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Inherit day01

2022-07-06 03:03:00 Dachang whole stack

     Inherit :  Extract commonalities upward , Define the same content in the parent class 
        public class  Subclass  extends  Parent class  {
            // Member variables  + Member method  + Construction method 
        2. Subclasses can use the parent class except private The content beyond decoration and construction methods 
public class Demo01Extends {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create subclass Teacher Class object 
        Teacher t = new Teacher();
        // Assign a value to a member variable 
        t.name = " Brother Xiang ";
        t.salary/birthday = 66666; 
        t.show();  //


    Access characteristics of member variables in inheritance 
        1. Member variables without duplicate names 
            (1) Subclasses have their own :  Give priority to the subclass's own 
            (2) Subclasses don't have :  Find parent 
            (3) Be careful :  Subclasses can find their parents , But a parent class cannot find a child class 
        2. Member variables with duplicate names 
          (1) Methods the internal , Write the variable name directly 
                 Start from the inside of the method and look up 
                 There are :  Use it directly 
                 There is no :  Look up , The member position of this class 
                 The member positions of this class are :  Use it directly 
                 The member position of this class has no :  Look up , The member position of the parent class 
            (2) Methods the internal , direct writing this. Variable name 
                 Start from the member position of this class and look up 
                 The member positions of this class are :  Use it directly 
                 The member position of this class has no :  Look up , The member position of the parent class 
            (3) Methods the internal , direct writing super. Variable name 
                 Start from the parent class member position and look up 
                 The member positions of the parent class are :  Use it directly 
                 The member position of the parent class does not :  Keep looking up 
            (4) summary : Nearby principle 

        this. Variable name :  Represents the member variable of the current class  this.num
        super. Variable name :  Member variables of the parent class  super.num
 Access characteristics of member methods in inheritance 
       1. Subclasses have their own :  Give priority to the subclass's own 
       2. Subclasses don't have :  Look up for the parent class 
       3. How to duplicate names ( Method rewriting ):  Give priority to the subclass's own 
 Method rewriting 
    1. Concept :
         Subclass appears as like as two peas ( return type , The method name and parameter list are the same ),
         There will be coverage , Also known as rewriting or duplicating . The statement remains unchanged , Re actualize .
         Necessary condition : Method name and parameter list must be the same 
         Optional conditions : Return value types can be inconsistent ( Later on )
    2. The simplest way to rewrite the form :
         Subclass method declaration ( Define the first line of the method ) It is exactly the same as the parent method declaration 
    [email protected] annotation : Used to detect subclass methods , Whether it is an override of the parent method 
    4. Distinguish from method overloading :
         Method overloading :  Is to save namespaces 
         Method overload requirements :  The method name is the same , Different parameter list ( Different types , The quantity is different , The order of several different types is different )
    5. Method overrides the shortcut key :
        ctrl + o -->  Select the method to override  --> ok
 Call the member method of the parent class directly : super. Member method name ( parameter list ...)
public void show(int num) {
    System.out.println("Zi03...show...num..." + num);

@Override // Don't complain :  Is an override of the parent class method , Because the method names are the same , The parameter list is the same 
public void show() {

// stay Zi03 Two appear in the class show Method , Don't complain 
// reason :  The same name , Different parameter list , Constitutes an overloaded relationship 
public class NewPhone extends OldPhone {
    public void show() {
        //System.out.println("110 Incoming call ...");
        // Show phone number , In fact, the father of show Method has implemented this function ,
        // Subclasses don't need to re implement themselves , Directly call the function of the parent class 
        System.out.println(" Show where you belong :  dongguan ...");
        System.out.println(" Show Faces : ");
// Full parameter structure 
public Zi05(int num) {
         If you don't write it yourself super Call the parent class construct ,
         Hide offer super() Call the null parameter construction of the parent class 
    // But suggestions :  Zikong ginseng   call   Null parameter of parent class 
    // But suggestions :  Zi man can   call   The parent class is full 
    System.out.println(" Zi man can ...");
    //super(num);// error :  The calling parent class construction must be written on the first line 
// Create subclass objects :  Space parameter structure 
Zi05 zi = new Zi05();
// Create subclass objects :  Full parameter structure 
Zi05 zi2 = new Zi05(100);
     Access characteristics of construction methods in inheritance 
        1. The name of the constructor is the same as the class name . So the subclass can't inherit the parent class construction method 
        2. Subclass inherits parent , Is to use the contents of the parent class ,
             So when subclasses create objects and call construction methods ,
             You must first call the constructor of the parent class ,
             Complete the initialization of parent class members ,
             Subclasses can only use members of the parent class ,
            super() Represents the null parameter construction of the calling parent class 
        3. If the construction method of subclasses is not given manually super Call the parent class construct ,
                 By default, the compiler provides a super() Call the null parameter construction of the parent class 
        4.super Call the parent class construct , It can only be written in the first sentence 
        5. Constructors can be overloaded , therefore :
                super(...): Call the constructor of the parent class with parameters 
// Create subclass objects :  Space parameter structure 
        Zi05 zi = new Zi05();
        // Create subclass objects :  Full parameter structure 
        Zi05 zi2 = new Zi05(100);
    super Usage of :
        1.super. Member variable name :  Member variables representing the parent class 
        2.super. Member method ( parameter list ...):  On behalf of calling the member method of the parent class 
        3.super( parameter list ...):  Represents calling the constructor of the parent class 

    this Usage of :
        1.this. Member variable name :  Represents the member variables of this class ( I didn't find my father )
        2.this. Member method ( parameter list ...):  Represents the member method of this class ( I didn't find my father )
        3.this( parameter list ...):  On behalf of calling other constructor methods of this class  --- Later on 
public class Fu05 {
    private int num;
    // Space parameter structure 
    public Fu05(){
        System.out.println(" Parent empty parameter ...");

