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Recommend a document management tool Zotero | with tutorials and learning paths

2022-07-08 01:06:00 Sleepy without water

Recommend a document management tool Zotero | Attached are tutorials and learning paths

Document management needs and tools

In fact, academic document management mainly includes two needs: management and reading .

From the management level , hope :

  • Literature can be easily imported into tools and extract accurate and rich literature information
  • In writing , You can import the documents in the tool freely
  • In work and study , You can quickly find the literature you want in the tool

From the reading level , It is the operation and management of various highlights and notes , Of course, there is also the need for synchronization between different platforms .

At present, there are many commonly used document management tools , The representative ones are as follows :


Endnote It is a very old and well-known document management tool , The payment price is relatively expensive, but most universities and scientific research institutions will purchase it uniformly , Mobile (iPad) Excellent use experience .


Mendeley On 2013 In, he was Elsevier Buy at a high price , At present, it is backed by a big tree .

Mendeley It has the following advantages :

  1. True full platform :Web, macOS, Linux, Windows, iOS, Android Read all documents on the device anytime, anywhere .
  2. Real time full synchronization : free 2G Storage space (Zotero 300M), Approximate energy storage 1000 Thousands of documents . This amount is enough for most people , Because documents should be sorted out and deleted in time , It is not suitable to use it as a network disk .
  3. True intelligence : The browser plug-in automatically saves documents , Automatically listen to local folders , Computer client local PDF Automatically detect thesis entries after dragging files , Very high recognition rate . Other relevant literatures can be recommended according to the existing literatures .
  4. Team social and recommendation attributes : The website can be followed and followed after registration ( Be similar to ResearchGate), Recommend friends according to the research field , Create or join groups to share literature .
  5. built-in PDF reader : Support copying highlights and annotations , Support the creation of notes for the entire document .
  6. Various data import and export formats : Support batch import of various database files ( such as Zotero), Support multiple reference formats for export , such as BibTeX.
  7. Use thresholds and EndNote And Zotero Compared with very low , Little learning cost .
  8. good-looking , Mobile clients and web pages have high appearance value .

shortcoming : The built-in reader is not powerful enough , The resolution is not very high ; Class not supported Zotero Multi attachment insertion and tree view , and Zotero Compared with notes, the function is also relatively simple .


Zotero Today is the focus , See the next section for specific introduction .

F1000 workspace

F1000 workspace yes F1000 Its products , Unlike several other tools , so to speak F1000 workspace Is the only true Web Tools . No local client is required ,PDF It can be uploaded directly PDF And read and annotate through the browser , As long as there is a browser, you can use .

The official website has the following paragraph :

F1000Workspace is the latest offering from F1000 and provides a unified workspace for scientists to collect, write & discuss scientific literature. It features a web-based application, a browser extension, powerful word processing plugins and a mobile application. It includes key article recommendations by our faculty of over 8,000 leading experts in biology and medicine and links to our Open Science publishing platform, F1000Research.

Its main feature is Combined with the F1000 Recommendation function and social attributes , It can be said to be a relatively more modern tool . If you are tired of traditional document management tools ,F1000 workspace It is definitely a good new choice .

But this tool is also subscription based , You can go through This web page Enter the email address of your institution to check whether your university or research unit has subscribed . If the following effects , You can use all its functions without any restrictions .

img Verify permissions

This tool will not be introduced in detail below , It is suggested that Official website See the instructions in .

Representative tools Zotero

On the official website , There is an article dedicated to analyzing for users Why use Zotero. The following are the main reasons for literature management :

  • The software itself is completely free and open source , There is no piracy problem
  • After registration, it only includes 300M Space Synchronization , But support WebDAV Sync , for example Dropbox And nut cloud
  • The official feedback forum is quite active , You can get feedback quickly if you have problems
  • Retrieve and save publication data from websites and journal articles
  • Drag in PDF High accuracy of publication data
  • You can talk to Word,LibreOffice Integrate , It is convenient for further use and management of documents
  • Powerful third-party plug-in system
  • Any number and format of attachments can be added under each entry

Of course , To use a tool, you must first understand its upper and lower limits ,Zotero There are also obvious shortcomings :

  • Because it's powerful, it's a little complicated to get started
  • It's not entirely based on Web Tools for
  • No built-in PDF Reading tool
  • Not suitable for iOS and Android Official application of

Zotero Use and learning path

The most authoritative and up-to-date learning materials must be Official documents . At present, there is a target for Zotero 4 The old version of English description , If English is difficult, you can also refer to . Next, I will introduce in the order of the following figure Zotero Use and learning path .

img Use and learn paths

Add content to the Library

Using browser plug-ins

Different from some tools ,Zotero Of Browser plug-in It can be called 「 Save everything 」. When your web page presents different content ,Zotero The plug-in will show different icons . for example , If it's on PDF, Then the icon will become PDF.

