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IP guard helps energy enterprises improve terminal anti disclosure measures to protect the security of confidential information

2022-07-07 08:28:00 Chenchen_ new

Energy enterprises vigorously promote the construction of key information infrastructure , All kinds of office automation (OA)、ERP、 Production management 、 Mechanical automatic control 、 Information management tools such as financial management are widely used in energy enterprises , Greatly improve the management level and production efficiency , Become an important means to improve core competitiveness .

However, the challenge of information security after high informatization is more severe , Issued and implemented by the state last year 《 Key information infrastructure security regulations 》 Special emphasis should be placed on energy enterprises on the basis of equal protection , Take technical protection measures and other necessary measures , Guarantee the integrity of data 、 Confidentiality and availability .

Information security risks faced by energy enterprises :

1、 A large number of core technologies 、 patent 、 Confidential design drawings and financial business data are stored in terminal computers and business systems , Every link of storage and use has been stolen 、 Risk of damage and tampering .

2、 How to use the scope of internal documents 、 Control and manage document permissions , To prevent internal core information from being illegally read 、 Copy 、 Tampering .

3、 Often used by employees U disc 、 Instant messaging tools (QQ、 WeChat )、 Upload the company's documents through web disk , Lack of effective management measures , Unable to prevent the document from being transmitted out in time .

4、 On business 、 Work offline , How to protect confidential documents ?

5、 Lack of audit on document operation behavior and document circulation , It is difficult to trace the audit after the leak .

6、 The number of terminal computers in the company is huge and scattered all over the country , Unified management is not possible .

The organizational structure of energy enterprises is huge , In the process of conducting business , A large number of confidential documents are transmitted and shared between the headquarters and various branches , In addition, the cooperation between energy enterprises and upstream and downstream enterprises has increased , Relevant secrets should also be sent to the cooperative enterprise . Electronic documents are easy to store 、 Replicability , In the process of circulation and sharing, it is very easy to be permanently preserved , Thus increasing the risk of confidential documents being leaked .

And within the enterprise , Various applications of terminals continue to push through the old and bring forth the new , It facilitates our work , It also increases the convenience for those who want to steal secrets , In addition, the personnel flow of energy enterprises is large , Confidential data can easily be leaked outside the enterprise


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