic Attractor Coined。
文章标题最好不要太笼统,而要具体,少用那些范围太广的学术名词,切忌写成像个书名,如Numerical Analysis for Fluid Dynamics。在某些场合,疑问式的标题容易抓住读者的眼球,如“分形之父”曼德博(Benoit Mandelbrot)的开创性论文How Long Is the Coast of Britain?总而言之,文章标题将给读者留下关于该文的第一印象,如果它不是那么引人入胜的话,潜在的读者可能不会继续浏览文章的摘要进而阅读全文。
摘要(abstract)是关于文章主要结果的一段或几段文字概括。它是读者的领路人,基本要求是短而精,并能提供文章的关键信息。为了让更多的人读之,应该写得让作者所在专业小领域的“母体”领域大同行也能不费力气地看懂。技术上,它应该避免使用数学符号和公式,最好从头到尾用叙述性文字,让读者觉得就像在林中散步时听老朋友聊天一样。摘要通常写在文章初稿完成后,这时,不应该照抄文章引言或结论两节中的有关句子。要重新构思,尽管表达与文章有关部分同样的意思,也要使用不同的语词表达,免得读者有“似曾相识”之感。另外,可有可无的词和句子尽量不用或少用,如“In this paper”。
纯粹数学文章的摘要一般短于应用数学和计算数学,篇幅比较短的文章摘要甚至一句话就能全面概括文章贡献,如Lasota和Yorke一篇1973年发表的现代遍历理论经典论文的摘要是“A class of piecewise continuous, piecewise C1 transformations on the interval [0, 1] is shown to have absolutely continuous invariant measures.”
文章的引言写好后常需修改,而主要修改之处往往导致“瘦身”,因为叙述啰嗦以及多此一举是写作中常有的毛病,容易让第一节变得“虚胖”。再版过一本数学写作手册的一位英国皇家学会会士说过:“改进引言的一个可行方法是删去第一句或前几句,因其常为无关紧要的泛泛而谈。”他举了一个佳例:Polynomials are widely used as approximating functions in many areas of mathematics and they can be expressed in various bases. We consider here how to choose the basis to minimize the error of evaluation in floating point arithmetic. 这两句话中的第一句是人人知道的简单事实,不必再提。因此他将两句缩成一句,并且是让人思考的疑问句:In which basis should we express a polynomial to minimize the error of evaluation in floating point arithmetic? 因此,我们只要记住“可写可不写的句子就不要写”的这个简单法则,就能去掉引言中的那些“多余的话”。
主体(main body)是文章的主要部分,它由引言和结论一前一后两节之间的所有小节构成。这几节的写法百花齐放,各有各的特色。一般第一节引入所需的新老概念、术语定义以及预备知识或有用命题;对于计算数学和应用数学分支,它也含有需要数值求解的连续方程,包括微分或积分方程,或算子方程。对纯粹数学而言,下面的各节就要叙述作者新发现的定理,通常做法是将定理的证明也一并带上。对于复杂的定理证明,也可以另设一节,专事证明。也有少数篇幅较大的文章将证明放到文章主体的最后甚至更后的附录中。对于应用数学和计算数学,这里是数值方法设计和分析的场所,包括关于算法收敛性的理论证明,加上计算试验的数值列表画图。
主体部分包含许多数学公式,有的因为后面用到而需要标号。记住一个原则:尽量少用标号。后面不需要的公式就不要标号。如果某个公式仅在下一行或几行处提到,也不必标号,可以用像“the above equality”类似的词组指出该公式而不会引起误解。
结论(conclusions)通常是文章的最后一节,它的功能就是关于文章内容的“总结性发言”,阐述本文的主要贡献,使得读者在读完文章主体后有个全面的回顾。这时作者可以展望未来,就相关的研究提出设想。理想的结论节除了不重复引言中的句子外,还要具备让读者有余音绕梁之感或意犹未尽之慨,会引发他们对未决问题的思考,甚而心中涌起跃跃欲试的冲动。与引言不一样的是,当在结论节总结文章的主要工作时,常常用过去式时态来叙述,例如The main contribution of the paper is that we proved an existence theorem for the class of piecewise convex transformations of the unit interval.
