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Markdown learning (entry level)

2022-07-08 01:03:00 Light chasing rain

One 、Markdown Introduction to

Is a lightweight markup language
( Anyway, writing notes is super easy )
Typore Strongly recommend ( But there seems to be a charge )

Two 、 Paragraph and emphasis

*xax*   // Italics 
_xax_  // Italics 

**yay**  // In bold 
__yay__  // In bold 

~~ Delete line ~~  // Delete line 

effect :


Delete line

3、 ... and 、 title

3.1 Setext Form title ( I don't like it very much )

 title 1

 title 2

title 1

title 2

3.2 Atx Form title ( Highly recommended )

#  title 1

##  title 2

####  title 4

######  title 6

title 1

title 2

title 4

title 6

Most support 6 Level title , commonly 4 Level is the limit , As far as possible 3 Level is good

Four 、 link

 form 1:
[]: Put the logo text 
(): Put the link 
[ Baidu ](www.baidu.com)

 form 2
I get 10 times more traffic from [Google][1] than from [Yahoo][2] or [MSN][3].  
// It has to be a new line 
[1]: http://google.com/        "Google" 
[2]: http://search.yahoo.com/  "Yahoo Search" 
[3]: http://search.msn.com/    "MSN Search"


I get 10 times more traffic from Google than from Yahoo or MSN.

5、 ... and 、 picture

 form 1:
![Alt text](/path/to/img.jpg "Optional title")

![keyboards](/img/59/36d74027b13c5f19b7d1a0fd2838de.jpg " study hard ")

 form 2:
![Alt text][id]
[id]: url/to/image  "Optional title attribute"

![Git  Course ][git]
// There must be a new line 
[git]: /img/59/36d74027b13c5f19b7d1a0fd2838de.jpg

Git Course

Markdown There is no way to specify the width and height of the picture , If necessary , have access to HTML Medium label

<img src="/img/59/36d74027b13c5f19b7d1a0fd2838de.jpg" width="300px" height="200px" alt=" study hard ">
 study hard

6、 ... and 、 list

6.1 Unordered list

//+ * -  The effect is the same , Unordered list 
*    Banana 
*    Apple 
*    Peach 

+    Banana 
+    Apple 
+    Peach 

-    Banana 
-    Apple 
-    Peach 

  • Banana
  • Apple
  • Peach
  • Banana
  • Apple
  • Peach
  • Banana
  • Apple
  • Peach

6.2 Ordered list

1.  Apple 
2.  Banana 
3.  Peach 

1987\.  Meijiaer   // You can avoid 
  1. Apple
  2. Banana
  3. Peach
    1987. Meijiaer

6.3 Markdown The escape of

Markdown It supports adding a backslash before the following symbols to transfer , In order to be in Markdown Insert ordinary symbols in :

	\    The backslash 
	`    The quotation marks 
	*    asterisk 
	_    Underline 
	{}   Curly braces  /  Curly braces 
	[]   brackets  /  square brackets 
	()   parentheses  /  Brackets 
	#    Well No 
	+    plus 
	-    minus sign 
	.    English full stop 
	!    Exclamatory mark 

You can nest

1.  The first day 
	*  Get out of bed 
	*  having dinner 
	*  Work 
		-  Read email 
		-  Write code 
			// A code block
			 open  CODE CHINA

			![ The computer ](/img/a2/cf2ab25065ec362be553715f0ec1fd.jpg)

					var x =1000;
		-  test 
		-  Release 
	*  sleep 
2.  the second day 
3.  On the third day 

  1. The first day
    • Get out of bed
    • having dinner
    • Work
      • Read email

      • Write code
        // A code block
        open CODE CHINA

         The computer

          	var x =1000;
      • test

      • Release

    • sleep
  2. the second day
  3. On the third day

CSDN It may not work well

 Insert picture description here

6.4 Task list

- [x]  Get out of bed 
- [x]  having dinner 
- [ ]  Work 
- [ ]  sleep 

  • Get out of bed
  • having dinner
  • Work
  • sleep
//  nesting 
- [x]  Get out of bed 
- [ ]  having dinner 
	- [x]  Boiled Egg 
	- [ ]  to toast bread 
	- [ ]  Hot Milk 
1. [X]  Work 
	1. [x]  Read email 
	2. [x]  Write code 
	3. [ ]  Release 
2. [ ]  sleep 

  • Get out of bed
  • having dinner
    • Boiled Egg
    • to toast bread
    • Hot Milk
  1. Work
    1. Read email
    2. Write code
    3. Release
  2. sleep

7、 ... and 、 Dividing line and reference

7.1 Split line


7.2 quote

> Perl The inventor of language Larry Wall say , Good programmers have 3 A virtue :  lazy 、 Impatience and arrogance (Laziness, Impatience and hubris).
> >  Programmers have three virtues : lazy , Impatience and arrogance . —— **Larry Wall**
>  lazy , It will make you make great efforts to avoid consuming too much energy . It urges you to write energy-saving programs , At the same time, others can use them . For this you will write perfect documentation , To avoid being asked too many questions .
 Impatience , When you find that computers lazily don't give results . So you write better code , Can really solve the problem as soon as possible . At least it looks like this .
 Arrogant , Extremely confident , To give you the confidence to write ( Or maintenance ) Procedures that no one else can fault .

