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Learn the wisdom of investment Masters

2022-07-06 17:14:00 Smart popcorn

I learned this knowledge from my interdisciplinary toolbox , I think it's very helpful for investment and life , Share with you .

This article will talk about three people , Soros , buffett , Taleb , These three are all successful investment Masters .


He felt that the world was full of mistakes , This has a lot to do with his origin , He who comes from a refugee will be more negative than ordinary people , This also has Soros who is different from ordinary people .

My understanding of him is , His investment is an illusion , But he will jump into this fantasy , But the difference is , Get ashore in time at the right time , For example, he sniped at the pound , Let him earn billions of dollars in a short time , The way of investment is also the short selling I mentioned before , I always feel that this is really an unusual person .

From him , What I want to say is one word , back .



Buffett's birth is very different from Soros , His investment philosophy is value investment , Just buy when the price is lower than the price itself , Then just sit and wait , The key is to be patient and seize the opportunity .

The so-called margin of safety is this truth , This is actually equivalent to a person's ability to resist risks , If you lose your job , But there is room , There is a deposit , And a happy family , Then your margin of safety is much higher than that of ordinary people , So we need to improve our safety margin .

Let's talk about the moat , If a company raises its selling price Instead, sales will not decrease This is the moat .

Take people for example , The company laid off workers , Why don't you get laid off , Only you can do this thing , No one else can do it , Then the company needs you , You are irreplaceable , conversely , Anyone can do the work you do , You have no so-called moat , Life on earth , Think more about the future .

From him , What I want to say is one word , just .



Many friends should have never heard of him , Although he doesn't make as much money as the above two , But he has a perfect investment system , Just like the most skillful driver , Not necessarily the person who explains the driving principle most thoroughly , So we can't talk about heroes with assets .

He wrote a Book , named 《 The black swan 》, It's about events that can have a significant impact on human history , It is often some accidental factors , Before finding the black swan , Who knew there would be black swans ?

The black swan incident has three points .

unpredictable , such as 911, New crown, etc .

Huge impact , Such as the Australian fire , Flood, etc .

It can be explained afterwards , At first, everyone thought it would not happen , Afterwards, it is explained clearly with some theory .

When the black swan incident happened , Smart people often don't suffer , Instead, you can take advantage of this opportunity to make money .

This needs to exercise our anti vulnerability ability .

There are three points .

1. Reduce vulnerability
If a thing 99% People can make money , A person loses money , Then let's say that this thing can really make money , On the contrary, a person 99% Can make money ,1% loss , But maybe he lost the third time , Then he can't wait for the next opportunity .

therefore , That's life , We always look at this thing from the perspective of God afterwards , But personally , Just an accident , It will lead to a total loss .

But there are always opportunities , So we improve our tolerance , Keep present , Immortality is the last word .

2. Embrace barbell strategy

Avoid where your time and energy benefit from medium risk , Simply put, follow the crowd , Follow the crowd, you are just an ordinary person , Can't stand out , We need to have some other ideas .

So we have to study the safest thing , While studying the most adventurous things , Safety is about long-term interests , Taking risks is about short-term benefits , A combination of the two , This is equivalent to integrating the wisdom of Soros and Buffett , This is the word I want to say , close .

We need to understand the nature of adventure , Especially when you're young , Look for those who have a lower limit of investment and no upper limit of return J Type curve , As shown below , We should not covet the kind of high return at the beginning , But there may be great losses behind .image.png

3. Take the initiative to test the authenticity

The third point is actually a little similar to the second point , Buffett said that he should be able to do things in the ability circle , But his circle of ability is big enough , But for young people , Such a small capability circle cannot adapt to the new era , We should dare to try new things .

For example, we take out 10% Of money to invest in new areas that we don't understand , Not too much , But there are also many , Even if you make a mistake , We can also learn from it , Experience pain , To restore , To keep getting stronger .

One last sentence to share .

Read well during the day , There is something in the book that you don't know , Sleep well at night , There is what you want in your dream .

Good night, !


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