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ESP at installation esp8266 and esp32 versions

2022-07-07 23:32:00 Little river god is tangled

One 、esp-at obtain

        Use in an available directory git Tools clone the official website of Lexin esp-at project

git clone https://github.com/espressif/esp-at.git

If it's too slow, you can clone this website :

git clone -b release/v3.4 https://github.com.cnpmjs.org/espressif/esp-at.git

Two 、 Depending on the environment to install

sudo apt-get install git wget flex bison gperf python3 python3-pip python3-setuptools cmake ninja-build ccache libffi-dev libssl-dev dfu-util libusb-1.0-0

python -m pip install pyyaml xlrd

3、 ... and 、 Install the submodules

        If you use esp-at In the document “build.py” Automatically clone esp-idf Sub module , But it will be a long time , and ESP8266 and ESP32 The sub modules of are all different , Not for public use , When using, you should download them separately . Downloading by yourself will be faster , Because we don't use : Official of Lexin GitHub.

1.ESP8266 Sub module installation of

        Clone well esp-at after , stay esp-at Run under file :

cd esp-at
git clone -b release/v3.4 https://github.com.cnpmjs.org/espressif/ESP8266_RTOS_SDK.git esp-idf

        Then enter esp-idf File to install and configure environment variables ,

cd esp-idf

Under normal circumstances, some files will be downloaded , After installation, you will be prompted to run export.sh
 Insert picture description here

If there is such a problem :
 Insert picture description here
That's because since python 2.7 Verification is added after version , Lead to URL Connection error .
resolvent :
        Just disable verification , stay /usr/lib/python3.8/urllib/request.py Insert :

import ssl
ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context

 Insert picture description here
If not again , Please clone a lower version ; Blogger is installing esp-idf v4.3 Not in version , however v4.2 Version can . It may be used in the new version python Caused by different versions .

Pull ESP8266 Supported sub modules

        stay esp-idf Under the table of contents , open .gitmodules file

cd esp-idf
vi .gitmodules

hold url Such as :https://gitee.com/chencong_cc . This is the personal warehouse of Anson engineers , You can use .

 Insert picture description here
Save after exit , perform :

git submodule init
git submodule update

After success, it's like this :
 Insert picture description here
        After pulling the supported sub modules , Please run “export.sh” Configure environment variables , You can go back to esp-at Directory operation build.py, The following error is very likely to occur for the first time , Tip no flash_project_args file :

cd esp-at

 Insert picture description here
This is because stay build.py It needs to be configured before , To generate flash_project_args file , Use the following instructions to configure

./build.sh menuconfig

You will see this configuration interface appear , If this interface cannot appear , Please go back esp-idf The directory continues to run install.sh And re run export.sh
 Insert picture description here
Right click the direction key and select “Save” preservation , Left click to select “Exit” sign out , Then execute again build.py; Here are some build.py Instructions :

  all                    // Compile all projects 
  app                    // Compile only app
  app-flash              // Burn only app The program 
  bootloader             // Compile only bootloader
  bootloader-flash       // Burn only bootloader
  clean                  // eliminate build  Nie Rong in the document 
  confserver             // function  JSON  Configure the service 
  efuse_common_table     Genereate C-source for IDF's eFuse fields.
  efuse_custom_table     Genereate C-source for user's eFuse fields.
  encrypted-app-flash    Flash the encrypted app only.
  encrypted-flash        Flash the encrypted project.
  erase_flash            // erase flash.
  erase_otadata          // erase OTA data 
  flash                  // Burn the program 
  fullclean              // eliminate build  Configuration of 
  menuconfig             // Run the configuration tool 
  monitor                // Display serial port debugging 
  partition_table        Build only partition table.
  partition_table-flash  Flash partition table only.
  read_otadata           Read otadata partition.
  reconfigure            Re-run CMake.
  show_efuse_table       Print eFuse table.
  size                   Print basic size information about the app.
  size-components        Print per-component size information.
  size-files             Print per-source-file size information.

When running the compile command (./build.py build) This error may also occur :
 Insert picture description here
solve : This is due to the lack of a dependency , Just install the following :

python -m pip install pyyaml xlrd

2.esp32 Sub module

       esp-at I have pulled it before esp-idf, Three files or folders need to be deleted :
1、build Folder
2、sdkconfig file
3、esp-idf Folder
 Insert picture description here
Run again after deletion ./build.py, Or clone yourself esp-idf;

cd esp-at
git clone -b release/v4.2 https://github.com.cnpmjs.org/espressif/esp-idf.git

alike , After cloning, you also need to run ./install.sh, The subsequent process is the same as installation ESP8266 The process is the same .
This document is still being updated , Pay attention to collection !


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