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Data visualization chart summary (II)

2022-07-05 06:02:00 Begin to change


One 、 Thermogram

Two 、 Scatter plot

3、 ... and 、 Bubble chart

Four 、 Bubble map

5、 ... and 、 Regional map

6、 ... and 、 Point map

7、 ... and 、 Link map

8、 ... and 、 Flow map  

Nine 、 Gantt Chart

Ten 、 Box figure

  11、 ... and 、 Bullet diagram

Twelve 、 Candlestick Charts

13、 ... and 、 Span chart

fourteen 、 Kajitu  

15、 ... and 、 American line

sixteen 、 Dazzling picture

seventeen 、 Non ribbon dazzling pictures  

eighteen 、 Tree diagram  

nineteen 、 flow chart

twenty 、 Brainstorming chart  

The 21st 、 Notation charts  

Twenty-two 、 Calendar chart  

23 、 Timeline  

Twenty-four 、 schedule

twenty-five 、 Pictogram  

hexacosa- 、 Stem and leaf  

twenty-seven 、 Venn's chart  

  Twenty-eight 、 Violin chart

Twenty-nine 、 Word cloud picture  

One 、 Thermogram

         Thermogram (Heatmap) Display data by changing colors , When applied to tables , Thermograms are suitable for cross checking multivariable data .

         Heat maps are used to show differences between multiple variables ; Show any of the modes ; Shows whether there are variables similar to each other ; And detecting whether there is any correlation between them .

         Because heat maps depend on color to express numerical values , It is more suitable for displaying a wide range of numerical data , Because it's always difficult to pinpoint the differences between colors , It is also difficult to extract specific data points from it ( Unless you add raw data to the cell ).


Two 、 Scatter plot

         Scatter plot (Scatterplot) Also known as 「 Point graph 」、「 Scatter map 」 or 「X-Y Point graph 」, Used to display the values of two variables ( Each axis shows a variable ), And detect whether the relationship or correlation between the two variables exists .     

         A straight line or curve can be added to the chart to aid analysis , And show what it looks like when all the data points are condensed into a single line , Often referred to as 「 Best fit line 」 or 「 Trend line 」.

         If you have a pair of numerical data , You can use a scatter plot to see if one of the variables is affecting the other . But remember , Correlation is not causality , There may also be another variable that affects the result .


3、 ... and 、 Bubble chart

         A bubble chart is a chart that contains multiple variables , A combination of scatter plot and scale area plot , The size of the circle needs to be drawn according to the area of the circle , Not its radius or diameter .

         By using location and scale , Bubble charts are usually used to compare and display marked / The relationship between sorted circles .

         But , Too many bubbles can make the chart hard to read , But we can solve this problem by adding interactivity to the diagram ( Click or hover over the bubble to show hidden information ), You can also choose to reorganize or filter grouping categories .


Four 、 Bubble map

         In this kind of data map , A circular pattern will appear above the specified geographic area , The area of the circle is proportional to its value in the dataset .

         Bubble maps are suitable for comparing the proportions between different geographic regions , It's not affected by the size of the area . But the main drawback of bubble maps is : Too large bubbles may overlap with other bubbles or areas on the map .


5、 ... and 、 Regional map

         Area maps are usually used to show the relationship between different areas and data variables , And the numerical changes or patterns of the displayed position are visualized

         We represent data variables in different shades of color in each area of the map , For example, from one color to another 、 Monochrome graduals 、 From transparent to opaque 、 From light to dark , Even the whole spectrum .

         But the disadvantage is that it is unable to accurately read or compare the values in the map . Besides , Larger areas are more visible than small areas , Affect the reader's perception of numerical values .

         Common mistakes in mapping areas : The original value is the same as the original data ( For example, population ) Carry out operations , Instead of using normalized values ( example : Calculate the population per square kilometer ).


6、 ... and 、 Point map

         Point map (Dot Map) Also known as 「 Point to point distribution 」 or 「 Dot plot density map 」. Place dots of equal size on a geographic area , It aims to detect the spatial layout or data distribution in the region .

         There are two kinds of point map : one-on-one ( Each point represents a single count or an object ) And one to many ( Each dot represents a specific unit , for example 1 spot = 10 tree ).

         Point map is very suitable for viewing the distribution and pattern of objects in a certain area , And it's easy to master , Can provide data overview .


7、 ... and 、 Link map

         Link map (Connection Map) It is a chart that connects different places on a map with straight lines or curves .