If there are multiple document metadata in a web page , You can detect and save multiple articles at the same time . Even a blog , You can also save it directly .

img For the saving effect of blog

The following figure shows the effect of saving blog pages directly , You can see that it will also grab part of the content and display it as a summary .

img Blog save details

If you are curious Zotero What are the contents that support import , Please refer to the screenshot below .

img Support for saving content

Use various identifiers to add

For adding literature or books , If we know its corresponding ISBN,DOI or PubMed ID, You can quickly add items to the library through identifiers .

img Use identifiers to add

single click Zotero At the top of the middle column of the pane 「 Add items by identifier 」 Button , Enter the identifier and press Enter. If you want to enter more than one identifier at a time , After entering the first identifier, press Shift + Enter It will go into multiline mode , Then enter the remaining identifiers ( Each row of a ), And pass Enter Line break . Enter the completion character , Press again Shift + Enter You can import all projects at once .

img Enter multiple identifiers at a time

Local PDF Files and various attachments are directly dragged into the application

If you have downloaded PDF Edition literature , Just drag it directly into the application ,Zotero Will automatically identify PDF Metadata in documents .

Compared with most document management software ,Zotero A great advantage is that it supports adding attachments of any format to an item , For example, the attachment here can be Excel Format spreadsheet , It can be a web page address mentioned in the literature , It can also be your own electronic experiment records related to the subject of the literature , You can even package the relevant code mentioned in the article into a compressed file and add it .

combination WebDAV Sync function , We can also synchronize these related data among multiple devices , This greatly facilitates us to sort out various materials related to the literature .

Import from other tools

Zotero Support data import from various tools , And the supported import formats are very rich . for example Mendeley The database of ,Endnote Of XML Format , And common RDF and RIS Format, etc. . See the screenshot below for more formats .

img The database supports formats

adopt feed Subscribe to

If you are a person who likes to pursue literature , There must be a variety of ways of their own , For example, subscribe by email or RSS etc. , and Zotero It also provides us with a very convenient method .

img New subscription

Click on URL After that, you can provide some magazine homepage URL Add the address directly here , And make more advanced settings , For example, update the subscription time and delete time .

img Advanced settings options

Document and note management

Sets and labels

Collections can be understood as folders that support multiple levels , As shown in the following figure, create a new subset in a collection .

img New category

In addition to classification according to catalogue , You can add several tags to each document . Here, it is suggested that the use dimension of labels does not coincide with the set . for example , I have one called 「lncRNA」 A collection of directories , You shouldn't build another 「lncRNA」 The label of , At this time, the label can consider the application dimension or importance dimension . If you use P1、P2 and P3 Note the importance of literature , Use 「 Mid - 」「 Defence 」 Mark the purpose of a document .

Each label can be set with the corresponding color , This color block will also be automatically displayed at the beginning of each entry , Convenient view , Be clear at a glance .


Search for

stay Zotero in , Fast search supports three granularity as shown in the figure below . It should be noted that , If PDF The document has been established , adopt 「 All contents 」 When searching, you can search the document text .

img Three search granularity

In addition to quick search ,Zotero There is also an advanced search method in . Advanced search provides more and more refined filtering conditions than fast search , And allows you to save the search content for next use .

Open to run advanced search 「 Advanced search 」 window , Click the magnifying glass icon at the top of the center pane , Then you will enter the advanced search interface , Search supports logical judgment and there are many searchable items .

img Advanced search

Sorting and Correlation

Each set supports displaying several required contents and sorting them in some way , And support secondary sorting .

img Specify secondary sort

in addition , Between different documents 、 Documents and notes can be related . We can easily combine highly relevant content .


Each document supports inserting multiple notes . The format and content supported by notes are also very rich , For example, there is no problem quoting and inserting links and adding titles at different levels , And notes can also be associated with multiple documents .

