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Day-20 file operation, recursive copy, serialization

2022-07-07 12:36:00 Xiaobai shelter

1.1 summary
java.io.File class : Abstract representation of files and file directory paths , It's not about the platform
File It can be built 、 Delete 、 Rename files and directories , but File Can't access the file content itself
If you need to access the file content itself , You need to use input / Output stream
Want to be in java A program that represents a real-life file or directory , Then there must be a File object , however java One of the procedures File object , There may not be a real file or directory
File Object can be passed as a parameter to the constructor of the stream

1.2 Construction method
public File(String pathname) With pathname Create... For the path File object , It can be absolute path or relative path , If pathname Is a relative path , The default current path is in the system property user.dir Storage in .
Absolute path : It's a fixed path , Start with the drive
Relative paths : It's about starting from a certain position
public File(String parent,String child) With parent The path of fatherhood ,child Create... For the subpath File object .
public File(File parent,String child) According to a father File Object and sub file path penetrations File object

1.3 Usage mode

 //windows of use \ Express , But in java in \ Is an escape character , So write two 
	   //linux of use / Express 
	   // But now the system has been optimized better , It doesn't matter to mix it up 
	   //File.separator: It mainly solves the problem of separator ,window The system is \\linux The system is /
	   File file=new File("D:"+File.separator+"TianLg");
	   // Get full path  D:\TianLg
	   // file / Folder name courseware 
	   // Superior directory  D:\
	   // The file object corresponding to the parent directory 
	   // Determine if it's a directory true
	   // Judge whether it exists  true
	   file=new File("D:/a.txt");
	   // create a file , No directory will be created , If it already exists , Don't create 
	   // If you create   return ture, Otherwise return to false
	   // Delete file , Delete successful return true, Otherwise return to false
	   System.out.println(file.delete() );
	   file=new File("D:/TianLg");
       // Get all sub file objects 
	   File[] subFiles= file.listFiles();
	   for(File file1: subFiles){
	   file=new File("D:/com/zrz");
	   // Create directory , If the superior directory does not exist , Do not create 
	   // establish zrz, But if not com, Do not create 
	   // Create directory , If the superior directory does not exist , Just create the parent directory 
	   // When deleting a directory , Will only delete zrz It doesn't delete com, because file yes zrz File object 

1.4 Recursive replication

1. Copy : Is the combination of input and output
2. Get all sub files under the folder
If the sub file is a file , Copy
If the sub file is a directory , Then get all the sub files of the directory again , Do the same thing

Be careful : When copying , The source directory and destination directory cannot be consistent Otherwise, the file will be lost

public class IO_FileCopy_03 {
   public static void main(String args[]){
	   String filePath="D:/TianLg";
	   copyMenu(new File(filePath));
	   System.out.println(" Copy complete ");
   public static void copyMenu(File file){
	   //1. Determine if it's a document 
		   // It's a document , Copy 
		   //2. Get the full path of the file , And create the corresponding input stream 
		   String filePath=file.getAbsolutePath();
		   //3. Get the full path of the written file , And create the corresponding output stream 
		   // Write out the directory and die , It's just D Copy data from disk to E In the middle of the plate 
		   String newFilePath="E"+filePath.substring(1);
		   // Determine whether the target directory exists , Create... If it doesn't exist 
		   File supFile=new File(newFilePath).getParentFile();
		   //4 Copy 
		   try(FileInputStream fis=new FileInputStream(filePath);
			   FileOutputStream fos=new FileOutputStream(newFilePath);	   
			   BufferedInputStream bis=new BufferedInputStream(fis);
			   BufferedOutputStream bos=new BufferedOutputStream(fos);	   
			   byte[] bytes=new byte[fis.available()+10];
			   int temp=0;
				   bos.write(bytes, 0, temp);
			   System.out.println(file.getName()+" Replication success ");
		   catch(Exception e){
		   // Is a directory , Get all the files in the directory , Making judgments ( Recursively pass the sub file object into the current method again for operation )
		   // Call all sub files of this directory 
		  File[] subFiles=file.listFiles();
		    // Importing all sub files copyMenu In the method , In determining whether it is a file or a folder 
		  for(File file2:subFiles){

2. Object flow
2.1 summary
How to create objects
1.new Most used
2. The reflex mechanism You can create the corresponding object through a string
3.clone Object The method in , Has been abandoned , Replaced by serialization
4. serialize

serialize :
Put the heap memory of java object , Persistence is stored in the local hard disk
Serialize the objects in the hard disk , Deserialize to heap memory object

advantage :
It can be preserved for a long time
More conducive to data transmission

Application scenarios
Serialization is to convert data into a binary stream for long-term storage , If not serialized , Long term storage and network delivery are not allowed

Network transmission process

Data objects –> serialize –> Binary stream –> Encryption processing –> Network transmission –> Decryption processing –> Binary stream –> Deserialization –> Data objects

Be careful : Want to be serialized , Must be realized Serializable Interface , This interface is an identifier

2.3 serialize

public class IO_04_ObjectOutputStream {
    public static void main(String args[]){
      User user=new User("admin","root", 0);
      try(FileOutputStream fos=new FileOutputStream("./src/user");
    		  ObjectOutputStream oos=new ObjectOutputStream(fos);
    	  // Write 
      catch(Exception e){

2.4 Deserialization

public class IO_05_ObjectInputStream {
     public static void main(String args){
    	 try(FileInputStream fis=new FileInputStream("./src/user");
    		 ObjectInputStream ois=new ObjectInputStream(fis);
    		 // Reading data 
    		 Object object=ois.readObject();
    		 User user=(User) object;
    		 // Move down 
    	 }catch(Exception e){

2.5 serialVersionUID

After each class change , Will declare a new version , At this time, if the serialized object does not correspond to the version in the class , You're going to report a mistake

If Now we just add a new attribute , Want downward compatibility , At this time, we need to manually control the version number
Otherwise, after each class change , Need to re serialize and deserialize
Values can be defined at will , Because it only defines a version bridge between classes and objects

transient Modifier , Decorated properties cannot be serialized

You can put unnecessary data , use transient modification , This can improve the efficiency of serialization and deserialization


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