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Lavel PHP artisan automatically generates a complete set of model+migrate+controller commands
2022-07-07 03:09:00 【Php_ XiaoZhi】
One 、 Common commands :
php artisan list see php artisan All commands
php artisan --help see php artisan Usage of
php artisan help admin:make see php artisan admin:make Usage of
php artisan admin:make --help see php artisan admin:make Usage of
Create controller
php artisan make:controller OrderController
establish Rest Style resource controller ( with index、create、store、edit、update、destroy、show Method )
php artisan make:controller OrderController --resource
Creating models
php artisan make:model Student
Create migration of new tables and migration of modified tables
php artisan make:migration create_orders_table --create=orders // Create order form orders
php artisan make:migration add_tags_to_orders_table --table=orders// to orders Table increase tags Field
Perform the migration
php artisan migrate
When creating the model, the migration of the new table is generated at the same time + controller + route
php artisan make:model Order -m -c -r
Roll back the last migration
php artisan migrate:rollback
Roll back all migrations
php artisan migrate:reset
Create a fill
php artisan make:seeder OrderTableSeeder
Perform a single fill
php artisan db:seed --class=OrderTableSeeder
Perform all fill operations
php artisan db:seed
Create middleware (app/Http/Middleware Next )
php artisan make:middleware Activity
Create a queue ( database ) Table migration for ( Migration is required to take effect )
php artisan queue:table
Create queue class (app/jobs Next ):
php artisan make:job SendEmail
Create a request class (app/Http/Requests Next )
php artisan make:request CreateArticleRequest
Two 、 Usually a laravel The background management system construction process of the project , as follows
1、 download Laravel frame , install Laravel-admin Background management framework , Perform basic database connection configuration , Upload the configuration ,https/http Access mode, etc
2、Linux Under the server , Go to the root of the project , It can be used php artisan make Command create model + Data migration + controller .
3、 use php artisan admin:make Create a controller in the background , You can write scripts to create in batches . Then according to the business logic , Write controller content .
4、 Create a route for the controller in the background , You can write scripts to create in batches .
5、 Sign in Laravel-admin Background system , Set the corresponding menu .
3、 ... and 、Laravel Artisan The command of
Available commands:
command | chinese | English |
clear-compiled | Delete the compiled class file | Remove the compiled class file |
down | Put the application in maintenance mode | Put the application into maintenance mode |
dump-server | Start the dump server to collect dump information . | Start the dump server to collect dump information. |
env | Display the current framework environment | Display the current framework environment |
help | Displays help for the command | Displays help for a command |
inspire | --- | Display an inspiring quote |
list | List commands | Lists commands |
migrate | Run database migration | Run the database migrations |
optimize | Cache framework bootstrap file | Cache the framework bootstrap files |
preset | Exchange front-end scaffolding for applications | Swap the front-end scaffolding for the application |
serve | stay PHP Application development on the server | Serve the application on the PHP development server |
tinker | Interact with your application | Interact with your application |
up | Get the application out of maintenance mode | Bring the application out of maintenance mode |
command | chinese | English |
app:name | Set the application namespace | Set the application namespace |
command | chinese | English |
auth:clear-resets | Refresh expired password reset token | Flush expired password reset tokens |
command | chinese | English |
cache:clear | Refresh the application cache | Flush the application cache |
cache:forget | Delete item from cache | Remove an item from the cache |
cache:table | Create migration for cached database tables | Create a migration for the cache database table |
command | chinese | English |
config:cache | Create cache files to speed up configuration | Create a cache file for faster configuration loading |
config:clear | Delete the configuration cache file | Remove the configuration cache file |
command | chinese | English |
db:seed | Fill the database | Seed the database with records |
command | chinese | English |
event:generate | Generate missing events and listeners based on registration | Generate the missing events and listeners based on registration |
command | chinese | English |
key:generate | Build applications key | Set the application key |
command | chinese | English |