> ##  Three virtues of programmers 
> 1.  lazy 
> 2.  Impatience 
> 3.  Arrogant 
>  Here is an example of the code :
>     return shell_exec("echo $input | $markdown_script");

Perl The inventor of language Larry Wall say , Good programmers have 3 A virtue : lazy 、 Impatience and arrogance (Laziness, Impatience and hubris).

Programmers have three virtues : lazy , Impatience and arrogance . —— Larry Wall

lazy , It will make you make great efforts to avoid consuming too much energy . It urges you to write energy-saving programs , At the same time, others can use them . For this you will write perfect documentation , To avoid being asked too many questions .
Impatience , When you find that computers lazily don't give results . So you write better code , Can really solve the problem as soon as possible . At least it looks like this .
Arrogant , Extremely confident , To give you the confidence to write ( Or maintenance ) Procedures that no one else can fault .

Three virtues of programmers

  1. lazy
  2. Impatience
  3. Arrogant

Here is an example of the code :

return shell_exec("echo $input | $markdown_script");

8、 ... and 、 Code block

8.1 Inline code

 form :``


8.2 Indent to show code

To be in Markdown It is also easy to create code blocks in , Simply indent 4 Blank or 1 individual tab Can , for example , The following input :
This is an ordinary paragraph :
This is a code block.
Click to see Markdown Conversion effect in

This is an ordinary paragraph :

This is a code block.

This indent is one level per line (4 Blank or 1 individual tab), Will be removed , for example :
Here is a sample code :
tell application “Foo”
end tell
Click to see Markdown Conversion effect in

Here is a sample code :

tell application "Foo"
end tell

A block of code will continue until the line without indentation ( Or at the end of the document ).
In the code block , & 、 < and > It will automatically change to HTML Entity , This way it's very easy for you to use Markdown Insert HTML The original sample code for , for example :

Click to see Markdown Conversion effect in
<div class="footer">
    &copy; 2004 Foo Corporation

8.3 Highlight snippet

stay ``` Add the language type later

8.4 Diff grammar

var foo = 'bar';
+ var x = 200;
* var x = 100;

Nine 、 form

  1. The first row contains the header , And use " A vertical bar "( | ) Separate
  2. The title of the second row is separated from the cell , And must contain three or more dashes
  3. The third row and any subsequent rows contain cell values

It should be noted that :

  • Can't be in Markdown Separate cells into rows , They must remain single line , if necessary , You can also use HTML
    The tag enforces a line break on the content
  • The length of the second line of cells does not need to be consistent with the title , But you must use a vertical line (|) Separate
  • You can have blank cells
| header 1 | header 2 | header 3 |
| ---      |  ------  |---------:|
| cell 1   | cell 2   | cell 3   |
| cell 4 | cell 5 is longer | cell 6 is much longer than the others, but that's ok. It will eventually wrap the text when the cell is too large for the display size. |
| cell 7   |          | cell <br> 9 |

header 1header 2header 3
cell 1cell 2cell 3
cell 4cell 5 is longercell 6 is much longer than the others, but that’s ok. It will eventually wrap the text when the cell is too large for the display size.
cell 7cell
 in addition , You can add a colon (:), Specify the text alignment for each column , such as :

| header 1 | header 2 | header 3 |
|:-------- | :------: | --------:|
| left-aligned  The text is on the left  | centered  Center text  |  right-aligned  The text is on the right  |
| `:---`  Left colon indicates ** Content and title bar ** Align left  |  `:--:`  There are colons at both ends ** Content and title bar ** Align center  | `---:`  The right colon indicates ** Content and title bar ** Align right  |

header 1header 2header 3
left-aligned The text is on the left centered Center text right-aligned The text is on the right
:--- Left colon indicates Content and title bar Align left :--: There are colons at both ends Content and title bar Align center ---: The right colon indicates Content and title bar Align right

Ten 、 attach

10.1 List of articles

@[TOC]( The title of the catalogue can also be left blank )

 Insert picture description here

10.2 The highlighted



10.3 Latex grammar

The most complete Markdown + Latex Writing skills
New skills :Markdown Use in LaTeX


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