         Connectivity maps are great for showing geographic connections and relationships , We can also show the spatial pattern by studying the connection distribution or concentration degree on the connection map .



8、 ... and 、 Flow map  

         Flow map (Flow Map) Show the movement of information or objects from one location to another and the number of them on a map , It's usually used to show people 、 Migration data for animals and products .

         The scale or amount of movement represented by a single flow line is represented by its coarseness , It helps to show the geographic distribution of migration activities .


Nine 、 Gantt Chart

         Gantt Chart (Gantt Chart) Often used as an organizational tool for project management , Show activity ( Or task ) List and duration , It also shows when each activity starts and ends .

         Gantt chart is suitable for planning and estimating the time required for the whole project , It can also show overlapping activities .


Ten 、 Box figure

         The box diagram is also called 「 Box picture 」 or 「 boxplot 」, It can display the quartile of digital data group conveniently , It can appear vertically or horizontally .

         The lines extending from both ends of the box are called 「 whisker 」(whiskers), It's used to show up 、 Variables other than the lower quartile . outliers (Outliers) Sometimes it is represented by a single data point at the same level as the whisker

         Box charts are usually used for descriptive statistics , It's a great way to quickly view one or more datasets graphically .


  11、 ... and 、 Bullet diagram

         Bullet diagram (Bullet Graph) It's similar to a bar chart , But add more visual elements , Provide more supplementary information .

         The bullet diagram was originally made by Stephen Few Development , It is used to replace graphic instruments such as odometer or speedometer on the dashboard , Solve the problem of insufficient display information , And it can effectively save space , It can also remove some unnecessary things from the instrument panel .


Twelve 、 Candlestick Charts

         also called 「 Japan K Line graph 」, Usually used to display and analyze Securities 、 Derivatives 、 Foreign currency 、 Stocks 、 The price of commodities such as bonds changes over time .

         The candle chart shows a variety of price information by using the symbol of candlestick , For example, the opening price 、 Closing price 、 The highest price and the lowest price , Each represents a single period of time ( Every minute 、 Every hour 、 Every day or every month ) Trading activities of . Each Candlestick symbol follows X The time scale on the axis draws , Show trading activity over time .

         however , The candle chart can only show the relationship between the opening price and the closing price , It's not what happened between the two , So it can't be used to explain why trading is volatile .


13、 ... and 、 Span chart

         Also known as 「 Range bar / Bar charts 」 or 「 Floating bar chart 」, Used to show the range between the minimum and maximum values in a dataset , It's good for comparing ranges , Especially the classified range .

         Span charts focus on extreme values , No value between minimum and maximum is provided 、 Other information such as overall average or data distribution .


fourteen 、 Kajitu  

         Kajitu (Kagi Chart) It can show the price performance through a series of line segments , It then shows the general level of supply and demand for specific assets . Because it has nothing to do with time , It can show more clearly the important price trend .


15、 ... and 、 American line

         American line (Open-high-low-close Charts) Also known as 「OHLC chart 」 or 「 Price chart 」, Usually used as a trading tool , Display and analyze Securities 、 currency 、 Stocks 、 The price changes of commodities such as bonds over time .


sixteen 、 Dazzling picture

         Chords (Chord Diagram) It can show the relationship between different entities and some things in common that they share with each other , Therefore, this kind of chart is very suitable for comparing the similarity between data sets or different data groups .

         Nodes are distributed around the circumference , The points are connected with each other by arc or Bezier curve to show the relationship between them , And then assign values to each connection by the size ratio of each arc . Besides , You can also use color to divide data into different categories , It helps to compare and distinguish .


seventeen 、 Non ribbon dazzling pictures  

         Non ribbon string (Non-ribbon Chord Diagram) It's a simplified version of the chord diagram , Show only nodes and connectors , More emphasis on the connection between data


eighteen 、 Tree diagram  

         Tree diagram (Tree Diagram) Also known as 「 Organization chart 」 or 「 Link diagram 」, It's a way of representing hierarchies through a tree structure .

         It's usually structured by no superior / The parent member's element begins ( The root node ), And then add nodes , And then they're wired together , It's called a branch , Represents relationships and connections between members . Finally, the node of branches and leaves ( Or end nodes ), Is a member without child nodes .

