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Basic explanation of turtle module - draw curve

2022-07-06 04:26:00 Michael. py

stay 《Turtle Detailed explanation of module foundation - Draw a straight line 》 in , We have introduced how to import turtle Library and use turtle Library to draw straight line graphics . This article will continue turtle Library high-level usage , How to use turtle Draw curve graph .

1. The little turtle draws the same tangent circle

The characteristic of tangent circles is that each circle starts from the same place , It can be seen as finding a circle center on the left or right side of the little turtle , With r Rotate for radius 360°, The difference is that the radius of each rotation is different .

#  Import turtle library 
import turtle

#  Set the window size and initial position 
turtle.setup(700, 400, 200, 200)
#  Set the brush thickness 
#  Set brush color 
#  Rotate the brush to the right 90°
#  Bring up the brush 
#  Brush back 20px
#  The paintbrush falls 
#  Return to zero in the forward direction 
#  Find a circle center on the left side of the turtle and draw a radius of 40px The circle of 
#  Find a circle center on the left side of the turtle and draw a radius of 60px The circle of 
#  Find a circle center on the right side of the turtle and draw a radius of 60px The circle of 
#  Set the brush color to green 
#  Find a circle center on the right side of the turtle and draw a radius of 40px The circle of 
#  Find a circle center on the left side of the turtle and draw a radius of 80px The circle of 
#  Find a circle center on the right side of the turtle and draw a radius of 80px The circle of 

#  Program end 

Relevant knowledge in the above procedures :

1)turtle.pensize() You can set the thickness of the brush , Fill in numbers in brackets ;

2)turtle.pencolor() You can set the brush color , Fill in the color library in brackets ;

3)turtle.penup() and turtle.down() They are lifting the brush and putting it down , When the brush is lifted, the movement will not leave traces on the canvas ;

4)turtle.seth() Only change the direction of the turtle ( The angle is counterclockwise ), But don't move forward , Angle in brackets ;

5)turtle.circle(radius, extent, steps) You can draw a circle , The first parameter radius It's the radius of the circle , It could be negative , The starting coordinate of the brush is (0, 0), The coordinates of the center of the circle are (0, radius); The second parameter  extent Is the size of the center angle , It can also be negative ; The third parameter steps It's the step length , Indicates that the starting point to the end point is composed of several lines , The greater the numerical , The rounder the circle is drawn .

2. Little turtle draws a curve

Conventional curves can be understood as circular segments , Use loops and circles to , Draw a curve on the screen .

#  Import turtle library 
import turtle

#  Set the window size and initial position 
turtle.setup(650, 350, 200, 200)
#  Bring up the brush 
#  Brush back 20px
#  The paintbrush falls 
#  The brush thickness is set to 15
#  Brush color is blue
#  The way forward is -40°
#  Use for Cycle draw waves 
for i in range(4):
    turtle.circle(40, 80)
    turtle.circle(-40, 80)
turtle.circle(40, 80 / 2)
#  Brush forward 40
#  A circle 
turtle.circle(16, 180)
#  Brush forward 
turtle.fd(40 * 2 / 3)

#  Program end 


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