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Dry goods collection | Vulkan game engine video tutorial

2022-07-06 04:22:00 Starshards

I haven't been doing anything lately , Then I found a treasure video series .

Remember to leave a message for everyone before the Chinese New Year Audio and video Spring Festival holiday inner volume guide , There are many good video tutorials , I don't know if you have finished reading it during the Chinese New Year , I haven't finished reading it anyway .

Now there is a new video collection recommendation , Is it :

Vulkan Game Engine Video collection :

The link address is as follows :


seeing the name of a thing one thinks of its function , This video tutorial is to teach you to pass Vulkan Make a game engine .

Not only can you learn Vulkan Knowledge can also be applied to the development of game engine , At present, this series is still in series :

The author may update slowly , But the content quality is still quite high .

Currently in B No one on the station has carried his video yet , If you are interested, you can also carry it , After all, there are some objective reasons why I can't visit the website .

Because the author speaks English , English is not good like us , You have to open the subtitles on the oil pipe , Or the meaning of the code can be understood without translation .

however , The author also released the code very attentively , Directly in Github Can be accessed on :


Students who are free can clone Come down and learn a wave .

most important of all , must do Collect this article , because Collecting is learning .

in addition , Also recommend what I used before Vulkan Written GPUImage .

use Vulkan Render write one Android GPUImage

Official account has also released some before Vulkan The content of , Welcome to :

Vulkan stay FFmpeg Support in

【 Recommended collection 】30 Minute introduction Vulkan ( Chinese translation )


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