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Fedora/rehl installation semanage

2022-07-06 04:15:00 InfoQ

Semanage yes
  Used for configuration SELinux A tool that does not need to modify or recompile policy sources .
This includes Linux The user name is mapped to
  User identity and object ( Such as network port , Interface and host ) Security context mapping for .
Semanage yes
  Used for configuration
  A tool that does not need to modify or recompile policy sources .
without  Semanage, You have to be right  SELinux  Configuration is troublesome , however  SELinux  Now again  Linux  It's standard with , So this bag becomes very important .

Check the package to install

occasionally , You may not know what package to install .
Run the following command :
dnf provides semanage
Then you can see the following output , In the following output , You'll see one called :
policycoreutils-python-utils-3.2-1.fc34.noarch  Package name and version number .
There is no need to provide the version number when installing .




When you find the name of the package , Run the command :
sudo dnf install policycoreutils-python-utils
That's all right. , You don't need to provide the version number here .
dnf  Will automatically help you install the latest package .

Verification and installation

Enter the command
semanage -h
If you can see the output below , It means that your installation has been successful .
[[email protected] conf.d]$ semanage -h
usage: semanage [-h] {import,export,login,user,port,ibpkey,ibendport,interface,module,node,fcontext,boolean,permissive,dontaudit} ...

semanage is used to configure certain elements of SELinux policy with-out requiring modification to or recompilation from policy source.

positional arguments:
 import Import local customizations
 export Output local customizations
 login Manage login mappings between linux users and SELinux confined users
 user Manage SELinux confined users (Roles and levels for an SELinux user)
 port Manage network port type definitions
 ibpkey Manage infiniband ibpkey type definitions
 ibendport Manage infiniband end port type definitions
 interface Manage network interface type definitions
 module Manage SELinux policy modules
 node Manage network node type definitions
 fcontext Manage file context mapping definitions
 boolean Manage booleans to selectively enable functionality
 permissive Manage process type enforcement mode
 dontaudit Disable/Enable dontaudit rules in policy

 -h, --help show this help message and exit

The help for this command is provided above .


thus , The configuration is complete .
