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Sed text processing

2022-07-06 10:09:00 wx5caecf2ed0645

1. Basic overview

sed It's a stream editor , Non interactive editor , It processes one line at a time . When dealing with , Store the currently processed rows in a temporary buffer , call *

by Mode space pattern space Then use sed Command processing buffer contents , After processing , Send the contents of the buffer to the screen . Pick up

Wait for the next line , This is repeated , Until the end of the file . The contents of the document have not changed , Unless you Use redirection to store output . Sed To use from

Edit one or more files automatically ; Simplify file manipulation ; Write conversion program, etc .

2..sed Basic grammar

The first form :stdout | sed [option] "pattern command"

The second form : sed [option] "pattern command" file

3..sed Common options -i -r

    sed Related sample files

    [[email protected] opt]# cat file.txt

    I love shell

    I love SHELL

    This is test file

1.sed-n-e Examples of options

# Cancel default output

[[email protected] opt]# sed -n '/shell/p' file.txt

I love shell

# Edit multiple items

[[email protected] opt]# sed -n -e '/shell/p' -e '/SHELL/p' file.txt

I love shell

I love SHELL

2.sed -f Examples of options

# take pattern Write to file

[[email protected] opt]# cat edit.sed


[[email protected] opt]# sed -n -f edit.sed file.txt

3.sed -r Examples of options

[[email protected] opt]# sed -n '/shell|SHELL/p' file.txt

# Extended regular expression

[[email protected] opt]# sed -rn '/shell|SHELL/p' file.txt

I love shell

I love SHELL

4.sed -i Options

[[email protected] sed]# sed  -in '/shell/d'  file.txt

3.sed pattern

    sed -n '10p' passwd

    sed -n '10,20p' passwd

    sed -n '1,+5p' passwd

    sed -n '/^root/p' passwd

    sed -n '/^root/,/^ftp/p' passwd

    sed -n '/^\[mysql.*/,/^\[mysqld_safe\]/p' /etc/my.cnf|grep -v "^\[.*"

    sed -n '2,/\/bin\/sync/p' passwd

1) Print /etc/passwd pass the civil examinations 20 That's ok

sed -n '20p' /etc/passwd

2) Print /etc/passwd From the first 8 OK, let's start , To the first 15 What's at the end of the line

    sed -n '8,15p' /etc/passwd

3) Print /etc/passwd From the first 8 OK, let's start , then +5 What's at the end of the line

    sed -n '8,+5p' /etc/passwd

4) Print /etc/passwd Match at the beginning of bin The contents of a string

    sed -n '/^bin/p' /etc/passwd

5) Print /etc/passwd The middle begins with root Start of line for , To start with ftp The end of the line

    sed -n '/^root/,/^ftp/p' /etc/passwd

6) Print /etc/passwd pass the civil examinations 8 OK, let's start , To contain /sbin/nologin The end of the content line

    sed -n '8,/\/sbin\/nologin/p' /etc/passwd

4.sed Additional orders

[[email protected] sed]# sed -i '/^root/i server {\n\tlisten 80;\n\tserver_name oldxu.com;\n\tindex index.html;\n\troot /code;\n}' passwd

server {

    listen 80;

    server_name oldxu.com;

    index index.html;

    root /code;


Examples of exercises in this chapter :

1) passwd Document No 10 Add “Add Line”

    sed -i '10a "Add Line"' passwd

2passwd Document No 10 Go to the first place 20 That's ok , No line is followed by "Test Line"

sed -i '10,20a "Test Line"' passwd

3passwd The file matches to /bin/bash Add "Insert Line"

    sed -i '/\/bin\/bash/a "Insert Line"' passwd

4passwd The file matches to bin Beginning line , Append "Add Line Before"

    sed -i '/^bin/i "Add Line Before"' passwd

5passwd Every line of the file is preceded by "Insert Line Before"

    sed -i 'i "Insert Line Before"' passwd

6) take /etc/fstab The contents of the document are appended to passwd File first 10 After line

    sed -i '10r /etc/fstab' passwd

7) take /etc/inittab The contents of the document are appended to passwd File matching /bin/sync The back of the line

    sed -i '/\/bin\/sync/r /etc/inittab' passwd

8) take /etc/hosts The contents of the document are appended to passwd In file 10 The back of the line

    sed -i '10r /etc/hosts' passwd

9) take passwd The file matches to /bin/bash The line of is appended to /tmp/sed.txt In file

    sed -i '/\/bin\/bash/w /tmp/sed.txt' passwd

10) take passwd Document cluster 10 OK, let's start , To match to nfsnobody All lines at the beginning are appended to /tmp/sed-1.txt

    sed -i '10,/^nfsnobody/w /tmp/sed-1.txt' passwd

5.sed The delete command

Examples of exercises in this chapter :

