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Decrypt gd32 MCU product family, how to choose the development board?

2022-07-07 12:28:00 Li Xiaoyao

    Focus on 、 Official account of star standard , Straight to the highlights


source : Mr. Xin

1、1、2、3、5、8、13、21、34 ……

I believe many people know this set of data , It is the famous Fibonacci sequence , Also known as “ Rabbit Series ”. This series has two obvious characteristics , First, the sum of the preceding two adjacent items , Constitutes the latter item ; The second is to divide the first four numbers , Two adjacent numbers are divided by each other , The figure obtained is close to the golden section ratio 0.618. The former symbolizes growth , The latter symbolizes the pursuit of perfection .

Look at another set of data :

32、35、450、20,000、1,000,000,000 ……

What is the relationship between this set of data ? What mysterious meanings it contains ? Decrypt with me !



Fully open 32 position MCU Time

As the core of system control ,MCU Obvious advantages , Widely applied .

at present , Embedded applications and automotive markets, which are dominated by industrial and consumer markets, have made a major contribution MCU market share . Refer to the famous semiconductor consulting organization IC Insights Statistical data , Convert according to the sales amount , 2021 In, embedded applications mainly in industrial and consumer markets contributed 46% The world MCU sales , The automobile market has contributed about 40%.


Data sources :IC insights

In the field of industry , Industrial control 、 Human computer interaction and the construction of industrial Ethernet and other applications are inseparable MCU, At least ten industrial robots will be used in a single machine MCU product ; In the consumer market ,MCU It's household appliances 、 Smart home and consumer electronics and other applications to achieve the key to intelligence ; In the field of automobiles ,MCU It's motor control 、 The core of the system in the light control and infotainment system , Fuel luxury cars and bicycles MCU Use more than 100 star , Smart cars and bicycles MCU The dosage is expected to exceed 300 star .

With the continuous refinement of application requirements 、 promote ,32 position MCU Has become the mainstream of the market , And evolved low power consumption 、 Wireless 、 Mainstream and high-performance products . according to IC Insights Analysis data of ,2021 In the world MCU The market size has reached a record 196 Billion dollars ,2026 It is expected to reach 272 Billion dollars , among 32 position MCU To 2026 Years will contribute alone 200 Billion dollars , Proportion to 73.5%, Compare with 2020 Year of 62% promote 11.5 percentage . As the world's leading 32 position MCU supplier , Zhaoyi innovation seizes market development opportunities , Provide customers with leading performance 、 Obvious differentiation advantages MCU product .

32 position MCU The wide range of demand has also driven MCU The overall development of the kernel . At present ,32 position MCU It is widely used Arm Cortex-M kernel , Through continuous technological innovation and product iteration ,Cortex-M The kernel is in performance 、 Power waste 、 Code density 、 Cost performance and other aspects , It not only realizes the balance at the level of a single product , And there is obvious recognition between different product series . meanwhile , The long-term mainstream market position makes Arm Cortex-M The kernel has a huge and perfect ecosystem .

RISC-V The kernel is 32 position MCU New forces in the field , With the kernel 、 development tool 、 design scheme 、 Open source programs are constantly developing ,RISC-V The application of ecological construction is gradually improved , It also has high performance 、 Highly reliable 、 High security 、 Low power consumption and other product advantages . Trillion easy innovation GD32V As the world's first series based on RISC-V The general purpose of the kernel MCU product , It is widely used in industrial control 、 Consumer electronics 、 Mainstream application markets such as the Internet of things .


Completely covered GD32 MCU family

at present , Trillion easy innovation GD32 series MCU Has created 35 A product line , Have more than 450 Product model , Realize the universal 、 Low cost 、 High performance 、 low power consumption 、 Full coverage of mainstream application markets such as wireless connection .


Sex price choice : beginner MCU

be based on Arm Cortex-M23/M3/M4 kernel , Zhaoyi innovation is for entry level MCU The market offers 6 Big product line . among ,GD32F310/330/350 As Cortex-M4 Kernel products , Have a higher dominant frequency 、 More peripherals 、 Update features 、 Lower cost and other attributes , With “ Small stature , Great wisdom ” For industrial motors 、 frequency conversion 、 Cost sensitive customers such as energy-saving applications reduce bill of materials costs , Bring excellent cost performance .


