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Lidar: introduction and usage of ouster OS

2022-07-07 02:14:00 The moon shines on the silver sea like a dragon


Ouster Company profile

Ouster Inc. Founded on 2015 year , By the lidar field Unicorn Quanergy Former co-founder of Angus Pacala found , Headquartered in San Francisco .

It is a manufacturer of laser radar , Products include OS0、OS1、OS2 Three series 9 Laser radar .

Ouster Committed to building a new generation of lidar sensors for large-scale applications , Committed to improving product resolution 、 Parameters such as visual distance and overall dimension , be based on MBF Multi beam flash basic patent , Combined independence ASIC IP Design implementation capability , Dedicated to unmanned systems 、 Surveying and mapping 、 Security monitoring 、 Industrial Engineering Automation 、 Intelligent transportation / logistics / Industries and scenes such as cities , Higher performance 、 More reliable 、 More cost-effective depth vision products and 3D Perceived solutions .

Unlike traditional lidar, it contains thousands of components ,Ouster There is only a chip level laser array and a CMOS sensor , Greatly reduced the price , Improved performance and reliability .

Ouster Product series introduction

Ouster The product line is very simple and clear , Yes 3 The two series are :

  • OS0
  • OS1
  • OS2

    They have different characteristics
    OS0 Its main feature is the super wide field angle , The vertical field of view angle can reach 90°, But the detection distance is the shortest , by 50m
    OS1 On average , The vertical field angle is 45°, The detection distance is 120m
    OS2 Its main feature is long-distance detection , The minimum vertical field angle is 22.5°, The detection distance is 240m

When using, you can choose different series of products according to the application scenario .

OS1 Detailed introduction

Because of the use of OS1-64 Products , Its parameters are introduced in detail here .
First, let's take a picture of the point cloud of a frame of data :
 Insert picture description here
You can choose the distribution form of point cloud , There are three kinds of :

  • Uniform distribution
  • Central encryption
  • Downward distribution
    The schematic diagrams of the three types are as follows :
     Insert picture description here
    Uniform distribution
     Insert picture description here
    Central encryption
     Insert picture description here
    Downward distribution
    It can be seen that the bus bundle is fixed 64, So the more backward the vertical field of view angle is smaller .

OS1 main parameter

Horizontal resolution 512,1024,2048
Vertical resolution 64 Line
Detection distance 120 m
Vertical field angle 45° (±22.5º)
Vertical angular resolution 0.35º – 2.8º ( Multiple choice )
Measurement accuracy ±0.7 – 5 cm
Points per second 1,310,720
OS1-6410 Hz,20 Hz
Power waste 14 – 20 W
weight 447 g
Protection level IP68, IP69K

In addition, the characteristics that laser radar often pays attention to are also summarized below :

  • Optional PTP and NMEA/PPS Time synchronization
  • Output : Detection distance 、 Strength 、 Reflectivity 、 Environmental near infrared 、 azimuth 、 Time stamp
  • Dual echo mode , The strongest echo and the second strongest echo

Hardware connection

Hardware connection is not recommended if it is complicated , It is the interface directly connected to the radar sensor .

OS1 It can be operated without an interface box . When using , Conduct wiring according to pin assignment as described below .

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The reason why it is not recommended is that there is any equipment damage due to voltage and current , The manufacturer is not responsible .

Let's look at the conventional usage , The manufacturer will also provide a connector .
It's like this
 Insert picture description here
This connection is simple , The interface on the left is connected to radar , The Internet port on the right connects to the computer , There is also a power supply port on the right , Just supply power .
One more GPS Time hardware synchronization port ,

The side view on the right is as follows
 Insert picture description here
Network port and power supply port needless to say , The pins of the clock synchronization port are defined as follows :
 Insert picture description here
The overall connection diagram is as follows :
 Insert picture description here

Ouster ROS drive

ROS The version is Kinetic

GitHub Cloned

git clone https://github.com/ouster-lidar/ouster_example.git

Then compile Ouster ROS
After the compilation is successful, you will be prompted as follows :
 Insert picture description here
If the compilation encounters the following problems :

fatal error: tclap/CmdLine.h: No such file or directory

It can be done by

sudo apt install libtclap-dev


stay ouster_example/ouster_ros Under the path os1.launch This launch file

roslaunch os1.launch os1_hostname:=< radar IP> os1_udp_dest:=< This machine IP> viz:=true image:=true

Through the above instructions You can run this launch file ,

os1_hostname:=: For radar IP Address 

os1_udp_dest:=: For this machine IP Address 

viz:=:true -  Turn on  Ouster Visualizer  Show point clouds and 2D Ring view , The default is false

image:=:true -  Turn on 2D Ring view node , Can be found in rviz View in , The default is false

lidar_mode:=:  Radar operation mode options , Optional 512x10 | 512x20 | 1024x10 | 1024x20 | 2048x10,  The default is 1024x10

The above instructions are configured as required

And then in rviz You can see some clouds inside
 Insert picture description here


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