1) Delete passwd No 15 That's ok

sed -i '15d' passwd

2) Delete passwd No 8 Go to the first place 14 All the content of the line

sed -i '8,14d' passwd

3) Delete passwd China and Israel /sbin/nologin The line at the end

    sed -i '/\/sbin\/nologin$/d' passwd

4) Delete passwd China and Israel bin Beginning line , To ntp All the contents of the first line

    sed -i '/^bin/,/^ntp/d' passwd

5) Delete passwd pass the civil examinations 3 So far as ftp All lines at the beginning

    sed '3,/^ftp/d' passwd

6) Typical demand : Delete Nginx All comments and blank lines in the configuration file

    sed -ri '/^#|^$| #/d' nginx.conf

6.sed Modify the order s///g <-- Replace c modify

sed '/^SELINUX=/c SELINUX=disabled'

1. modify passwd Document No 1 The first one in the line root by ROOT

    sed -i  '1s/root/ROOT/' passwd

2. modify passwd Document No. 5 Go to the first place 10 All in row /sbin/nologin by /bin/bash

    sed -i '5,10s/\/sbin\/nologin/\/bin\/bash/' passwd

   sed -i '5,10s#/sbin/nologin#/bin/bash#' passwd

3. modify passwd The file matches with /sbin/nologin The line of , Match to login

It is capitalized LOGIN

    sed -i '/\/sbin\/nologin/s#login#LOGIN#g' passwd

    sed -i '/\/sbin\/nologin/s/login/LOGIN#g' passwd

4. modify passwd The file matches from to with root Beginning line , To match to bin Start line , modify bin by BIN

sed -i '/^root/,/^bin/s/bin/BIN/g' passwd

5. modify SELINUX=enforcing It is amended as follows SELINUX=disabled.( have access to c Alternative )

sed -i '/^SELINUX=/c SELINUX=disabled' selinux

6. take nginx.conf Add comments to the configuration file . ^ $

sed -i 's/^/# /' nginx.conf

7. Use sed extract eth0 NIC IP Address

    ifconfig eth0 | sed -rn '2s/^.*et //p' | sed -rn 's/ ne.*//p'

    ifconfig eth0 |sed -nr '2s/(^.*et) (.*) (net.*)/\2/p'

7.sed Script exercises

Requirements describe : Deal with a similar MySQL Profile's my.cnf file .

​ 1. There are several paragraphs in the input file , a pair [ ] For a paragraph .

​ 2. Configure file parameters for each segment , Count the total number .

[[email protected] opt]# sh example.sh

    1: client 2

    2: server 12

    3: mysqld 12

    4: mysqld_safe 7

    5: embedded 8

    6: mysqld-5.5 10

1. Print the contents of each paragraph

    sed -n -e '/^\[.*\]/p' sed.txt | sed 's/\[//' | sed 's/\]//'

2. Count the total number of parameters in each section

    sed -n '/^\[server\]/,/^\[.*\]/p' sed.txt | sed -r '/^\[|^#|^$/d'|wc -l

The script is

[[email protected] sed]# cat sed.sh


#Author:               rzq

#QQ:                  0123456789

#Date:                2019-11-06

#FileName:            sed.sh

#URL:                 https://www.jianshu.com

#Description:         The test script

#Copyright (C):      2019 All rights reserved

HS () {

    num=$(sed -n '/^\[.*]/p' kl.txt|sed 's/\[//'|sed 's/\]//')


GS () {

gs=$(sed -n '/^\['$i']/,/^\[.*]/p' kl.txt|sed -r '/^\[|^#|^$/d'|wc -l)




for i in $num


    let b++


    echo "$b  $i  $gs"


Requirements describe : Deal with one ansible Of invtory Host list .

​ 1. Output host group , a pair [ ] For a host group .

​ 2. Output the total number of hosts under each host group .

[[email protected] opt]# sh example.sh

    1: web01: Yes 2  Console host

    2: web02: Yes 12 Console host

[[email protected] sed]# cat ansible.sh


#Author:               rzq

#QQ:                  0123456789

#Date:                2019-11-07

#FileName:            ansible.sh

#URL:                 https://www.jianshu.com

#Description:         The test script

#Copyright (C):      2019 All rights reserved

fu () {

    FW=$(sed -n '/^\[.*]/p' lp.txt|sed  's/\[//' | sed 's/\]//')


ip () {

    IP=$(sed -n '/^\['$i'/,/^\[.*]/p' lp.txt|sed -r '/^\[|^$/d'|wc -l)




for i in $FW


    let num++


    echo "$num $i $IP"



    Two kinds of grammar :

        sed options '/pattern1/command' file

1、 Options options:

    -i      Change the document directly

    -r      Support for extended regular expressions

    -f      Write the processing command to the file , And then call

    -e      You can edit multiple operations

    -n       Cancel the output of default text

2. Pattern matching

    string matching

    Regular Expression Matching

    From where -> Where to go?      '/pattern1/,/pattern2/'

3. command command


        a           # Add

        i           # Add

        r           # Read the contents of a file , Added to the /pattern1/ The back of the line

        w           # Write the contents of a file to a file .  >


        d           # Delete the matching content , But it needs cooperation -i Option to manipulate the file .


        s///        # Replace , Replace what with what , Need to cooperate with -i Option to manipulate the file

        s///g       # Replace , Global replacement ( Replace all the contents that meet the conditions in a row )

        c           # modify , You can use regular expressions to match , And then modify   Need to cooperate with -i Option to manipulate the file


        p           # The effect of printout . The default action , You have to add . Usually cooperate -n Use it together



