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Understanding of maximum likelihood estimation

2022-07-08 01:23:00 You roll, I don't roll

Maximum likelihood estimation It's based on Maximum likelihood principle A statistical method based on , It's the application of probability theory in statistics .


1、 Maximum likelihood principle

2、 Maximum likelihood estimation

1、 Maximum likelihood principle

Maximum likelihood principle : In a randomized trial , Many events can happen , The probability of an event with a high probability is also high . If only one test is conducted , event A It happened. , Then we have reason to think A The probability of occurrence is higher than that of other events .

for example , There is... In a box red black Two color balls , The number of 10 And 1 individual , But I don't know which color ball is 10 A ball of that color is 1 individual , At this time, we randomly take out a ball from the box , If this ball is red Chromatic , Then we think it's in the box red Ball has 10 individual , black Ball has 1 individual .

2、 Maximum likelihood estimation

Maximum likelihood estimation (ML) Is to use the known sample results ( For example, the ball touched in the above example is red Chromatic ), Backward extrapolation is most likely ( Maximum probability ) The parameter value that causes this result ( As shown in the above example 10 red 1 black Conclusion ). This is also in Statistics Estimate the whole with samples An elaboration of .

ML  A method for evaluating model parameters given observation data is provided , namely :“ The model has been set , Unknown parameter ”. Through several experiments , Observe the results , Using the test results to get a certain parameter value can make the probability of sample occurrence to be the maximum , It's called maximum likelihood estimation .

How to understand “ The model has been set , Unknown parameter ” Well ? The model here can be a Formula with undetermined parameters , It can also be thought of as a Machine learning model .

Such as exponential distribution formula

The distribution function model is known , Parameters  λ  That is, the required parameter , Given a set of random variables D, Find the most appropriate parameter   Under this parameter D The probability of occurrence is the highest .

Another example is , We have a model , The unknown parameters in the model are  , The value range is    . Another group contains N The data set of 2 samples D:

We require a set of parameters of the model , Make the data set D The probability of occurrence is the greatest . Definition Likelihood function ( Data sets D Probability of occurrence ) as follows :

  To solve the likelihood function is to find a set of parameters   bring   To the maximum , here   Namely   Maximum likelihood estimator of .

Find the maximum , Which must involve function derivation , But look at L We know that the direct derivation process may be very troublesome and the order of the result is high , And consider the function ln(L) And L Have the same trend and maximum point , Therefore, in practical application, in order to facilitate analysis , Generally used   Log likelihood function  H=ln(L) To solve  .


And then make it Partial derivative be equal to 0:

  The solution of the equation is only an estimate , Only when the number of samples tends to be infinite , It will be close to the real value .

Reference resources :

Wu Chuansheng :《 Economic Mathematics - Probability theory and mathematical statistics 》

Maximum likelihood estimation _ Knowing and doing wandering -CSDN Blog _ Maximum likelihood estimation


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