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Laravel8 uses passport login and JWT (generate token)
2022-07-07 08:30:00 【Procedure ape trying to move bricks】
1. install passport plug-in unit
composer require laravel/passport
composer require laravel/passport "^9.0"
2. Execute migration file , Generate data table , preservation token data
php artisan migrate
3. Generate client authorization code notes :secret Save up
php artisan passport:install
4. Modify the interface account model
Introduce in the model
use Laravel\Passport\HasApiTokens;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as AuthUser;
5. modify config/auth.php In the document api To configure
6. The validity of the token
stay app/Proivders/AuthServiceProvide.php In the document boot Method add validity period
use Laravel\Passport\Passport;
public function boot()
// token The period of validity of the certification 2 Hours
// Refresh token The period of validity of the certification 30 God
7. solve auth There is no login in the interface attempt problem
Don't forget here
8. To realize the login , And pay attention to , If login is unsuccessful , The data returned conforms to restful standard
9. Interface token Generate
Generate interface validation token Generate after successful login
Attach code for reference
public function login(Request $request)
// verification
$validator = Validator::make($request->all(),[
'username.required'=>' Account number cannot be empty ',
'password.required'=>' The password cannot be empty ',
// See if it passes
if ($validator->fails()){
return ['code'=>500,'msg'=>$validator->errors()->first()];
// Query login
$bool = auth()->guard('apiweb')->attempt($request->all());
if ($bool){
// Generate token
// Get the user model object
$userModel = auth()->guard('apiweb')->user();
// Determine whether the current user interface exceeds 2000 Time
/* if ($userModel->clicks > 2000){
return ['code'=>500,'msg'=>' The number of visits on that day has reached the maximum '];
} */
// Generate token Save a copy of the server Return a copy to the customer
$token = $userModel->createToken('api')->accessToken;
// Let the current request add 1
// $userModel->increment('clicks');
$data = [
'token' => $token
return ['code'=>200,'msg'=>' Login successful ','data'=>$data];
return ['code'=>500,'msg'=>' Login failed '];
Interface test tool Used here postman Measured token
11 . Interface security verification
Used jwt To verify
Bind in the defined route jwt Authentication middleware
test stay Headers in Join in Authorization Content by Bearer + Space + token
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