一些人写到结论节的标题时只写单数,不加表示复数的“s”,这是不太规范的。按照约定俗成的做法,这一节的标题是“Conclusions”,如果不用其他词组如“Concluding Remarks”的话。
参考文献(references)中堆放的是与文章内容有关并且被正文引用的那些论文和书籍。它看上去可以不费吹灰之力地完成,但实际上是最容易出错的地方。最大的错误可能是格式不统一,即不同参考文献的写法各异。原因可能是作者不分青红皂白地将别人文章中的对应条目全盘照搬,而忘了不同杂志对参考文献的写法格式或有细微差别。其他错误包括作者的姓和名次序不一致、杂志名称的全名和缩写前后混用、属于同一范畴的词组字体不一样、上下不按照第一作者英文姓的首字母次序排列等。参考文献应尽可能地放上原始论文,除非信息缺乏而迫不得已改列间接出处,如一本书。当然教科书中的经典结果无需列出最早的出处,只要给出含有它们的著作即可。还有一个需要注意的事项是:文章中被引用的全部论文或图书必须与参考文献中的所有条目一一对应。作者应该记住,与文章没有关系的文献一条也不应该列。极端的例子属于柯尔莫哥洛夫(Andrey Kolmogorov),他有约15篇论文没有参考文献,因为它们都是真正开创性的工作。另一方面,对文章研究成果出过力的任何文献,作者都应该列出,缺一不可。
许多文章的最后有致谢部分,感谢对文章有贡献但未署名的人和/或研究基金。有的文章在投稿过程中,某个认真负责的审稿人对改进文章的数学或语言有不可忽视的帮助,这时作者最好表示感谢这位匿名者。致谢部分应该写得简洁,比如I would like to thank可以缩短为I thank。
下面我略谈一下文章写作的基本材料——单词和词组。虽然科技写作不像文学创作那样追求想象力和抒情,但有一点是共同的,就是避免重复用词。这就要求作者拥有比较大的词汇量,在表达相同或相似的意思时可以选取不同的单词来表达。我和汤涛教授合著的工具书《数学之英文写作》中,有一章列出了数学不同学科的基本词汇表,以及表达相同或相反意思的英文单词和词组。为了提高英文写作的能力和用词的灵活性,就要经常从本专业欧美作品中吸取营养。比如说,养成习惯定期浏览美国数学会网站www.ams.org中会员通俗杂志Notices of the American Mathematical Society上的综述文章甚至新闻简报。我于1986年去美国读博士的那几年,作为系里提名的美国数学会学生会员,每期收到这个内容丰富的杂志后,我都要浏览一番,好的文章细读,而不是像有的人那样将它摔在一边,不闻不问。读这类杂志的好处多多,不仅可以了解其他领域的一些行情,而且从那些优美的写作中学会怎样写数学文章,还可以更进一步从那些数学家(如陈省身教授)的访谈中,了解他们成长的心路历程和有趣故事。我自己的英文写作能力除了我以前打下的中文写作基础,就主要得益于对英文杂志这样的大量阅读。
国内学者英文写作中的一个普遍问题是关于冠词以及可数名词单数或复数的用法上。一般来说,当第一次写到某个可数名词时,比方说在定义一个术语的时候,我们可将此名词或词组写成前面有不定冠词的单数形式,如Let V be a vector space或For an orthonormal basis,或写成复数形式,如Generalizations of the above lemma appear in various articles。但是当所述名词带有限定语的时候,常常需要写成前置定冠词的单数形式,如Let B(H) be the algebra of all bounded linear operators on a complex Hilbert space H. 一个学科的名称,如algebra(代数),属于不可数名词,所以我们这样写:from Banach’s Lemma in functional analysis,而不写in the functional analysis。然而有了一个具体对象后,就要用定冠词了,如The first part of the book is on the functional analysis of Frobenius-Perron operators and the second one is devoted to the numerical analysis of the operator. 当一个名词第一次以复数形式出现时,一般不用定冠词,除非名词前有限定性定语,如teaching for sciences及teaching for the computational sciences。当一个对象存在但不是唯一时,通常用不定冠词或复数,而当这个对象很快再被提及时,就可以用定冠词了,此时the有着“这个 (this) ”或“那个 (that) 的意思。兹举一例:
Suppose a smooth function has a critical point. If the second derivative of the function at the critical point is positive, then it is a relative minimum of the function.