    // Full parameter structure 
    public Fu05(int num) {
        System.out.println(" Father man can ...");
        this.num = num;

    //get and set Method 
    public void setNum(int num) {
        this.num = num;// 

    public int getNum() {
        return num;
     If you don't write it yourself super Call the parent class construct ,
     Hide offer super() Call the null parameter construction of the parent class 
// But suggestions :  Zikong ginseng   call   Null parameter of parent class 
// But suggestions :  Zi man can   call   The parent class is full 
     Define parent employees Employee class 
        1. All member variables private modification 
        2. Provide empty parameters / Full parameter construction method 
        3. Provide get/set Method 
        4 // Unique method : 
 // Create subclass Teacher Class object :  Full parameter structure 
//        Teacher t =
//                new Teacher(" Brother Xiang ",18,66666,33333);
//                // Calling a member method 
//                t.show();
//                t.teaching();
//                System.out.println("-----------");
//                // Create subclass Manager Class object :  Space parameter structure 
//                Manager m = new Manager();
//                // Assign a value to a member variable 
//                m.setName(" Ling elder sister ");
//                m.setAge(16);
//                m.setSalary(88888);
public class Employee {
    // private Member variables 
    // Member method :  Display information 
    //2. Provide null parameter construction method 
    //2. Provide null parameter construction method 
    //3. Provide get/set Method 

     Inheritance characteristics of classes 
        1.Java Only single inheritance is supported , Multiple inheritance is not supported .
//Java Classes in can inherit father and son at multiple levels 
        2.Java Support multi-level inheritance ( Inheritance system ).
        3. All classes inherit directly or indirectly Object class ,Object Class is the ultimate parent of all classes .
// error :  A class can only directly inherit one parent class 
public abstract class Animal {
    // Member variables 
      // Space parameter structure  

    // Full parameter structure  

    // The way to present information  
    // Abstract method :  eat  

    // Abstract method :  sleep  

    //get and set Method  
public abstract class Animal {
    // Abstract method :  eat 
    public abstract void eat();

    // Abstract method :  sleep 
    public abstract void sleep();
     The difference between the definition of the abstract parent class and the previous ordinary class ?
        1. You can't create objects directly 
        2. Abstract methods can be defined internally 
     abstract : 
        2. The significance of abstract methods in abstract classes : Force the ability that subclasses must have 
        3. Definition format of abstract class :
            public abstract class  Class name  {
        4. Definition format of abstract method :
// error :  You cannot directly create objects of abstract classes 
//Animal a = new Animal();
// establish Cat Class object 
Cat cat = new Cat();
// Subclass objects call member methods 
             Modifier  abstract  return type   Method name ( parameter list ...);
             Be careful :
                (1) The method of definition is the same as before , But get rid of it {}, add to abstract keyword 
                (2) The return value type and parameter list are determined according to the requirements  
 (3) Classes with abstract methods , Must be defined as an abstract class , But abstract classes do not necessarily contain abstract methods 
        5. Use of abstract classes 
            (1) You cannot directly create objects of abstract classes 
            (2) Defining subclasses , Inherit Abstract parent class 
            (3) Override all abstract methods in the abstract parent class in the subclass 
                         Get rid of abstract keyword , add to {}
                         Shortcut key : ctrl + i
            (4) Create subclass objects 
            (5) Subclass objects call methods 




     Notes for abstract classes :
 (3) Classes with abstract methods , Must be defined as an abstract class , But abstract classes do not necessarily contain abstract methods 
 4. A subclass of an abstract class , All abstract methods in the abstract parent class must be overridden , otherwise , Compile failed and error reported . Unless the subclass is also an abstract class 
 3. In an abstract class , It doesn't have to contain abstract methods , But a class with abstract methods must be an abstract class   see : MyAbstractClass
        1. Abstract class cannot create object , If you create , Compile failed and error reported . Only objects with non Abstract subclasses can be created 
        2. In an abstract class , There has to be a construction method , Is used by subclasses to create objects , Initializes the 





// error :  You cannot directly create objects of abstract classes 
//Animal a = new Animal();
// establish Cat Class object :  Space parameter structure 
Cat cat = new Cat(); 
// call set Method to assign a value to a member variable 
cat.setName(" floret ");
     problem :
        Animal There are two abstract methods eat and sleep, But for the current subclass ,
         Only one abstract method is overwritten eat, Equivalent to the subclass itself has an abstract method sleep
         The current subclass must be defined as an abstract class 
 public abstract void sleep();

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