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How to correctly ask questions in CSDN Q & A

2022-07-05 06:27:00 Heerey525


Early in my career , Very delicious food , At that time, in addition to consulting powerful colleagues , still CSDN Wendan asked questions , With the help of the big guys .
Later, I will put some of the problems I encountered and the experience I summarized in CSDN Write it down in the form of an article , As a general existence of my notes , I didn't expect to help some people .
The habit of recording articles doesn't last well , So I interrupted for a long time , By chance, a relatively empty opportunity , Attention to me again CSDN Question and answer , I think I have the ability to help some newcomers who are entering the industry or early in the industry .
Maybe many questioners also have little experience , It is more general to ask some questions , So that the respondent can't answer effectively , So I want to write an article about , How to effectively ask questions



The title should be more intuitive to clarify the problem

Mode one : Write function point , Such as :banner The next handoff on the rotation chart failed
Mode two : Write questions about using tools , Such as :echarts.js How the histogram overlaps


Determine what the problem is , Usually our problem is the difference between front-end and back-end , The front end can also be divided into Javascript、Html、CSS、Vue.js、React.js、Node.js these , The back end can be subdivided into languages , Such as Java、Php、MySQL etc.

The phenomenon and background of the problem

If you think the title is clear , You can write less here , If the title is not too clear , You can add details here
Such as :

ElementUI Click the button for the first time ,dialog The pop-up content is displayed abnormally , The second time and after that, it will be normal

Problem related code

Here is a very important link

  1. If it's a code error It's best to paste the problem code , The respondent can directly use it for operation analysis .
  2. If it is an error in engineering or tool operation , Paste the error information , And report the full picture of the error in the screenshot
  3. If it's less important code to practice , Is it difficult to analyze the error report in that step , I suggest hosting the code to gitee Or other public warehouses , Let the respondent see the full picture of the code

Error message

It's best to paste all , You can also take a screenshot of all

Answer and try

I personally hope that the questioner has his own way to search documents or Baidu other information , Try to solve problems by yourself .
Except for theoretical issues , I don't want to see the whole problem with only one title , I have no other task to try , Let the solver provide source code help .

The results you want to achieve

This is also very important , What do you want to fix the problem code


Complete the above contents , Look at the format of the problem for yourself , Including screenshots and language descriptions provided , Whether the question code is reasonable , It can make the solver intuitively understand the situation of the problem .

Whether to pay a reward

Usually , Respondents are more willing to help paid questions , More people may provide richer and faster answers .
But this depends on the individual will and the complexity of the problem , If it's a relatively simple question, it doesn't require the respondent to pay too much energy , If it's a complex problem , It may take more time and effort to help answer .
Most people still have simple problems and no knowledge ( help ) The habit of paying , Everybody knows that .

Check answers and feedback in time

The answer won't take a day 24 Hour online , More time is relatively free time to look through and answer questions , Therefore, it is better for the questioner to check the answer information and further communicate in time .


This is very important for the answer , It is also the motivation to encourage respondents to continue to help others , So if the questioner is solved again , Then please adopt in time , Is the greatest thanks to the solver !


When you are weak or need help , Someone is helping you .
I also hope that when you become stronger or capable, you can also help people in need .