抽象名词因为不可数,当然不能用不定冠词,如果非用不可,就需要某种“量词”放在它的后头。例如,我们不能写This is a wonderful news,而是要写成This is wonderful news或者This is a piece of wonderful news.
还有几个与定冠词有关的写法:(i)当指一样东西时,例如某个公式,可以有两种途径。一种是用the,另一种就省去它。因此from the inequality (5)和from inequality (5)都是正确的写法。但如果不列出公式标号,光写from inequality就不对,因为这里读者不知道指的是哪个公式,这时可根据上下文写成如from the above inequality。(ii)当写以某人名字命名的命题时,可以用所有格形式或在人名前加上the,例如by Li-Yorke’s theorem或by the Li-Yorke theorem,但不能写by the Li-Yorke’s theorem。(iii)一些形容词当名词使用时,一般加the,如From the above和the more, the better。单词next常用the,如the next theorem,但也有不加the的时候,如We come back to this topic next time.
英文数学文章常用以Let或Suppose等特殊动词开头的祈使句,尤其在命题叙述的开头部分。这时它的结尾应为句号,即点号,所以Suppose the inequality is satisfied, then the conclusion is valid. 应该改为Suppose the inequality is satisfied. Then the conclusion is valid. 祈使句也可以换成分句的形式,如Denote the matrix by M. We find that可以写成Denoting the matrix by M, we find that。前者是两个句子,而后者是带有现在分词结构的一个句子。
连词and的用法也值得注意。几个并列的事物或句子之间用逗号隔开,并在最后一个对象前加上and,这个and之前一般加上最后一个逗号或不加,如If the first function is continuous, the second function is differentiable, and the last function is monotonic或同样正确的If the first function is continuous, the second function is differentiable and the last function is monotonic。自然连接两个对象时,逗号就不需要了,如See the paper by Zhang and Zhu,而不是See the paper by Zhang, and Zhu。
一些作者,可能由于没有时间养成习惯阅读好文章,或没有注意到英文中那些拉丁语“小词”的正确写法,容易在词语写作上出错,尤其是那种不易感知的“小错”。无论“大错”还是“小错”,在严谨的写作者眼里都是错误。比如说,我在国内学者的文章中见过正确的拉丁文“et al.”(意指“等等人”)的每一种错误的写法:et al,et. al.,et. al。因此只有下面的写法是对的:The book by Carson et al. is regarded as the authoritative text on the topic。列出多于一人时,可以这样写:The article by Jones, Perez, et al. is well-known, but the one by Jones, Lee, et al. has been more widely cited。注意etc.指的是“等等事物”,不可与et al. 混用。
后面带有点号的拉丁语词或英语缩写,当它出现在句子的最后时,一般省去表示句子结束的点号以免重复,如We refer the reader to the work of Li et al. 对于“i.e.”(即)和“e.g.”(例如),它们的前后通常加上逗号,如The claim is thus proved, i.e., the function is the difference of two increasing ones和See, e.g., the monograph [4] for more details.
在数学文章里,应该避免将数学符号写在句子的开头,并且在两个数学表达式之间放上至少一个英文词。例如,句子h is an increasing function 可以改写为The function h is increasing,句子From formula (1) , x = 1, g(s) < 0 for some s可以写成From formula (1) we have x = 1 and g(s) < 0 for some s或We have x = 1 from formula (1). The inequality g(s) < 0 is valid for some s。
1. The total methods of accomplishing the task is这里主语methods是复数,而谓语is却是单数,并且total 与methods搭配不当。改为The total number of the methods of accomplishing the task is。
2. The product of consecutive m positive integers is divisible by m!. 这里虽然没有语法问题,但将表示数量的字母m写在形容词consecutive的后面是不规范的,所以改为The product of m consecutive integers is divisible by m!.
