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[graduation season · advanced technology Er] goodbye, my student days

2022-07-06 13:32:00 Quasi Java full stack Development Engineer

Active address : Graduation season · The technique of attack er
Blog home page : accurate Java Full stack Development Engineer
00 Born in , About to enter the workplace , Aim to make money , Some people may think that my pattern is small 、 Feel vulgar , But I have to admit that the world is no longer a plane divided by a line , But a sphere revolving around wealth , Being rich is not about steering the ball , But when someone maliciously controls , Try to protect your family and yourself .

Memories of school days

2022 year 6 month , My undergraduate life is over , At the same time, it also ended my student days , Nine-year compulsory education , Three years of high school , Four years of University , Sixteen years of study has come to an end . Tell the truth , I am a little reluctant to recall this journey , Because maybe for me , I am not satisfied with the result , Some things I still can't really let go , But I don't want to be trapped in the abyss of reality , All the decisions are brave , Bravely pursue your own future .

2016 By the end of year , At that time, I was a sophomore in high school , Good grades , It's not unbearable , But also arrogant , At that time, I didn't think that a fever might almost lose my life . I still clearly remember , When I reported my ID number to the doctor , Lying on the stretcher bed in the hospital, I fell asleep unconsciously , I don't know if this is a death experience , It was a week after I opened my eyes again , I saw my hands and feet tied ICU In a hospital bed , Very lucky , I woke up again , The Lord of hell wants me to 16 The year-old kid will live a few more years .

After that semester, I didn't go back to school , Also missed the HKCEE , Wait until the second semester of high school , When I came back to school again , Find everything around familiar and strange , I found that many students around me have lost their grades for several blocks , I'm not a very smart person , More effort , But the physics, chemistry and mathematics that fall behind , It really makes me a little weak , If I didn't play well, I was also lost in the sea of questions in senior three , Finally, it passed the first line of Science in Henan Province with a weak score .

At that time, when choosing a major in a school , I gave up the idea of taking one , Because there is really no more , But now think about it. In fact, if you really want to go, you can go , Maybe the major will be less popular , I also gave up the school which is only a few minutes away from home , Went to a school in another city in the province , Frankly speaking , I still don't regret my choice before I experienced those things in my senior year , Although at that time, my parents strongly hoped that I would go to college next to my home .

University through their own efforts , My grades are not bad , The ranking of the college is also very high , Under the expectation of parents , I also decided to take the postgraduate entrance examination , Continue to study , Everything is going on steadily , until 2021 year 9 month , The college began to promote the application for exemption , I submitted my own information , Calculate the score , There should be no big problem , But when I see the ranking , I was shocked , I didn't get it , But when I calculated my score carefully , I found that the teacher gave me one less bonus , So I called the teacher I once admired very much , It explains my situation , The result was that the teacher refused my bonus for various reasons , It was this call that made me feel the so-called for the first time so clearly “ traditional code of conduct ” . It was a cadre of the student union who took away the last quota of exemption , It is said that someone protected him , I want to give him the quota , I don't know whether it's true or false . For a long time after that , My condition is not very good , To a certain extent, it also affects their review status , Finally, I'm sorry I didn't get admitted . My classmate 、 My parents advised me to fight World War II , But I refused , Because at that time, maybe I couldn't really reconcile with myself , I can't believe that the original school environment is not so pure .

When it's all over , When I look back on this matter , I was thinking , Why did I feel uncomfortable at that time , I'm unhappy that my efforts have not been rewarded , Still unhappy with the darkness and injustice of the world , Now think about it. , I'm more upset that I didn't prepare well , Failed to make adjustments in time , Failed to make my ability stronger .

Some of the above words may be a little sad , I hope you won't be influenced by me , Life is actually very beautiful , But at that time, I fell into a dark swamp , I hope you can pass my experience , Plan ahead , Lay the foundation , Even if things backfire , Can also face calmly .

A pity in College

Now think back to the four years of College , I found many regrettable things , There is no election class cadre , No painstaking research on algorithms , Did not participate in some algorithm competitions … But there are always regrets in life , More or less , Maybe after that time , If you want to make up again, you will lose your original heart , So I prefer to pursue the future , The past has become a fact , Only the future can write .

Where to go after graduation

As a newly graduated student , It's also what people say 00 after , After graduation, I chose employment , Choose to be “ 00 After rectifying the workplace ” A member of the 🤭, lately “ The first batch of 00 It's time to work , Start to rectify the workplace ” This topic is very hot , Many short videos with similar themes , But actually I want to say , It's not as exaggerated as in the video , Maybe we will have some impulses , But we can also be very reliable .

Personal future outlook

I'm actually a man with great ambition , At present, I am still a professional white , Having no work experience also makes me look forward to my first job , Besides salary , I hope that the team I will join in the future will be a happy family , I will also strive to grow , From an entry-level programmer who can only add, delete, modify and check simple businesses , To advanced programmers who can design and implement modules , Then we can optimize the performance of the architecture , Programmers who play the system performance to the highest level , This journey may be long , I will always be on the road .

Self recommendation

At present, I am still unemployed , In fact, I have received the world 500 Strong enterprise offer, The automobile industry in China is also one of the best , The salary is also very considerable for a student who is new to the workplace , But at that time, I still hoped to enter the development of Internet enterprises , So I gave up that opportunity , Now I regret it , But adults are responsible for what they do , No regret 、 No fear 、 Don't let it go , Dry is finished .
At present, we are also actively preparing for autumn moves , Hope to find it Java Post of back-end development engineer , If there is a job demand , You can look at me , I will continue to learn , Keep trying , Try to surprise you , Instead of scaring .

Last , Thank you very much for taking the time to read my article without any technical content , Listen to me share my story , I hope we can not forget our original intention , Defend your dreams , The next time , I'll see you in the best part of the world .

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Active address : Graduation season · The technique of attack er


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