lang:publish | Publish language files to the resource directory | publish language files to resources directory. |
command | chinese | English |
make:auth | --- | Scaffold basic login and registration views and routes |
make:channel | Create a new channel class | Create a new channel class |
make:command | Create a new Artisan command | Create a new Artisan command |
make:controller | Create a new controller class | Create a new controller class |
make:event | --- | Create a new event class |
make:exception | Create a new custom exception class | Create a new custom exception class |
make:factory | Create a new model factory | Create a new model factory |
make:job | Create a new working class | Create a new job class |
make:listener | Create a new event listener class | Create a new event listener class |
make:mail | Create a new email class | Create a new email class |
make:middleware | Create a new middleware class | Create a new middleware class |
make:migration | Create a new migration file | Create a new migration file |
make:model | Create a new Eloquent Model class | Create a new Eloquent model class |
make:notification | Create a new notification class | Create a new notification class |
make:observer | Create a new Observer class | Create a new observer class |
make:policy | Create a new policy class | Create a new policy class |
make:provider | Create a new service provider class | Create a new service provider class |
make:request | Create a new form request class | Create a new form request class |
make:resource | Create a new resource | Create a new resource |
make:rule | Create a new validation rule | Create a new validation rule |
make:scaffold | Code generator — Laravel 5.x Scaffold Generator | Create a laralib scaffold |
make:seeder | Create a new seeder class | Create a new seeder class |
make:test | Create a new test class | Create a new test class |
command | chinese | English |
migrate:fresh | Delete all tables and rerun all migrations | Drop all tables and re-run all migrations |
migrate:install | Create a migration Repository | Create the migration repository |
migrate:refresh | Reset and rerun all migrations | Reset and re-run all migrations |
migrate:reset | Roll back all database migrations | Rollback all database migrations |
migrate:rollback | Rollback the last database migration | Rollback the last database migration |
migrate:status | Displays the status of each migration | Show the status of each migration |
command | chinese | English |
notifications:table | Create a migration for the notification table | Create a migration for the notifications table |
command | chinese | English |
optimize:clear | Delete the cached bootstrap file | Remove the cached bootstrap files |
command | chinese | English |
package:discover | Rebuild cached package list | Rebuild the cached package manifest |
command | chinese | English |
queue:failed | List all failed Queue work | List all of the failed queue jobs |
queue:failed-table | by failed Queue work database table creation migration | Create a migration for the failed queue jobs database table |
queue:flush | Refresh all failed Queue work | Flush all of the failed queue jobs |
queue:forget | Delete failed Queue work | Delete a failed queue job |
queue:listen | Listen to a given queue | Listen to a given queue |
queue:restart | Restart the queue worker daemon after the current job | Restart queue worker daemons after their current job |
queue:retry | retry failed Queue job | Retry a failed queue job |
queue:table | Create a migration for the queue work database table | Create a migration for the queue jobs database table |
queue:work | Start processing the work on the queue as a daemon | Start processing jobs on the queue as a daemon |
command | chinese | English |
route:cache | Create a route cache file to speed up route registration | Create a route cache file for faster route registration |
route:clear | Delete route cache file | Remove the route cache file |
route:list | List all registered routes | List all registered routes |
command | chinese | English |
schedule:run | Run the scheduled command | Run the scheduled commands |
command | chinese | English |
session:table | Create a migration for the session database table | Create a migration for the session database table |
command | chinese | English |
storage:link | Create from “ public / Storage ” To “ Storage / application / public ” The symbolic link | Create a symbolic link from "public/storage" to "storage/app/public" |
command | chinese | English |
vendor:publish | Publish any releasable assets from the vendor package | Publish any publishable assets from vendor packages |
command | chinese | English |
view:cache | Compile all applications Blade Templates | Compile all of the application's Blade templates |
view:clear | Clear all compiled view files | Clear all compiled view files |
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