The default notebook thing is a rich text editor , I won't support it markdown grammar . But because Zotero Plug ins and Firefox The plug-in format of is the same , We just have to take Firefox Of markdown here The plug-in can be imported with a little modification and packaging Zotero in , So that the notes support markdown. I have packed the plug-in , You can Click the link Download and install .

imgmarkdown effect

Generate citations and reports

No matter use Endnote Or use Mendeley Or use Zotero, A very important requirement is to insert references in the process of writing various papers .Zotero From what convenience can you meet your needs ?

img Reference settings page

Copy quickly

If you only want to insert some articles into your blog or notes without strict citation requirements . that Zotero It provides a very convenient and fast replication method .

In the setting, you can set the citation format required for copying , Then just drag and drop , Very free .

img Single article drag and drop quotation effect

Right click multiple documents to export

When you select multiple documents at the same time , You can also right-click to select the form you want to export . for example RTF perhaps HTML, Of course , You can also choose to copy directly and paste it in place in one step .

img Multiple drag and drop citation effects

stay Microsoft Word Using plug-ins in

Usually, you will be prompted to install the software automatically Word plug-in unit , If it is not installed in the early stage for various reasons , It can be installed in the reference of settings , Restart after installation Word that will do .

Once installed Word The following will appear in Zotero plug-in unit :

imgword plug-in unit

Word Medium Zotero The tab contains the following :

imgZetero tab

Between the official insertion of quotations , You need to set the format and language of the quotation , By managing styles, you can easily find a large number of Citation Formats . If you need to display Chinese , You can select Chinese in the language options .

img Reference formatting

Click the Add option where you want to add a citation

img Call up reference search

In the search box that appears, you can use various ways to quickly search for the documents you need to insert , For example, the author's name .

img Search by author's name

If you need to quote multiple documents in one place , You can select multiple pieces of content you want to add at one time and add them uniformly .

img Insert several articles

After all the references are cited , Directly click on the bibliography to insert the quotation .


Generate a report

In addition to inserting reference citations ,Zotero Another way of deriving references is also given —— Generate a report .

The report is simple HTML page , Provides an overview of the project metadata for the selected project , Notes and attachments . You can print them , They can also be posted online and sent by email .

To create a report, right-click an item or option in the central pane , And then choose 「 Generate a report from the selected entry …」, You can also right-click the set in the left column , And then choose 「 Generate reports from collections 」.


Third party tool plug-ins It can help you better filter the content of the report , For example, sort the report or add or delete items .

img Export effect

Backup and collaboration


Zotero It supports 300M Free storage space . This is not enough for many people , If you don't want to buy official storage space, you can use WebDAV service . There will be no introduction here , It is more convenient for domestic use 「 Nut cloud 」 For example , The official gave a more detailed configuration method tutorial : How to be in Zotero Set in webdav Connect to the nut cloud .


Collaboration function may be a function that many people ignore or don't know .Zotero It provides a relatively perfect way of collaboration , Here are some introductions .

If you want to share and collaborate with laboratories or several good users, a library , Then you can create a private library , You need to go to the official website to create , The way is as follows .

img Official website creation team

Then there are some specific permissions that need to be set , For example, who can read , Who can edit .

img Set the permissions

Once you've created it , If your client has logged in and finished syncing , A new group will appear in the sidebar . As shown in the figure below .


in addition , You can invite and delete members in the management interface of the web version .

Other contents

The plugin is recommended

The plug-in system is Zotero The unique advantages of open source software , You can go through The official plug-in website To view the . The several plug-ins I am currently using are shown in the figure below , Recommended for installation .

img My plug-in in use


  • When you select an item , You can press and hold Option(Ctrl) Key to highlight all sets that contain this item , That is to know the grouping of this document
  • Press... On the keyboard in the set list or item list +( plus ) You can expand all nodes , Press -( minus sign ) Can be folded
  • To view the number of items in the selected library or collection, click and use Command-A(Ctrl-A) Future generations , The count will be displayed on the right
  • If you use the quick copy function , Press and hold... While dragging and dropping items into a text document Shift Key enables inserting citations instead of full citations
  • You can click DOI and URL The field label directly opens the link

That's about Zotero Use and learning path , I hope it will be helpful to you who are looking for learning document management tools .

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