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Japanese government and enterprise employees got drunk and lost 460000 information USB flash drives. They publicly apologized and disclosed password rules

2022-07-07 13:09:00 Internet Security Research Institute

In recent days, , Staff in nizaki, Japan lost their belongings due to drunkenness 46 Name of 10000 Japanese citizens 、 address 、 Tax payment amount and other sensitive personal information U The matter of the plate attracted attention . City officials held a press conference to publicly apologize , But inadvertently revealed U Disk password digits and composition rules .

According to the Japanese media , Equipped with nizaki City, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan 46 ten thousand 517 Personal information of citizens U Pan Yu 21 Lost by accident , It contains the names of all citizens 、 address 、 Date of birth and amount of tax paid .

6 month 23 Japan , The city government officials held a press conference , Just U Apologize for the accidental loss of the disk . At the meeting , Site officials said , Nizaki municipal government outsourced the business of granting subsidies to the third-party enterprises , The staff of the enterprise have no permission , Copy citizen information into U disc , On 21 Daily carry U I went to Kaida City, Osaka Prefecture to deal with business . The employee did not delete the data after processing , evening 7 Take it at halfpastten U Pan and his colleagues went to a restaurant to have a drink about 3 Hours , evening 10 I got drunk and fell asleep on the road on my way home at halfpastten .22 Early morning 3 Wake up , It was found that U The briefcase on disk is missing , Immediately call the police and report to nizaki city .

At the press conference, relevant officials said ,U The disk password is hard to crack , Call the password a total of 13 digit , It consists of English letters and numbers .

This answer was ridiculed by netizens , This is it. “ The ultimate negative teaching material ”. On the Internet , Many netizens have given 13 Bit password guessing , The loudest voice is “Amagasaki2022”—— The English words of nizaki plus the year 2022. Whether the password is true as guessed by netizens 、 Before finding the briefcase U Whether the disk password has been cracked , The results of the investigation by the nizaki police are yet to be seen .

Based on the above events , Should we also “ Look in the mirror ”, Whether our government and enterprises are U Disk usage 、 The data transfer 、 Data usage 、 There are similar security risks in data management ?

Enterprises usually have complete, detailed and strict rules and regulations , But there are still various loopholes , In addition, the network environment is complex , There are many uncertain factors , Timely detection and prevention of data leakage has become a key problem that every enterprise must face .

Enterprises in network security 、 Data security protection will go through two stages

The first stage , Enterprises mainly adopt passive defense methods . These companies put all their energy and investment into building a strong external defense , But today these may no longer work .

Second stage , Establish a proactive security strategy . today , Everyone in the industry has realized , Network security vulnerabilities can exist in the company's network for a long time , It's hard to detect , And will continue to appear . The vulnerability that initially led to the disclosure of enterprise data may be unknown , They may exist until they are discovered . therefore , Enterprises have gradually changed from passive to active .

The transformation trend has taken shape . Enterprises begin to realize that safety protective measures should be , External defensive measures and internal defensive measures , Both are necessary . We have fully recognized the need to establish a modern security posture through targeted strategies and new investments .

The best way to protect sensitive data , That is, take the initiative to do a good job in prevention and control before the incident . Don't wait for security problems to make amends and apologies .

that , What protective measures should government and enterprise institutions take ?

1. Data encryption

Data encryption is more reliable than simple password protection . At present, data encryption is still the most reliable way for computer systems to protect information . Use password technology to encrypt information , Achieve information concealment , So as to protect the security of information . Even if the password is cracked , Irrelevant people can't get the real content , And it is impossible to copy data .

2. The Internet transmits data safely

Data encrypted transmission , Third parties cannot steal through technology and other tools 、 Tamper with protected information data , Ensure data security and integrity , Avoid data leaks 、 The occurrence of fishing and other events .

3. Internal data control

Internal leakage is one of the root causes of enterprise data leakage , Possible intentional or unintentional misconduct by internal employees , Is the key cause of data leakage .



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