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Reflection and imagination on the notation like tool

2022-07-05 13:07:00 Digital Garden

In the process of daily work and study , I use double chain notes more . However , The online collaboration function of most double chain notes is relatively poor , So I started using again what I gave up more than a year ago Notion Class tools .

I have experienced many kinds of fresh food Notion After class application , I want to review my understanding of Notion Views on products : After exposure to these products , Why do some people choose to leave , Others choose to stay ?Notion What are the advantages and disadvantages of these products ? In the process of using these products , What are the misunderstandings and precautions for use

Notion What are the products of class ?

Notion It is the hottest notebook product in recent years .Notion The operation mode adopts PLG, namely Product-led growth, Product led growth model . In short , Drive users to actively promote products to other potential users through the high-quality service of products . In Zhihu 、 Bili, Bili, wait on the platform , You can see that a large number of users share their experience . because Notion There is still no Chinese version . It can be considered with high probability ,Notion It has not been put into operation in Chinese Mainland , Most of it is about Notion The recommended content of is the spontaneous behavior of users . Enough to see Notion Hot . even to the extent that , My friend and I laughed and talked about , When efficiency content is produced , add Notion Key words , Just master Traffic password .

stay Notion in , Everything is Block, You can insert many types of content blocks . these Block Like Lego blocks equally , You can switch freely 、 Rearrange and nest . This makes Notion Have superpowers , Users can build their own content block combinations according to their own usage scenarios . although Notion Very powerful , But there are also some disadvantages : Lack of offline experience 、 The search function is poor 、 Large databases load too slowly 、 There are network problems and lack of Chinese interface ( For Chinese Mainland ). Regarding this ,Notion Besides, there are some competitive products that focus on differentiation .

And Notion Similar products , Abroad have Coda、AnyType、AppFlowy, There are also FlowUs、Wolai. These products have been tried and registered . For a variety of reasons , Now it is mainly used FlowUs.

  • Coda The characteristic function of is powerful automation service , But the Chinese support is too poor . also , I am right. Coda The vast majority of automation services supported are not required . therefore , I soon gave up Coda.
  • Anytype The open source 、 Encryption and other design concepts are great , But it took patience in the long wait , It still takes a long time to mature .
  • Wolai Words , Made some optimization for Chinese users , There are also some good new features . such as , Page network diagram 、OCR And so on . These have attracted many user groups . However ,Notion More mature , More abundant Ecology . As far as I'm concerned ,Wolai The new feature of is not what I just need . I have other user feature requirements .
  • FlowUs. This is the product I am currently using . Use FlowUs For the following reasons , For reference only :
  • And Notion comparison ,FlowUs Support Chinese interface , Optimize the details according to the usage habits of Chinese users .
  • Support native development , It solves the input problem of mobile terminal . For most users , The requirement for mobile terminal is real-time content synchronization 、 Support quick input .FlowUs As cloud notes , There is no problem with cross platform natural content . and Native applications It can bring users a good mobile end experience , Realize open write , Quickly collect all kinds of knowledge and content .
  • Support Folder page : Net disk Integrate into your note taking system . image Network disk application equally ,FlowUs Allow users to transfer their commonly used office files In the form of folders or multiple files Onekey Upload to note space In . also ,FlowUs Allow users Free online preview Office files in folder pages .
  • Very friendly to individual users , High cost performance .
  • rich Software linkage ecosystem :FlowUs And Whiteboard 、 Mind mapping 、 flow chart 、 Design collaboration And many other excellent third-party services have formed software linkage . To be specific ,FlowUs Support Figma、Airtable、Sketch、 Ink knife 、 Imitator 、Excalidraw、ProcessOn、Canva、Bilibili、 Tencent video 、 Youku Video 、 NetEase cloud music 、Codepen.

You can also use it according to your own usage scenarios and real needs , Choose your own Notion Class software .

  • If you are looking for Notion Class application , such as Notion Made in China 、 free 、 Open source 、 Offline and other types of substitutes , Recommended reading 《 The most comprehensive Notion Class software inventory 》——Notion、FlowUs、Wolai、Anytype、Coda、ClickUp、Craft、AppFlowy、Focalboard、Loop、 Impression notes Verse
  • Methodology of specific tool selection , See the article 《 Disenchantment of workflow : From tools 、 Reading to writing 》.

Template is productivity

I don't know if other people have similar situations like me : Found in Notion after , I feel like I have found a new continent . This product is not only powerful , also UI Great design .Notion The design of is so beautiful . After getting familiar with the basic functions , For a time, I was obsessed with typesetting , Constantly looking for and designing templates every day . Last , stay N After heaven , I finally ended this frenzy .

stay Notion Obsessed with designing personal templates , I learned the following lessons :

1. It's important to find tools , But it can't be achieved in one step . Practice first , And in turn drive demand

I am here Notion When designing templates in , The psychological activity at that time was to design a corresponding template for all possible use scenarios . The consequence is , my Notion A dozen templates of different scenes are stored in the page . However , The last template used is mainly the meeting 、 read 、 Get used to these templates .

