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What are the characteristics of trademark translation and how to translate it?

2022-07-06 06:32:00 Yingxin translation company

   according to the understanding of , Trademark language refers to all text messages in text trademarks and combined trademarks , When translating trademark language , Consider the characteristics of the trademark , To successfully translate trademarks . that , What are the characteristics of trademark translation , How to translate trademark language ?


   First of all 、 The uniqueness of Trademark Language Translation . Trademark language should have distinctive and eye-catching personalized features , It gives people a strong visual impact and appeal , It can achieve the purpose of identification and recognition .

   second 、 The conciseness of Trademark Language Translation . Only simplicity 、 Be dignified 、 The connotation of the deep 、 New and unique trademark language will be favored and recognized by entrepreneurs and the public .

   Third 、 Symbolism of Trademark Language Translation . The logo of the enterprise trademark has a high degree of cohesion 、 Profound implication , It also has good communication . No matter what kind of media it is conveyed, people will understand it at a glance .

   Fourth 、 The epochal nature of Trademark Language Translation . The trademark is intended to reflect the enterprise's innovation 、 strive for changes 、 Dare to create and pursue , Never lag behind the times and always have an advanced consciousness and character . The creativity of trademark language must progress with the progress of society , Advance with the development of the times .

   The fifth 、 The artistry of Trademark Language Translation . Trademark language should be in sound 、 shape 、 It has a certain sense of beauty , Convey the message of beauty to people , Make people enjoy beauty . The sound is beautiful and the meaning is Langlang Shangzhong , Physical beauty means pleasing to the eye , The beauty of meaning can only remind people of beautiful things . Only with a certain degree of artistry , Trademark can enter the Public Psychology .

   The sixth 、 The stability of Trademark Language Translation . Since the establishment of the trademark , Enterprises hope that the trademarks of their products will be People will always remember and love , And then insist Buy . The trademark of enterprise products will not change easily , Especially those successful trademarks , This shows that the trademark should have stability .

   These are the six characteristics of trademark language . For the translation method of trademark language , Translation companies mainly adopt transliteration and literal translation . Transliteration is the use of similar pronunciation between languages to translate goods . In person's name 、 Place names 、 The trademark of the factory name is generally transliteration , At the same time, in order to meet people's curiosity hunting Psychology , Some brand names that are difficult to translate also take transliteration , But when translating, try to Selection can reflect the characteristics of goods 、 easy to pronounce 、 Easy to remember 、 Words that can arouse good associations . Literal translation is to translate the literal meaning of the trademark Translate directly . For trademark words of common nouns , If its original meaning is consistent with the meaning of the word in the target language , And it can conform to the aesthetic and cultural psychology of the audience , It won't cause disgust 、 If you are disgusted, you can use literal translation .

   All in all , Trademark translation is a simple transformation from the original trademark to the target trademark that pays attention to cultural exchange . Translate trademark language , Try to find a professional translation company , Obtain stable and reliable 、 Cost effective translation services !


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