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On the software of express delivery cabinet and deposit cabinet under Windows
2020-11-08 12:11:00 【osc_id7cvef1】
Recently, someone asked about the software development of express cabinet again . When you're free, you'll think about it . First understand the composition of the electronic part of the express cabinet .
The brief function of the hardware is that the main control computer interacts with the outside through the display touch screen , Capture and record images by monitoring , Communicate with the server through the network module , Through the lock control board to unlock and detect the lock switch status .
Now it's mainly the software of the main control computer , The main control computer can run for the industrial motherboard windows Or other operating systems .
The main functions of the software are as follows :
One 、 User port
1、 By express mail 2、 Express delivery 3、 Personal center
Two 、 Courier port
1、 Express storage 2、 Express delivery
3、 ... and 、 Management port
It doesn't look complicated . But the hardware part of the lock control board has not been used before , I searched the Internet , There is not much information . I searched the e-commerce platform , Some manufacturers sell this stuff . Read the introduction , Basically, they send commands through the serial port , The lock control board will unlock the lock or check the opening and closing conditions of the lock , There are also commands sent to the lock control board through the network port , But the form is the same . The price of netport should be high .
Next, study the driver programming of the lock control board .
Send and receive data through serial port , I did it a few years ago , Collect a meter data to the computer . Remember to use Vb Development , The interface is very well designed , Serial communication uses a control mscomm. Just set the parameters , Open the serial port , You can send and receive data , Analyze the data according to the protocol , Turn off the serial port when not in use . stay MFC Serial communication has not been used in . First look at the lock control panel . After comparison, this kind of lock control board was selected .
The models are all right ,8、12、16、20、24 All the doors have . Some treasure link https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=581917013199
Unlock and query the lock status through serial communication . I searched the Internet about VS Serial communication related articles . There are many ways , There are by ActiveX Control communication , Have call Windows Of API Functions encapsulate classes to operate . call Windows Of API The method of function encapsulation class is more flexible , Combined with other people's code on the Internet is more convenient . Let's look at the command form of the lock control board , It can be simplified as sending a string of hexadecimal data , The format is as follows
The address of the lock control board here is generally 1. When there are many pieces , The hardware can be set to other values through the dial switch 2,3 etc. , Fill in here N Set the hardware to N The circuit board sends instructions . The lock number is the channel number of the lock control board , fill M Just go M Lock No , The last two bytes of data are checks . This makes it clear that , adopt 《 Lock control board address 》 Distinguish between different boards , Re pass 《 Lock number 》 Distinguish the different locks connected to the lock plate . In this case, if it is 60 The cupboard of the door , use 5 block 12 Door lock control panel , It's easy to send instructions , First determine the number of the board to which the door lock is connected , Reset the number on the board to which the lock is connected , Fill in the data frame in the above format , Update the verification data after calculating the verification , Send through serial port , Answer the door and open it .
Use VS2010 MFC Programming , Using the method of button control group , The view is as follows
The code is as follows
void CrockdemoDlg::OnButton(UINT nID)
DWORD rtlen;
BOOL fright=TRUE;
UINT CrcCheck,temp1;
BYTE rbuf[100]={0};
BYTE sbuf[] = {0xAA,0x01,0x02,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x0A};
sbuf[1]=setadd;// The address of the lock control board
sbuf[3]=nID-IDC_BUTTON1+1; // How many locks to unlock the control panel
MessageBox(_T(" Data reception error , Please check if the cable is connected properly "),_T(" Tips "), MB_OK);
After testing, it can unlock the lock smoothly . After the above test , The driver of the control panel has been unlocked , The whole software development is more aware of .
About serial communication , There are some good materials on the Internet , You can refer to it
Windows Simple example of serial communication
VC++ Realize the application program design of serial communication
Well, let's write about it today .
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