         Tree diagrams are often used to represent family relationships and lineages 、 taxonomy 、 Evolutionary science 、 Computer science and mathematics, etc , It is also a management tool for enterprises and organizations


nineteen 、 flow chart

         flow chart (Flow Chart) Use a series of interconnected symbols to draw the whole process , To explain complexity and / Or abstract process 、 System 、 How concepts or algorithms work .

         Different symbols represent different meanings , Each has its own specific shape . The flowchart represents the beginning and end of a process with curved rectangles ; Line segments or arrows are used to show the direction or flow from one step to another ; Simple instructions or actions are represented by rectangles , And when decisions need to be made , Use diamond shape ...


twenty 、 Brainstorming chart  

         Brainstorming is also known as 「 Mind map 」, You can put related ideas 、 word 、 Images and concepts come together .

         Brainstorming maps are often used early in a project , To generate ideas 、 Find associations 、 Categorizing ideas 、 Organizational information 、 Show structure and general learning .


The 21st 、 Notation charts  

         Notation charts (Tally Chart) It's a recording tool , It is also possible to display the frequency of data distribution by using a marker numeral system .

         When drawing a notation chart , Put the categories 、 Values or intervals placed on the same axis or column ( Usually it is Y Axis or left first column ) On . Whenever a value appears , Add a notation to the corresponding column or row .

         After all the data has been collected , Add up all the tags and write the total in the next column or line , The end result is similar to a histogram .


Twenty-two 、 Calendar chart  

         Human beings have developed various calendar systems as organizing tools , Help us plan ahead . We also use calendars as visualization tools , It is suitable for displaying the organization of activity events in different time periods .

         The most common form of calendar we use today is the Gregorian calendar , Each month's calendar consists of seven vertical columns ( Seven days a week ), Another five to six lines represent the week in a horizontal manner .

         But , The format of the calendar is not strictly defined , So there are all kinds of different designs on the market , As long as the date or time unit can be displayed in chronological order .


23 、 Timeline  

         Timeline (Timeline) It's a graphical way of showing a series of events in chronological order , The main function is to convey time related information , Used to analyze or present historical stories .

         If it is a scaled timeline , We can do this by looking at the time intervals between different events , Know when the event happened or when it will happen , Find out if the events in the time period follow any pattern , Or how events are distributed over that period of time .

         Sometimes the timeline is combined with the chart , Show quantitative data over time .


Twenty-four 、 schedule

         schedule (Timetable) It can be used as a scheduled event 、 Reference and management tools for tasks and actions .

         Use tables in chronological order and / Or organize data in alphabetical order , It can help users to reference quickly .


twenty-five 、 Pictogram  

         Illustrations are designed to use notes 、 Label and legend to explain the displayed image , In order to explain the concept or method 、 Describe an object or place 、 Show how things work or help you understand the themes displayed .

         The images used can be symbolic 、 Images or real photos .


hexacosa- 、 Stem and leaf  

         Stem and leaf (Stem & Leaf Plots)  Also known as 「 Branches and leaves 」, It's a bit by bit (place value) How to organize data , Can be used to display data distribution .

         The number of constant digits is from small to large 、 Top down in the middle 「 stem 」( Usually in units of ten ), The data within each digit will become 「 leaf 」 And extend horizontally .

         In addition to providing fast data distribution information to readers , The stem leaf diagram can also be used to highlight outliers and find patterns . If you have two datasets , Back to back or dual stem leaf charts can be used to compare the two .


twenty-seven 、 Venn's chart  

         Venn's chart (Venn Diagram)  Also known as 「 Set graph 」, Show all possible logical relationships between sets , Each set is usually represented by a circle .

         Each set is a set of objects or data that have something in common , When multiple circles ( Set ) When they overlap , It's called intersection (intersection), The data in it has all the attributes in the overlap set at the same time .


  Twenty-eight 、 Violin chart

         Violin chart (Violin Plot)  Combining the characteristics of box diagram and density map , It is mainly used to display the distribution shape of data .

         The black bar in the middle represents the quartile range , The thin black line extending from it represents 95% confidence interval , And the white dot is the median .


Twenty-nine 、 Word cloud picture  

         Word cloud picture (Word Cloud) Also known as 「 Tag cloud 」、「 The word cloud 」 etc. , The size of each of these is proportional to its frequency of occurrence , This shows how often different words appear in a given text , Then put all the words together , Form a cloud pattern .

         It's usually meaningless to use color on a cloud image , Mainly for the sake of beauty , But we can sort words by color .




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