3. For each positive integer k, clearly know that there are (n-k)3 sequences containing exactly k zeros. 这句的毛病是缺乏主语。与汉语可以省去主语不同,英语的主语一般不能少,除非是祈使句。所以该句改为For each positive integer k, we clearly know that there are (n-k)3 sequences containing exactly k zeros.
4. n boys and n girls sit in a circle, so that no two boys are next to each other, so do the girls. 首先句子以数目字母n开始,其次两个so既重复又意思不一样,最后少了一个and。改写为Suppose n boys and n girls sit in a circle such that no two boys are next to each other and so do the girls.
5. For any subset A of X that has odd elements这里作者的意思是A的元素个数是个奇数,但表达不好。改为For any subset A of X that has an odd number of elements。
6. Summing over i = 0, 1, …, n, there are n3 selections. 这里Summing的主语应该是人,所以改成Summing over i = 0, 1, …, n, we see that there are n3 selections.
7. Combining the results of the above two kinds of counting, the identity is proved. 现在分词Combing的主语是人,所以后面的被动语态应为主动语态。改为Combining the results of the above two kinds of counting, we have proved the identity.
8. If a > 0, suppose b > a2, then (a, b) is a solution. 在“if … then”带有条件状语的句型中再插入“suppose”子句,反而使整个句子复杂化了。可以改为If a > 0 and b > a2, then (a, b) is a solution. 也可以写成Let a > 0. Suppose b > a2. Then (a, b) is a solution. 或Let a > 0 and b > a2. Then (a, b) is a solution.
9. Let k = r – x, it can be seen that k satisfies (1). 这里祈使句后面的逗号应为句号,而且可以少写几个词。改为简洁的Let k = r – x. Then k satisfies (1).
10. For another two solutions, see Example 3. 单词another后面只能是单数名词,单词other 后面单数复数都可以用,如the other person或other people。改为For other two solutions, see Example 3.
11. There exist x, x’ in X, x > x’. 数学表达式之间最好有英文单词将它们隔开。改为There exist x and x’ in X with x > x’. 或There exist x and x’ in X such that x > x’.
12. There is a recurrence relation of the first order linear nonhomogeneous with constant coefficients. 这里nonhomogeneous是形容词,应该放在名词词组recurrence relation之前,所以改成There is a first order linear nonhomogeneous recurrence relation with constant coefficients.
13. Let g(n, k) denote the number of k ordered subsets satisfying the empty intersection property of the n-element set S. 在本句里,这些k 个subsets是集合S的子集,所以要将第二个of及后面的部分移到satisfying前面,这样方便读者理解。修改为Let g(n, k) denote the number of k ordered subsets of the n-element set S satisfying the empty intersection property.
14. We construct an n-digit number such that all of the digits 1, 2 and 3 in the n-digit number appear at least once. 在一个句子中,谓语应该尽量靠近主语,所以appear最好放到状语in the n-digit number 前面。可以改成 We construct an n-digit number such that all of the digits 1, 2 and 3 appear at least once in the n-digit number. 如果避免重复写n-digit number,可用代词it代替第二个n-digit number而不必后移,所以本句也可以写成We construct an n-digit number such that all of the digits 1, 2 and 3 in it appear at least once.
15. Let S be a finite set, |S| = n, and k be a positive integer. 这里两个逗号使得阅读起来不太流畅,仅用一个介词with就可以去掉它们。改为Let S be a finite set with |S| = n and k be a positive integer.
16. If |x – y| = d holds, then we say x, y have property P. 句子中的等号可以构成条件从句中主语|x – y|的谓语,所以去掉作为主语|x – y| = d的谓语holds后,从句更简洁。此外x和y之间的逗号可以用and代替。正式写作中,宾语从句前要加上that。可改为If |x – y| = d, then we say that x and y have property P.
17. Directly using the formula in Theorem 1, note c is nonzero, so the inequality is true. 这里现在分词结构和祈使句合用而没用连词,不合语法规则。改为Directly using the formula in Theorem 1 and noting that c is nonzero, we see that the inequality is true. 或Directly use the formula in Theorem 1 and note that c is nonzero. So the inequality is true.