Workflow triangle : Deepen the understanding of usage scenarios through practice , Drive users' needs , Then select tools according to tool characteristics

2. Is it the product's fault to be too free

image Notion、Roam Products such as , It provides users with many customizable functions . This leads users to set these custom functions , Spent a lot of time and energy . Is this a mistake in product design ? There are different opinions on this issue . Later, I communicated with some other users , Some people have similar tossing experience with me . If one day I am tired of tossing , Or when you find yourself producing little , May start to stop tossing . Then gradually began to pay attention to the content , At the same time, reduce the excessive investment in product design . Maybe many people have this experience . It's like suddenly discovering a brand new electronic device , Only after trying and experiencing , Will gradually reduce the inner desire .

3. Template is productivity

Why is the template in Notion Such an important product ?

  • Using templates can Handle some repetitive tasks efficiently .
  • Standardization and structuring of content , It is convenient to filter and process data . what's more , The template itself contains some kind of workflow . When using templates , You no longer need to pay attention to typesetting , Instead, focus on thinking and problem solving .
  • Because of your work scene 、 Job demands are constantly changing , therefore , There is no template once and for all . Try to design a perfect template , It will only stop your action . In the course of your work , Generate demand through practice , Then gradually optimize and improve the template is the right way .

Database The value of

For a long time , Has been Notion Of Databse Fascinated by . Only later Notion Of Database In view of Airtable Products such as . The difference in Airtable, Notion All of the Database It's all based on Page Based on the coupling . If you turn it on Notion Database Some page of , You'll find this Page There are different attribute information on the page . and Notion Database It is these attribute information in tables 、 Kanban 、 The calendar 、 Gallery 、 The timeline and other views are displayed . In short ,Notion Database The multiple views of are based on a certain Attribute information Criteria for screening perspective result . Through perspective , We can understand the abstract as well , Quickly look at the objects you want to deal with from different dimensions . I think , This is Database The main value of .Database Greatly increased productivity , But it can still evolve . Here are some superficial views and suggestions .

Add page preview function

I believe many users have experienced it deeply at the same time Notion as well as Roam Research、WorkFLowy Tools such as . As a contrast , You'll find that , although Notion This kind of product has attracted many users with its unique charm , But in terms of the concept of content organization , and EverNote Like other products , It feels Too heavy . The reason is , On the one hand, it's because Notion To a large extent, it still adopts the tree network organization system based on folders . On the other hand ,Notion be based on Block Editor design , It can be nested infinitely, including Page All kinds of Block. that , How to make some heavy Notion The page becomes “ Light and flexible ” some ? stay Roam Waiting for tools , Solutions include Sidebar、 Open more windows 、 Page preview function . about Notion And other applications , Third party developers have provided comments based 、 Highlight and other contents of the operation panel . For details, please refer to my other article 《Notion Summary of quality resources 》. reference Roam Solutions for , I'm looking forward to Notion Class application adds page preview function . In this way, you can nest in heavy pages , Without opening a new page , Quickly browse and edit the next level Pgae page .

Page preview , It is also a perspective . and Database Common ideas

Add block attribute

later , Because I personally prefer the outline editor , Yes Notion The use of . And in the process of using double chain notes , Gradually found Database Some path of evolution .

Database Mainly used Page Page properties of . And in the Roam、Logseq Waiting for tools , There are not only page properties , There are also block attributes . A fellow Block Editor ,Notion Kind of product , Can we learn from the former Add block attribute function

Logseq Block attributes of and Query Table demonstration

Improve the flexibility of page attributes

stay Notion Class products , Page properties and Database There is a high degree of data coupling . It means , If I quote this page elsewhere , But I can't see the relevant page attribute content . In this case , Reduces the flexibility of the page . and Notion Our successors can further optimize , Reduce Notion In page design Data coupling , Part of the reference Roam Class tools have page attribute design , Realization Query For Logseq、Dataview For Obsidian Such advanced query function . Yes, of course , I don't know the underlying technology . All in all , hope Notion Class products learn from the advantages of other tools , Strengthen its own retrieval function .

