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Su embedded training - Day8

2022-07-08 00:58:00 Light chasing rain

One curriculum structure

The order sheet , Single chain list , One way circular list , Bidirectional circular linked list , queue , Stack ,
Algorithm :
Search algorithm , Sorting algorithm

Two Why learn data structures

  1. Program = data structure + Algorithm

Data structures are very important for writing code , It is also a basic course
2. Any programming language , Data structure is a very important part
such as c++ Inside STL( Standard template library )

The essence of database is to write the content of data structure
The traversal algorithm of data graph is the foundation of artificial intelligence
Red and black trees will be reflected in the drive
3. We have finished learning before c Language foundation , Difficult places : The pointer , Array , Structure , function , The course of data structure will use these things every day , It is an in-depth understanding of these knowledge points .

3、 ... and The concept of data structure

3.1 Basic concepts

data structure :
data : Subjects of study
structure : The relationship between the data

Data structure is mainly to study the relationship between data
In actual development , The data structure is mainly used to temporarily store data in memory after understanding the relationship between data

3.2 Definition of data structure

Data structure mainly studies the logical relationship, storage relationship and operation of data

3.3 logical relationship

Logical relationship mainly refers to the logical relationship between data , It mainly refers to the collar connection
Logical relationship involves the concepts of direct predecessor and direct successor when considering the relationship between data
linear relationship : One-to-one relationship , Any data can only have one direct precursor and one direct successor
for example : The linear table , Stack , queue
Tree relationship : One to many relationship , Any data can only have one direct precursor , But there can be many direct successors
for example : Trees , Binary tree
Graphical relationships :( reticulation relationships ): many-to-many , Any data has multiple direct precursors and multiple direct successors .
for example : chart

3.4 Storage relationship

Storage relation refers to how data is stored in memory
Sequential storage :
Data in memory will open up a continuous memory space for storage , Generally, arrays are used to store data
Chain store :
When data is stored in memory, there is no need to open up a continuous space .
Index storage ( Generally do not use )
Hash store ( Generally do not use )

Be careful : Theoretically, any logical structure can be realized by two storage methods .

3.5 operation

increase Delete Change check

Four The order sheet ( Sequential storage of linear tables )

4.1 Concept

The linear table : One to one relationship between data
Sequential storage : Need to open up a continuous memory space in memory to store data , Generally, data is used to store data , To facilitate the operation of data , A variable is usually defined to hold the subscript of the last element

4.2 Operation of sequence table

4.2.1 Create an empty order table

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// In order to improve the expansibility of the code , Alias the data type , It is convenient to modify the data types in the table 
typedef int DataType;
#define N 32
// Define a structure 
typedef struct
    DataType data[N];
    int pos;  // The array subscript 
// Creation of sequence table 
seqlist * SeqlistCreate();
// Judge whether the sequence table is full 
int SeqlistIsFull(seqlist *st);
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
    seqlist *st = SeqlistCreate();
    return 0;
// Creation of sequence table 
seqlist *SeqlistCreate()
    // Apply for space on the heap 
    seqlist *st = (seqlist *)malloc(sizeof(seqlist));
    // initialization , Identify that there are no elements in the current sequence table 
    st->pos = -1;
    // Return the first address of the sequence table 
    return st;

4.2.2 Judge whether the sequence table is full

// Judge whether the sequence table is full 
int SeqlistIsFull(seqlist *st)
#if 0
    if(st->pos == N -1)
        return 1;
        return 0;
    return st->pos == N -1 ? 1 : 0;

4.2.3 insert data

// insert data 
void SeqlistInsert(seqlist *st,DataType value)
    if(SeqlistIsFull(st) == 1)
        printf(" Insert the failure , The sequence table is full !\n");
    // Save the variables of the last element pos Self increasing 
    // Insert data into pos The location of 
    st->data[st->pos] = value;

    printf(" Insert the success !\n");

4.2.4 Traversal order table

// Traversal order table 
void SeqlistPrint(seqlist *st)
    int i;
    for(i = 0 ;i <= st->pos;i++)
        printf("%d ",st->data[i]);

4.2.5 Judge whether the sequence table is empty

// Judge whether the sequence table is empty 
int SeqlistIsEmpty(seqlist *st)
    return st->pos == -1 ? 1 : 0;

4.2.6 Delete the data and return the deleted data

// Delete the data and return the data to be deleted 
DataType SeqlistDelete(seqlist *st)
    if(SeqlistIsEmpty(st) == 1)
        printf(" Delete failed , Sequence table is empty !\n");
        return (DataType)-1;
    DataType value = st->data[st->pos];

    printf(" Delete successful !\n");
    return value;

4.2.6 Insert data by location

// Insert data by location 
void SeqlistInsertByPos(seqlist *st,int p,DataType value)
        printf(" Insert the failure , The sequence table is full !\n");
    if(p < 0 || p > st->pos + 1)
        printf(" Insert the failure , Wrong insertion position !\n");
    int i;
    if(p == st->pos + 1)
        st->data[p] = value;
        for(i = st->pos;i >= p;i--)
            st->data[i + 1] = st->data[i];
        // Put the inserted data in P The location of 
        st->data[p] = value;
    printf(" Inserting data by location succeeded !\n");