Besides , be based on Cortex-M23 Built by the kernel GD32E230 series , It has also won awards for its excellent market performance and brilliant shipments , Become a substitute for 8 position 16 position MCU, enter 32 Low cost development optimization of bit threshold .

To help customers flexibly improve product advantages , Trillion easy innovation GD32F3x0 Series can realize the right GD32F1x0 Series and GD32E230 Series of hardware and software compatible , It can be achieved with simple operation CPU And Flash Comprehensive improvement of features and peripheral resources .

Cover and contain everything : Mainstream MCU

In the mainstream MCU market , Zhaoyi innovation provides more diversified development options , At the same time provide Arm Kernel and RISC-V Kernel products .


stay Arm Kernel products , Zhaoyi innovation is based on M3/M4 The kernel provides ten product families ,GD32F30x Series plus GD32F1 series 、GD32E1 Series and GD32C1 Series and other products , Let Zhaoyi innovate in the mainstream MCU The field has achieved industry-leading product coverage .

Based on Cortex-M4 Kernel GD32F30x The product offers three series , common 37 Product models .GD32F303 The series is Cortex-M4 Enhanced ,GD32F305/307 The series is Cortex-M4 Interconnected , With 120MHz The main frequency of 、3MB Super large capacity Flash、 Rich peripheral functions and leading GPIO Reuse rate , Become a mass production optimization for thousands of customers .GD32E1 The series offers 1.7-3.6V Input voltage and embedded flash memory ,GD32C1 More equipped with 2 individual CAN FD Interface .

GD32 Mainstream MCU Each series of products has excellent software and hardware compatibility , Let the customer plan upgrade and switch flexibly , For example, users can easily transform the scheme design from GD32F103 Upgrade to GD32F303 On , So as to make products more competitive , Add sufficient supply guarantee .

Almost all have been used to innovate GD32VF103 series RISC-V MCU Our customers are all interested in the leading open source instruction set architecture of this series of products 、 Excellent power management 、 Significant cost advantages are deeply remembered , Innovative product design and perfect ecological layout , Let Zhaoyi innovation and customers work together to open a new track RISC-V“ core ” Time .

Keep improving : High performance MCU

At present , Zhaoyi innovative high-performance product lines share 13 A product line , It provides a place for users' advanced computing needs .


As GD32 MCU High performance products in the series ,GD32F425/427/470 Series while maintaining high cost performance , With industry-leading processing capacity 、 Power efficiency and connection characteristics , The support and security of complex algorithms are also outstanding , On handheld devices 、 graphic display 、 Human machine interface and industrial control 、 Interconnection and advanced application fields such as energy and electricity , Have a very high market share .

Zhaoyi innovates high performance MCU The compatibility between them is also praised .GD32F425/427/470 series MCU Fully compatible with GD32F405/407/450 series MCU, Support seamless switching , The former is based on industry-leading 40nm LP process , Provides up to 240MHz Main frequency and large capacity flash memory cache , To support advanced computing .

charm “ wireless ”:GD32W515 series

GD32W515 series Wi-Fi MCU It is the first wireless model created by Zhaoyi MCU, be based on Cortex-M33 Kernel design , On chip integration 2.4GHz Single stream IEEE802.11b/g/n MAC/Baseband/RF Rf module , Provide industry-leading baseband and and RF performance . It's also equipped with Arm TrustZone Hardware security mechanism , Support independent storage access space , It can be developed for the system 、 Code isolation and safe operation escort .


GD32W515 Smaller package size , But it integrates larger Flash and RAM, Great for PCB Compact application scenarios with limited area . With enhanced processing power 、 Leading RF integration 、 Rich peripheral features , Become a smart home 、 Industrial Internet of things 、 Consumer electronics and other application markets SOC Solution .

Energy efficiency optimization :GD32L233 series

be based on Cortex-M23 Built by the kernel GD32L233 Series for mainstream low-power MCU market , Using industry leading 40nm Ultra-low power consumption (ULP) Manufacturing technology , And specially optimized low-power simulation IP, And follow a variety of low-power digital design concepts , Achieve an excellent balance of energy efficiency .


GD32L233 Series while optimizing current efficiency , It also takes into account the balance between processing performance and peripheral resources , Applicable to industrial meters 、 Small consumer electronic devices 、 Portable medical devices need low power consumption 、 Energy efficient deep embedded application scenarios .

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