当前位置:网站首页>The detailed page returns to the list and retains the original position of the scroll bar

The detailed page returns to the list and retains the original position of the scroll bar

2022-07-06 00:37:00 InfoQ

Recently, the school asked to do a project , Slide down in the news list page , Don't open a news , Enter the details page of the news , When finished , Return to the news list page from the details page . And the scroll bar also returns to the top 1 News . This will affect the user experience .
To solve this problem, we need to use route guard

The first step we're going to do is index.js Add
Property is used to cache components , The code is as follows :
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueRouter from 'vue-router'
import News from '../views/News'
import New from '../components/new'


const routes = [{
 path: '/',
 component: News,
 meta: { keepAlive: true }
}, {
 path: '/new/:id',
 component: New

If true Explain that this component needs caching
The second step is to create the main entry file App.vue add to
label   The code is as follows :
 <div id=&quot;app&quot;>
 <router-view v-if=&quot;$route.meta.keepAlive&quot;></router-view>
 <router-view v-if=&quot;!$route.meta.keepAlive&quot;></router-view>
adopt v-if To judge , Previously configured routing $route.meta.keepAlive Is it true, by true The components will be cached , So we need to add
by true
The third step is to give the news list news.vue Add a routing guard
 <div id=&quot;news&quot; ref=&quot;listBox&quot;>
 <li v-for=&quot; newa in news&quot; :key=&quot;newa.id&quot;>
 <router-link :to=&quot;'/new/' +newa.id&quot;>{{newa.title}}</router-link>
export default {
 name: 'news',
 data() {
 return {
 scroll: 0,
 news: [
 { id: 1, title: ' Journalism 1', desc: ' Journalism 1' },
 { id: 2, title: ' Journalism 2', desc: ' Journalism 2' },
 { id: 3, title: ' Journalism 3', desc: ' Journalism 3' },
 { id: 4, title: ' Journalism 4', desc: ' Journalism 4' },
 { id: 5, title: ' Journalism 5', desc: ' Journalism 5' },
 { id: 6, title: ' Journalism 6', desc: ' Journalism 6' },
 { id: 7, title: ' Journalism 7', desc: ' Journalism 7' },
 { id: 8, title: ' Journalism 8', desc: ' Journalism 8' },
 { id: 9, title: ' Journalism 9', desc: ' Journalism 9' },
 { id: 10, title: ' Journalism 10', desc: ' Journalism 10' },
 { id: 11, title: ' Journalism 11', desc: ' Journalism 11' },
 { id: 12, title: ' Journalism 12', desc: ' Journalism 12' },
 { id: 13, title: ' Journalism 13', desc: ' Journalism 13' },
 { id: 14, title: ' Journalism 14', desc: ' Journalism 14' },
 { id: 15, title: ' Journalism 15', desc: ' Journalism 15' }
 beforeRouteLeave(to, from, next) {
 console.log(' Activate beforeRouteLeave route ')
 // }
 this.scroll = this.$refs.listBox.scrollTop

 activated() {
 console.log(' Activate activated Hook function ')
 this.$refs.listBox.scrollTop = this.scroll
We need to use
, and
The guards : The route that is about to leave the component is to call , Three parameters :to Indicates the incoming destination routing object ,from Indicates the routing object that the current navigation is about to leave ,newt It's a function object ,next(): Enter the next hook in the pipe , If there is no hook, confirm the navigation .
hook : This component is called after caching , No cache is used , That is to say, it has not been <keep-alive> If the package ,activated It doesn't work ,
Scroll bar is right there, add ref:listBox attribute   Scroll bar used to get changed labels