4.2.7 Delete data by location , And return the deleted data

// Delete data by location , Return deleted data 
DataType SeqlistDeleteByPos(seqlist *st,int p)
        printf(" Sequence table is empty , Delete by location failed !\n");
        return (DataType)-1;
    if(p < 0 || p > st->pos)
        printf(" Delete failed , Wrong input position !\n");
        return (DataType)-1;
    // Save the data to be deleted in value in 
    DataType value = st->data[p];
    // take p Upward data moves downward 
    int i;
    for(i = p;i < st->pos;i++)
        st->data[i] = st->data[i + 1];
    printf(" Data deletion by location succeeded \n");
    return value;

4.2.8 Modify the data according to the data

// Modify the data according to the data 
void SeqlistUpdateByData(seqlist *st,DataType OldValue,DataType NewValue)
    int i,flags = 0;
    for(i = 0 ; i <= st->pos;i++)
        if(st->data[i] == OldValue)
            st->data[i] = NewValue;
            flags = 1;
    if(flags == 0)
        printf(" Failed to modify data ,%d non-existent \n",OldValue);

4.2.9 Modify the data according to the position

// Modify the data according to the position 
void SeqlistUpdateByPos(seqlist *st,int p,DataType value)
    if(p < 0 || p > st->pos)
        printf(" Modification failed , The position is wrong !\n");
    st->data[p] = value;
    printf(" Successfully modify the data according to the location !\n");

4.2.10 Find location by data

// Find location by data 
int SeqlistSearchPos(seqlist *st,DataType value)
    int i;
    for(i = 0 ; i <= st->pos;i++)
        if(st->data[i] == value)
            printf(" Find the location according to the data successfully !\n");
            return i;
    printf(" To find the failure , data %d non-existent \n",value);
    return -1;

4.2.11 Find data by location

// Find data by location 
DataType SeqlistSearchData(seqlist *st,int p)
    if(p < 0 || p > st->pos)
        printf(" Failed to find data by location , The position is wrong !\n");
        return (DataType)-1;
    printf(" Data search by location succeeded !\n");
    return st->data[p];

practice :

1. Delete duplicate data

( Compare the first data with the following data , If there are duplicates, delete the following data )
s1: 1 2 2 2 1 1 3 4 2 4 5 4 1
s1:1 2 3 4 5

// Delete duplicate data 
void SeqlistDeleteRepeat(seqlist *st)
    int i,j;
    for(i = 0 ; i < st->pos;i++)
        for(j = i + 1;j <= st->pos;j++)
            if(st->data[i] == st->data[j])
                // Delete by location j The data of 
                //j-- The purpose is to prevent the data of the deleted position from not being compared 

2. Merge tables

( take s2 Inside and outside s1 Different data is saved in s1 Behind )
s1: 1 2 3 4 5
s2: 1 3 5 7 9

s1:1 2 3 4 5 7 9

// Merge tables 
void SeqlistMerge(seqlist *s1,seqlist *s2)
    int i;
    for(i = 0 ; i <= s2->pos;i++)
        if(SeqlistSearchPos(s1,s2->data[i]) == -1)

4.3 The overall code

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// In order to improve the expansibility of the code , Alias the data type , It is convenient to modify the data types in the table 
typedef int DataType;
#define N 32
// Define a structure 
typedef struct
    DataType data[N];
    int pos;  // The array subscript 
// Creation of sequence table 
seqlist * SeqlistCreate();
// Judge whether the sequence table is full 
int SeqlistIsFull(seqlist *st);
// insert data 
void SeqlistInsert(seqlist *st,DataType value);
// Traversal order table 
void SeqlistPrint(seqlist *st);
// Judge whether the sequence table is empty 
int SeqlistIsEmpty(seqlist *st);
// Delete the data and return the data to be deleted 
DataType SeqlistDelete(seqlist *st);
// Insert data by location 
void SeqlistInsertByPos(seqlist *st,int p,DataType value);
// Delete data by location , Return deleted data 
DataType SeqlistDeleteByPos(seqlist *st,int p);
// Modify the data according to the data 
void SeqlistUpdateByData(seqlist *st,DataType OldValue,DataType NewValue);
// Modify the data according to the position 
void SeqlistUpdateByPos(seqlist *st,int p,DataType value);
// Find location by data 
int SeqlistSearchPos(seqlist *st,DataType value);
// Find data by location 
DataType SeqlistSearchData(seqlist *st,int p);
// Delete duplicate data 
void SeqlistDeleteRepeat(seqlist *st);
// Merge tables 
void SeqlistMerge(seqlist *s1,seqlist *s2);
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
    seqlist *st = SeqlistCreate();
    if(st == NULL)
        printf(" Sequence table initialization failed !\n");
        return -1;
    int i;
    for(i = 1 ; i <= 32;i++)
    for(i = 0 ; i < 10;i++)
    printf(" The position is :%d\n",SeqlistSearchPos(st,999));
    printf(" The data searched by location is :%d\n",SeqlistSearchData(st,19));


