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Is $20billion a little less? Cisco is interested in Splunk?

2022-07-05 04:40:00 Amin observation


【 Global cloud watch | Technology clearly says 】200 Is $100 million a little less , Cisco has a crush on Splunk This sweet pastry ?

A big guy like Cisco , Also in love with Splunk, Whether the rumors are true or not , Have fully demonstrated Splunk Otherwise, we have already seen through the ceiling of development , Do you want to make a crazy transformation not long ago . Although based on Splunk Data platform can realize better data intelligence , But how to make the data platform more beneficial from offline devices to the cloud , It must have been Splunk Focus on development goals . However, any transformation and change will affect the whole body , All need money .Splunk The profit performance of is not satisfactory , How natural the cash flow is , Therefore, through capital integration or mergers and acquisitions , Maybe you can make Splunk The data platform will fly for a few years .

When business intelligence becomes another focus of many digital enterprises and cloud enterprises ,Splunk The value of will naturally become more and more obvious . It's important to point out that ,IDC take Splunk As a ITOA(IT Operation analysis software ) The market share leader has been for several years , So far, Splunk It has helped more than 20000 customers worldwide to use any source 、 Any scale and real-time data to solve its business challenges .

Can be for any IT Environmental Science , Including local deployment 、 Hybrid and cloudy scenes provide the most comprehensive 、 Flexible and robust IT Monitoring and management solutions , The function driven by artificial intelligence can be used to achieve a shorter average detection time (MTTD) And the average resolution time (MTTR).Splunk Good. , These more than 20000 customers know their psychology .

since Splunk Cloud Platform After pushing it out , It is more conducive to the investigation of data of any scale 、 monitor 、 Analysis and processing , And realize fast 、 flexible 、 Scalable data services .

According to a person familiar with the matter , Cisco has asked software manufacturers Splunk Made a takeover offer , Bid super 200 Billion dollars . Some people familiar with the matter said , This quotation is just put forward recently , The two companies are not actively negotiating . It is not clear whether other potential bidders are following Splunk.

200 Billion dollars , Is it worth it , Beyond all doubt , I think if science and technology company takes a fancy to Splunk This sweet pastry , this 200 Billion dollars seems a little less . In the era of cloud and big data , It is Splunk Things that maximize value , The blessing of any capital and resource boss , Will further expand such value .

If a deal is reached , This will be the biggest deal Cisco has ever made , More than the 2005 By appointment in 70 US $100 million acquisition Science Atlanta Transactions . Cisco's latest large-scale deal was in 2021 Years ago 50 US $100 million acquisition Acacia Communications.

Of course , Cisco loves Splunk Before , According to a person familiar with the matter , Cisco is in 2019 year 9 Month also with software companies Datadog Approached , It is much higher than 70 Billion dollars IPO Acquisition offer of target valuation . Ha ha ha , But Cisco's unrequited love was Datadog Mercilessly refused , because Datadog At that time, I thought , as time goes on , The valuation of the company as a listed company may be higher . Final Datadog Successfully listed , At present, the market value exceeds 500 Billion dollars , Also exceeded Splunk Of 100 More than $100 million market value . In this case 200 Billion dollars to buy Splunk, According to industry insiders, Cisco may “ Stream label ” 了 .



Splunk Founded on 2003 year , Produce software for the company's information technology and security operations , For monitoring and analyzing data .

Splunk stay 6 Month name , Private equity company Silver Lake capital is moving to Splunk investment 10 Billion dollars , To help support the company's business transformation .Splunk It has been changing from traditional software licensing to subscription mode based on cloud services .

(by Aming)

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【 Global storage watch | Technology clearly says 】 Focus on technology company analysis , Speak with data , Take you to understand technology . This article and the author's reply only represent personal opinions , Does not constitute any investment proposal .


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