18. Let k be a positive integer, k < n. 逗号不能用于祈使句,除非后面跟着多于一个的并列句子。改为Let k be a positive integer and k < n. 或 Let k be a positive integer such that k < n.
19. Easily know that the sum in the above equals 10. 这是正确的中文对应表达“易知上述和等于10”错误影响英文表达的结果。记住,除了祈使句,英文句子必须有主语。改成Easily we know that the sum in the above equals 10. 或We easily know that the sum in the above equals 10.
20. There are at least αm 1 in each of the first r columns. 这里数字1是计数的对象,所以数量αm后面要跟numbers of. 改写为There are at least αm numbers of 1 in each of the first r columns.
21. It can be seen that this number is ≤ 6. 除非在完整的不等式中,这里的不等式符号≤最好改成英文词组。重写为It can be seen that this number is less than or equal to 6.
22. From the known conditions, we can see that such numbers contain 11. 三个词的we can see不如两个词的we see简洁,而且意思基本不变。修改成From the known conditions, we see that such numbers contain 11.
23. n lines are placed in the plane, where there are no two lines are parallel. 句子应以单词开头,第一次提到平面时应用不定冠词,从句中出现了两个谓语。改正后的句子是There are n lines that are placed in a plane, where no two lines are parallel.
24. Then t obviously exactly divides the left side of (2). 两个副词挤在一起,仅仅第二个修饰动词divides,可以把第一个动词移到t之前。改写成Then obviously t exactly divides the left side of (2).
25. Then any common divisor of a and b is the divisor of their greatest common divisor. 因为一个整数的因子不一定是唯一的,所以不应该用定冠词,而应该用不定冠词。改为Then any common divisor of a and b is a divisor of their greatest common divisor.
26. If both sides of (3) are integrated over the interval, obtain the desired equality, which is the direct deduction of (2). 条件句一般具有固定格式“if…, then…”,谓语前要有主语,deduction用在这里意思不吻合,改为 可数名词consequence。句子改为If both sides of (3) are integrated over the interval, then we obtain the desired equality, which is a direct consequence of (2).
27. From (a, b) = 1, we can know that there exist integers m and n such that am + bn = 1. 不用多余的词是写作的一个基本原则。这里we can know可以删去。改为From (a, b) = 1, there exist integers m and n such that am + bn = 1.
28. Let (a1, …, an) be (finite) nonzero integers. 这n个整数不必用括号括起,并且单词finite多余,因为已知给出的是有限个数。改为Let a1, …, an be nonzero integers.
29. In addition, if take a = 5, then there is b = 25. 条件从句无主语,另外there is多余。改成In addition, if we take a = 5, then b = 25. 其他正确的写法包括In addition, taking a = 5, we obtain b = 25.及In addition, if taking a = 5, then b = 25.
30. Note that 0 < k < n, n|k-1(n-1)! is not always true. 这里两个数学表达式紧紧相连不太好看,可以这样分开:Note that n|k-1(n-1)! is not always true for 0 < k < n. 或者用英文将表达式隔开,写成Note that 0 < k < n, and so n|k-1(n-1)! is not always true.
31. Therefore, when m > n, f(m) < f(n). 与上同理,改成Therefore, f(m) < f(n) when m > n. 或写成Therefore, if m > n, then f(m) < f(n).
32. Let Fk = 2k + 1, k > 0. For m > n, (Fm, Fn) = 1. 同理改为Let Fk = 2k + 1 with k > 0. For m > n, we have (Fm, Fn) = 1. 或Let Fk、 = 2k + 1 for k > 0. If m > n, then (Fm, Fn) = 1. 或Let Fk = 2k + 1 with k > 0. We see that (Fm, Fn) = 1for m > n.
33. Then from the above equation, we get d|n. 可以去掉无特别意思的we get。改为Then d|n from the above equation.
34. Prime number is the most component subset of natural number set. 这里第一次提到素数,根据上下文,应用复数。词组most component意思不清,可以删去。此外所有自然数的集合是一个确定的对象,应用定冠词。改为Prime numbers constitute a subset of the natural number set.
