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On Data Mining

2022-07-06 03:34:00 AI Huafeng

The authors introduce

@ Cat ears

Focus on data analysis ;

“ DataMan creators Alliance ” member .

Doudou and Huahua opened a flower shop . Doudou said to Huahua :“ Valentine's Day is coming , What kind of Valentine's Day bouquets do we need to prepare ? How much need to be prepared for each kind of bouquet ?……” Hua Hua replied ,“ According to customer classification , It can be roughly divided into confidence and love 、 Sweet heart 、 Xinghe beloved, etc 8 class . The first three categories sold very well last year , This year we need to provide more than last year 30% Of flowers ,……”.

Doudou theory :“ The shelf life of flowers is very short , therefore , Buy more flowers only from 30% Down to 10%, It can control the cost , You can also accumulate public praise .……”

In the case above , Huahua makes a purchase plan and first classifies customers , In the field of data mining , You can use an unsupervised model ( for example k-means), You can also use a classification model ( for example KNN、 Decision tree 、 Logical regression, etc ) Group users . Huahua estimation “ This year needs to provide higher than the previous year 30% Of flowers ”, In the field of data mining , Regression models can be used to predict .

Next , The author will talk about data mining with you .

01  The difference and connection between machine learning and data mining

1.1  Concept

First , Let's summarize the definitions of machine learning and data mining :

Data mining refers to data mining from a large number of 、 Not completely 、 Noisy 、 Vague 、 The process of searching information hidden in random data by algorithm . let me put it another way , Data mining attempts to find useful information from massive data .

Machine learning is a kind of automatic analysis and acquisition of rules from data , And using the law to predict the unknown data algorithm . in other words , Machine learning is to abstract real-life problems into mathematical models , The mathematical model is solved by mathematical method , So as to solve the problems in real life .

1.2  Connection and difference

1.2.1 contact

Data mining is influenced by many disciplines , Including databases 、 machine learning 、 statistical 、 Domain knowledge and pattern recognition . In short , For data mining , Database provides data storage technology , Machine learning and statistics provide data analysis techniques .

 On Data Mining _ data mining

Statistics often ignores the actual utility and is obsessed with the beauty of theory , therefore , Most of the technologies provided by statistics need to be further studied in the field of machine learning , Only when it becomes a machine learning algorithm can it enter the field of data mining . In this respect , Statistics mainly affects data mining through machine learning , Machine learning and database are the two supports of data mining .

in short , Machine learning provides data mining with methods to solve practical problems , The successful application of algorithms in data mining , It shows that machine learning has practical application value to the research of Algorithm .

1.2.2 difference

In terms of data analysis , Most data mining techniques come from machine learning , But machine learning research does not treat massive data as the processing object , therefore , Data mining needs to transform the algorithm , Make the algorithm performance and space occupation reach the practical level . meanwhile , Data mining has its own unique content —— Correlation analysis .

as for , Data mining and pattern recognition , Conceptually distinguish , Data mining focuses on discovering knowledge , Pattern recognition focuses on recognizing things .

in short , Machine learning pays attention to the theoretical research and algorithm improvement of relevant machine learning algorithms , More theoretical and academic ; Data mining focuses on using algorithms or some other pattern to solve practical problems , More inclined to practice and Application .

02  Classification of machine learning

The method of machine learning is based on data generation “ Model ” The algorithm of , Also known as “ Learning algorithms ”. Machine learning methods include supervised learning 、 Unsupervised learning 、 Semi supervised learning and reinforcement learning .

 On Data Mining _ data mining _02

2.1  Supervised learning

Supervised learning refers to the process of modeling the relationship between several features of data and labels . Its main goal is to learn models from labeled training data , In order to predict the unknown or future data .

Take whether users will repurchase flowers as an example , Supervised learning algorithm can be used in tagged ( Correctly mark yes or no ) Training model on data , Then the model is used to predict whether new users belong to sticky users .

The supervised learning task labeled with discrete values is called 「 Classification task 」, For example, the above example of whether users will re purchase flowers . Common classification models include KNN、 Decision tree 、 Logical regression, etc .

The supervised learning task labeled with continuous values is called 「 Return to the task 」, For example, predict future sales based on historical data . The commonly used regression model is linear regression 、 Nonlinear regression and ridge regression .

Be careful : Predictive variables in machine learning are often called features , The response variable is usually called the target variable or tag .

2.1  Unsupervised learning

Unsupervised learning refers to modeling data features without any labels , It is usually regarded as a kind of “ Let the data introduce themselves ” The process of . in other words , Use unsupervised learning , It can be done without the guidance of target variables or reward functions , Explore data structures to extract meaningful information .

Such models include 「 Clustering tasks 」 and 「 Dimensionality reduction task 」. among , Clustering algorithm can divide data into different groups , The dimensionality reduction algorithm seeks to represent the data in a more concise way .