Obsidian Of Dataview Can be dynamic 、 Accurate advanced query

Explore more Database Possibility of view

Notion Popularized Database, However, it does not mean that it represents 了 Database All the possibilities of . expect Notion This kind of products can be used for reference Notion Other tools , Implement more new features . such as , Task management tools Taskade Ownership ratio Notion Table view is better Drill view , as well as Notion There is no the Mind mapping Organization chart . And in the ClickUp In, it includes Box、Workload、Activity、Map、Whiteboard Wait for more view modes . See the following illustrations for details . adopt More diverse views show Database, Further tap the potential of the database .

Taskade: Mind mapping mode

Taskade: Organization chart pattern

ClickUp:Map View

ClickUp:Box View

ClickUp:Workload View

In what scenario is it used Notion-Like product

Do you want to use Notion-Like product ?

at present , except Notion, Another popular product is Roam Research. that , It is time to use Notion-Like Products , Or should we use Roam-Like Products ( such as ,Logseq)? This problem itself may be a kind of All in One The thinking of . Why not use both at the same time ? The answer to this question , You may be able to read the author of Jane Yue further @Kenshin Of 《 Give up entanglement 、 Embrace compromise , Heavy and light means high efficiency 》 And LV Liqing _JimmyLv Of 《 How hard did I overcome it 「 Efficiency addiction 」 Of ?》, You can find the answer .

I just want to find a main tool , Then how to choose ?

Notion VS Roam ? Both of these belong to Block Editor based note taking tools , However These two products represent different product concepts .

《 A song of ice and fire 》 The author of Martin said :“ In my submission There are two kinds of writers : Architects and gardeners . The architect planned everything in advance . They know how many rooms there will be in the house , What kind of roof will they have , Where will the wire go , What kind of pipes will there be . They even nailed the first piece of wood , The whole thing design and blueprint have been printed . The gardener dug a hole , Put the seeds in and water them . They know what kind of seed it is , They know whether they have planted the seeds of fantasy or mystery or something else . But when plants grow , When they water , They don't know how many branches it grows , They found it when it was growing . I'm more like a gardener , Not an architect .”

Regarding this , If you think you are Gardener type Users of , Then you are more suitable to choose Roam Type of note taking application . If you think you are Type of architect Users of , Then you have a choice Notion Application of type .

If you choose Notion Application of type , What scenes do I mainly use ?

This really varies from person to person . I am here 《 Disenchantment of workflow : From tools 、 Reading to writing 》 In this article , Discussed in detail Select the tool 9 A standard : Such as functionality 、 Expansibility 、 open 、 Security 、 Portability 、 Ease of use 、 Community 、UI Design . At the same time, it puts forward the requirements that need to be based on the use scenario Mission requirements Timeliness of content Development periodicity Select tool . You can read this article further , Then reflect on your usage scenarios . For me ,Notion Class products are online documents , I prefer it as my Online data center , Mainly used for and other users Share data Or go ahead Online collaboration .

At last, I attach the information about FlowUs Brief introduction

FlowUs Flow notes


A unique 、 Notion Class All in One Productivity tools .

Core functions

  • Block Editor —— Support page 、 To do list 、 Code blocks, etc Varied Block. meanwhile , Also support Synchronized block , convenient Block Content Knowledge reuse . Besides , Support Page dynamics and Comment on function .
  • Simple tables : Support Simple tables , Meet the user's needs for lightweight tables .
  • Database, namely Multidimensional table , Support includes form 、 Kanban 、 Gallery 、 Catalog 、 time axis 、 The calendar 、 Collection table And so on .
  • Multi dimension table function : Support grouping 、 Screening 、 Sorting and other basic functions . meanwhile , Also support The formula 、 relation 、 Summary And other advanced functions , Facilitate the implementation of multidimensional tables Automated data aggregation and presentation . Besides , Support Reference multidimensional tables function , It is convenient for users to share in multiple pages Database.
  • Template function Template button + Template Market . Powerful 、 Diversified 、 Personalized templates can meet the needs of different users .
  • Collaboration : Support see 、 edit 、 Comment on 、 Copy And other collaboration permission functions .

FlowUs Flow notes · Template

Home page · Dashboard templates

We media operation template

Self media operation · Template

Progress bar comprehensive template

The above template part uses the domestic widget Library NotionPet Make :

  • NotionPet Official website - Rich widget Library 、 Dynamic icon library —— Offer a lot of good-looking 、 practical Components of , Can assist in time management 、 task management 、 Take notes 、 Information management 、 Creative Writing And other usage scenarios . among , The number of small pieces is Keep enriching , Stable service . also ,NotionPet Provides powerful Customized services , Can satisfy your Personalized configuration requirements .
  • Domestic component library NotionPet: Embed visualization modules for notes —— About NotionPet Of Special article evaluation
  • Productivity tools —— Note taking software FlowUs In depth evaluation
  • FlowUs Interest flow - A new generation of productivity tools

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