35. There are only a limited number of nonzero terms in the sum. 这里指的是有限个非零数,应用finite 或finitely many。改为There is only a finite number of nonzero terms in the sum. 或There are only finitely many nonzero terms in the sum.
36. Let a and m be integers greater than 1, am – 1 is prime, then a = 2 and m is prime. 某些东西具有某样性质,此性质可用such that开头,这样也将1和am – 1自然隔开。另外,祈使句后面的逗号应为句号。改成Let a and m be integers greater than 1 such that am – 1 is prime. Then a = 2 and m is prime.
37. Therefore, from inductive hypothesis that f(m, n) is an integer for all n, then derive f(m+1, n) is an integer for all n. 词组inductive hypothesis是特指的,因此要用定冠词。本句不仅缺乏主语,而且宾语从句没有that。修改成Therefore, from the inductive hypothesis that f(m, n) is an integer for all n, we derive that f(m+1, n) is an integer for all n.
38. Hence, a > 8c+1, and multiply by the above expression, we can get (3). 动词multiply应用现在分词形式。单词can可以删去。改为Hence, a > 8c+1, and multiplying by the above expression, we get (3).
39. That is, (6) is now obtained, and thus derive (5). 第二分句缺乏主语,可像第一分句那样也用被动式,以示一致。第二个逗号也可省去。改为That is, (6) is obtained and (5) is thus derived. 或写成主动语态:That is, we obtain (6) and thus derive (5).
40. For example, 0, 1, … m-1 is a complete system modulo m. 这里,被列出的m个整数作为主语是复数,如果用括号括起来,可视为一个整体而作为单数。因此改为For example, 0, 1, … m-1 form a complete system modulo m. 或For example, {0, 1, … m-1} is a complete system modulo m.
41. Let (a, m) = 1, then aφ(m)≡ 1(mod m). 改为Let (a, m) = 1. Then aφ(m) ≡ 1(mod m). 或If (a, m) = 1, then aφ(m) ≡ 1(mod m).
42. When d runs over all positive divisors of m, m/d runs over all positive divisors of m. 改为 When d runs over all positive divisors of m, the quotient m/d runs over all positive divisors of m.
43. We prove that there always exists a < b, then the conclusion is proved. 句子可以缩短,改为We prove that a < b is always true, and then the conclusion is proved.
44. In the elementary mathematics, there are three basic methods to deal indeterminate equation. 去掉定冠词,动词deal 加介词with是固定用法,可数名词equation第一次提,要用复数或在它的前面加上不定冠词an。改为In elementary mathematics, there are three basic methods to deal with indeterminate equations. 或In elementary mathematics, there are three basic methods to deal with an indeterminate equation.
45. Then 2a + 2b + 1, -2a + 2b – 1 are all integers. 只有两个物体时,不用all,而用both。此外两个数学表达式之间用and。改正为Then 2a + 2b + 1 and -2a + 2b – 1 are both integers.
46. If the integers y > x, then y ≥ x + 1. 对于这两个整数x和y,给出的是它们之间的大小关系,而不是它们自己。可以改为If integers x和y satisfy y > x, then y ≥ x + 1.
47. Let a, b, c, d are all positive integers, ab = cd. 在祈使句中,只能用动词的原型。此外不要逗号,用单词或词组。改为Let a, b, c, and d be all positive integers such that ab = cd. 或Let a, b, c and d be all positive integers satisfying ab = cd.
48. Thus, in C[x], f(x) is divisible by (x-a)(x-b). 应该分开两个数学表达式。可以写成:Thus, f(x) is divisible by (x-a)(x-b) in C[x].
49. The polynomials with rational coefficients f(x), g(x) have nonnegative values. 把f(x)和g(x)移到polynomials后面会表达更清楚。The polynomials f(x) and g(x) with rational coefficients have nonnegative values.
50. It follows f(c) > g(c), contradiction. 当用it follows时,后面要加that,另外可数名词contradiction前要加a。改为It follows that f(c) > g(c), a contradiction. 也可以写成It follows that f(c) > g(c), which is a contradiction.
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