1.3  Semi-supervised learning

Semi supervised learning method is between supervised learning and unsupervised learning , It is usually used when the data is incomplete .

1.4  Reinforcement learning

Reinforcement learning is different from supervised learning , It regards learning as a tentative evaluation process , With “ Trial and error ” The way of learning , And interact with the environment has been rewarded and punished to guide behavior , Take it as an evaluation . in other words , Emphasis on how to act based on context , In order to maximize the expected benefits .

here , The system learns by its own state and action , So as to improve the action plan to adapt to the environment .

03  Data mining modeling process

Consider from the data itself , The data mining modeling process usually requires understanding business 、 Understand the data 、 Prepare the data 、 Build a model 、 Evaluation model and deployment model 6 A step .

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3.1  Understanding business

Understanding business is the most important part of data mining , At this stage, we need to clarify our business objectives 、 Assess the business environment 、 Determine the mining target and generate a project plan .

In short , For different business scenarios , You need to understand what the goal of mining is , What kind of effect needs to be achieved . Speak in big white , Is what you want to do .

Still take the fresh flower shop as an example , In order to increase sales , The clerk can help the customer quickly find the bouquet he is interested in , While ensuring the user experience , Attach an acceptable trinket to it , Such as a vase 、 snacks 、 Perfume, etc .

3.2  Understand the data

Data mining process “ raw material ”, In the process of data understanding, we need to know what data we have , What are the characteristics of these data , The characteristics of the data can be obtained by describing and analyzing the data . among , Knowing what data is particularly important , It determines the smooth progress of the later work .

For example, data related to flower shops :

1) Flower data : Name of flowers 、 Flower category 、 Purchase time 、 Purchase quantity 、 Purchase amount, etc .

2) Business data : Business hours 、 Scheduled time 、 Booking category 、 Scheduled number of people, etc .

3) Other data : Whether it's a holiday or not 、 User reputation 、 Competitor trends 、 Weather conditions, etc .

3.3  Prepare the data

In the data preparation stage, we need to clean the data 、 The reconstruction 、 Merge and so on . Select the data to be analyzed , And standardize the data that does not meet the requirements of model input . It is mainly to prepare data for modeling , Can be preprocessed from data 、 feature extraction 、 Feature selection and other aspects , It is arranged as follows :

1) Missing value : Due to personal privacy or equipment failure, some observations are missing at some latitudes , It is often called missing value . The existence of missing values may lead to errors in the model results , Therefore, you can consider deleting the missing value 、 Mode or mean filling, etc .

2) outliers : Because it is far away from the observation point of the normal sample , Their existence will also affect the accuracy of the model . You can use quadrant diagram or 3sigma( Normal distribution ) Judge , If it is , Consider deleting or processing separately .

3) Dimensional inconsistency : Models are susceptible to different dimensions , Therefore, we need to adopt standardized methods ( Normalization is usually used 、Normalization Something like that ) Transform the data .

4) Dimension disaster : When the data set contains hundreds or even tens of millions of variables , It often increases the complexity of the model , Thus affecting the operation efficiency of the model , So we need to use analysis of variance 、 Correlation analysis 、 Principal component analysis and other means to achieve dimensionality reduction .

3.4  Build a model

In general , Preprocessing will occupy the whole data mining process 80% About time . In ensuring data “ clean ” Under the premise of , You need to choose the right model . The following are commonly used machine algorithms .

1) Classification model :KNN、 Decision tree 、 Logical regression, etc .

2) The regression model : Linear regression 、 Ridge return 、 Support vector regression, etc .

3) Unsupervised model :k-means etc. .

Most models in data mining are not specially designed to solve a certain problem , Models are not mutually exclusive . It cannot be said that a problem can only adopt a certain model , Nothing else can be used . Generally speaking , For a data analysis project , There is no such thing as the best model , Before deciding which model to choose , Try all kinds of models , Then choose a better . Various models in different environments , The advantages and disadvantages will be different .

3.5  Evaluation model

The evaluation stage is mainly to evaluate the modeling results , The purpose is to choose the best model , Let this model better reflect the authenticity of the data . Not every modeling can meet our goals , Analyze the reasons for the poor results , Occasionally, I will return to the previous steps to redefine the mining process .

such as , For decision tree or logistic regression , Even if you do well in training , But the results in the test set are poor , It shows that the model has over fitting .

3.6  Model deployment

The established model needs to solve practical problems , It also includes supervision 、 The process of generating reports and re evaluating models . Modeling is often used spss、python、r etc. , In the process of modeling, only the usability of the model is considered , In the production environment, we usually use Java or C++ Wait for language to rewrite the model , So as to improve the operation performance .

I wish you all a happy Valentine's day !


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