    seqlist *s1 = SeqlistCreate();
    seqlist *s2 = SeqlistCreate();

    return 0;
// Creation of sequence table 
seqlist *SeqlistCreate()
    // Apply for space on the heap 
    seqlist *st = (seqlist *)malloc(sizeof(seqlist));
    if(NULL == st)
        return NULL;
    // initialization , Identify that there are no elements in the current sequence table 
    st->pos = -1;
    // Return the first address of the sequence table 
    return st;
// Judge whether the sequence table is full 
int SeqlistIsFull(seqlist *st)
#if 0
    if(st->pos == N -1)
        return 1;
        return 0;
    return st->pos == N -1 ? 1 : 0;
// insert data 
void SeqlistInsert(seqlist *st,DataType value)
    if(SeqlistIsFull(st) == 1)
        printf(" Insert the failure , The sequence table is full !\n");
    // Save the variables of the last element pos Self increasing 
    // Insert data into pos The location of 
    st->data[st->pos] = value;

    printf(" Insert the success !\n");
// Traversal order table 
void SeqlistPrint(seqlist *st)
    int i;
    for(i = 0 ;i <= st->pos;i++)
        printf("%d ",st->data[i]);
// Judge whether the sequence table is empty 
int SeqlistIsEmpty(seqlist *st)
    return st->pos == -1 ? 1 : 0;
// Delete the data and return the data to be deleted 
DataType SeqlistDelete(seqlist *st)
    if(SeqlistIsEmpty(st) == 1)
        printf(" Delete failed , Sequence table is empty !\n");
        return (DataType)-1;
    DataType value = st->data[st->pos];

    printf(" Delete successful !\n");
    return value;
// Insert data by location 
void SeqlistInsertByPos(seqlist *st,int p,DataType value)
        printf(" Insert the failure , The sequence table is full !\n");
    if(p < 0 || p > st->pos + 1)
        printf(" Insert the failure , Wrong insertion position !\n");
    int i;
    if(p == st->pos + 1)
        st->data[p] = value;
        for(i = st->pos;i >= p;i--)
            st->data[i + 1] = st->data[i];
        // Put the inserted data in P The location of 
        st->data[p] = value;
    printf(" Inserting data by location succeeded !\n");
// Delete data by location , Return deleted data 
DataType SeqlistDeleteByPos(seqlist *st,int p)
        printf(" Sequence table is empty , Delete by location failed !\n");
        return (DataType)-1;
    if(p < 0 || p > st->pos)
        printf(" Delete failed , Wrong input position !\n");
        return (DataType)-1;
    // Save the data to be deleted in value in 
    DataType value = st->data[p];
    // take p Upward data moves downward 
    int i;
    for(i = p;i < st->pos;i++)
        st->data[i] = st->data[i + 1];
    printf(" Data deletion by location succeeded \n");
    return value;
// Modify the data according to the data 
void SeqlistUpdateByData(seqlist *st,DataType OldValue,DataType NewValue)
    int i,flags = 0;
    for(i = 0 ; i <= st->pos;i++)
        if(st->data[i] == OldValue)
            st->data[i] = NewValue;
            flags = 1;
    if(flags == 0)
        printf(" Failed to modify data ,%d non-existent \n",OldValue);
// Modify the data according to the position 
void SeqlistUpdateByPos(seqlist *st,int p,DataType value)
    if(p < 0 || p > st->pos)
        printf(" Modification failed , The position is wrong !\n");
    st->data[p] = value;
    printf(" Successfully modify the data according to the location !\n");
// Find location by data 
int SeqlistSearchPos(seqlist *st,DataType value)
    int i;
    for(i = 0 ; i <= st->pos;i++)
        if(st->data[i] == value)
            printf(" Find the location according to the data successfully !\n");
            return i;
    printf(" To find the failure , data %d non-existent \n",value);
    return -1;
// Find data by location 
DataType SeqlistSearchData(seqlist *st,int p)
    if(p < 0 || p > st->pos)
        printf(" Failed to find data by location , The position is wrong !\n");
        return (DataType)-1;
    printf(" Data search by location succeeded !\n");
    return st->data[p];
// Delete duplicate data 
void SeqlistDeleteRepeat(seqlist *st)
    int i,j;
    for(i = 0 ; i < st->pos;i++)
        for(j = i + 1;j <= st->pos;j++)
            if(st->data[i] == st->data[j])
                // Delete by location j The data of 
                //j-- The purpose is to prevent the data of the deleted position from not being compared 
// Merge tables 
void SeqlistMerge(seqlist *s1,seqlist *s2)
    int i;
    for(i = 0 ; i <= s2->pos;i++)
        if(SeqlistSearchPos(s1,s2->data[i]) == -1)

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