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What does UDP attack mean? UDP attack prevention measures

2022-07-06 06:55:00 IDC02_ FEIYA

UDP What does attack mean ?UDP Attack precautions

UDP What does attack mean ?

UDP Flood attack is a kind of host based denial of service attack . User datagram protocol (UDP) It's a connectionless protocol , It does not require any program to establish a connection to transmit data . When a packet passes UDP When the protocol is sent , The sending parties do not need to establish a connection through three handshakes , The receiver must receive and process the packet . Therefore, a large number of them are sent to the victim host UDP Packets can saturate the network .

together UDP Torrent attack ,UDP The message is sent to the random or designated port of the victim system . Usually ,UDP The flood attack is set as a random port pointing to the target . This makes the victim system must analyze the incoming data to determine which application service requested the data . If the victim system is being attacked , The service is not running , It will use ICMP The message responds to a “ The destination port is unreachable ” news .

Usually , In attack DDOS The tool will forge the source of the attack package IP Address . This helps hide the identity of the agent , At the same time, it can ensure that the response message from the victim host will not be returned to the agent .UDP Flood attack will also jam the network bandwidth around the victim host ( It depends on the network architecture and line speed ). therefore , Sometimes the host connected to the surrounding network of the victim system will also encounter network connection problems . If enough messages are sent to the victim's computer port UDP Data packets , The whole system will go down .

This is also why many game developers choose to seal when renting servers UDP The reason why the .

UDP Attack precautions

To ensure network security , Using firewall to filter harmful data from unknown sources can effectively reduce UDP Torrent attack . in addition , The following measures can also be taken :

1、 Disable or filter monitoring and response services .
2、 Disable or filter other UDP service .
3、 If the user must provide some UDP External access to services , Proxy mechanisms can be used to protect Services , So that it will not be abused .
4、 Monitor the user's network to know which systems are using these services , And monitor the signs of abuse .

Thank you for reading , Pay attention and don't get lost ~


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