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Definition and classification of energy

2022-07-08 01:08:00 Intelligent control and optimization decision Laboratory of Cen

Definition of energy

       energy , Also known as energy resources or energy resources , It means that it can produce all kinds of energy ( Such as heat 、 electric energy 、 Light energy and mechanical energy ), Or can be obtained directly or through processing 、 A variety of resources that can be converted into useful energy , Including coal 、 Crude oil 、 Natural gas 、 Coalbed methane 、 Water power 、 nuclear energy 、 wind 、 The solar energy 、 Geothermal energy 、 Biomass energy and other primary energy and electricity 、 Thermal power 、 Secondary energy such as refined oil . It is the basis for human survival and development , It is also an important material basis of the national economy , It is related to the lifeline of the national economy .
       Technological change and innovation in the field of energy run through the development history of human society , The use of energy in human society is shown as a spiral development process .

surface 1 The development process of human energy utilization
Stage source form
Original stage Biomass energy Renewable energy
The first industrial revolution Fossil energy Non renewable energy
The second industrial revolution electric energy Secondary energy
The third industrial revolution Natural energy clean energy

Classification of energy

There are various forms of energy , Energy can be classified in different ways .

Press whether it can regenerate Can be divided into : Renewable energy and non renewable energy .

  • Renewable energy : For energy from nature , For example, solar energy 、 wind 、 Water power 、 Tidal energy 、 Geothermal energy 、 Biogas , It's inexhaustible ( Endless ), Inexhaustible energy , It will regenerate automatically .
  • Non renewable energy : Corresponding to renewable energy , It is an energy that cannot be regenerated in a short time , And their consumption rate is much faster than their regeneration rate . coal 、 oil 、 Natural gas and other fossil fuels and nuclear fuels 、 Minerals are non renewable energy .

According to whether it has been processed Can be divided into : Primary energy and secondary energy .

  • Primary energy : Primary energy refers to the original form in nature 、 Unprocessed energy resources , Also known as natural energy , Such as coal 、 oil 、 Natural gas 、 Water energy, etc .
  • Secondary energy : It refers to the energy obtained from the processing and conversion of primary energy , Including electric energy 、 gasoline 、 diesel oil 、 Liquefied petroleum gas and hydrogen energy .

According to the maturity of the technology Can be divided into : Conventional energy and new energy .

  • Conventional energy : Also called traditional energy , It means that the technology is mature 、 Large scale production and widely used energy , Such as coal 、 oil 、 Natural gas, etc. are disposable non renewable conventional energy .
  • New energy (NE): Also known as unconventional energy , It refers to various forms of energy other than traditional energy , Just started to develop and utilize or is actively studying 、 Energy to be promoted , Like solar energy 、 Geothermal energy 、 wind 、 Ocean energy 、 Biomass energy and nuclear fusion energy .

According to the degree of impact on the environment Can be divided into : Polluting energy and clean energy .

  • Polluting energy : It refers to the energy that will pollute the environment in the process of human utilization . Like coal 、 Petroleum energy will produce a lot of carbon dioxide in the combustion process 、 Sulfur oxides 、 Nitrogen oxides and various organic pollutants , It will damage the environment , Ecological impact .
  • Clean energy : Also called green energy , It means not to discharge pollutants 、 Energy that can be directly used to produce life , It includes Renewable energy and nuclear energy .

Besides , It can also be divided into conventional energy and new energy .
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