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Install mongodb database

2022-07-07 06:26:00 Fan zhidu

Reference resources Windows Platform installation MongoDB | Novice tutorial

       (1) The first step is to install monogodb database

        Note that there is a tick in the lower left corner to install graphics software during installation. Be sure to remove . meanwhile , The global environment variable configuration must be set .

       (2) The second installation navicat Graphical interface ( To baidu ), Operate the graphics management software after downloading :

stay Navicat for MongoDB Using document

operation mongoDb database

Refer to the website :​​​​​​python operation MongoDB database _ I love my blog very much -CSDN Blog _python operation mongodb database

import pymongo
client = pymongo.MongoClient(host='localhost',port=27017)
db = client['jd']
collection = db['ds']
book_info = {
result = collection.insert_one(book_info)


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