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Building a dream in the digital era, the Xi'an station of the city chain science and Technology Strategy Summit ended smoothly

2022-07-07 00:56:00 Hot new horizons

The era of digital economy delivers new business opportunities , The layout of city chain science and technology has accelerated .

2022 year 7 month 5 Japan , The digital Strategy Summit of city chain technology was held in the ancient capital Xi'an Datang West Hotel , Attracted many chain merchants , Elite of entity enterprises , Insiders and others attended , The scene is very popular . The summit kicked off with impressive music , A business event focusing on the development of the digital economy era driven by blockchain technology is launched .


Yaojiabao, President of chenglian technology, and senior executives of the company attended the summit and delivered a speech . Yao Jiabao said in his speech : Blockchain technology is a landmark technology in the era of digital economy , For promoting the upgrading of real industries , Accelerating commodity circulation is of great significance , The mission of city chain technology is to help the revitalization and prosperity of the real economy , Stimulate the vitality of the large consumer market , By stimulating domestic demand, we can solve the problem of overstock in physical industries 、 Poor sales and other problems .


Yao Jiabao also stressed : City chain technology has core blockchain Technology , Because at present, it has achieved in-depth cooperation with Jiuling blockchain , Jiuzero blockchain has a long history in the industry , He has many years of experience in blockchain technology research and development and precipitation , For the development of city chain science and technology, there must be greater help .


It is worth mentioning that , Digital economy takes digital knowledge and information as key production factors , Take digital technology as the core driving force , Take the modern information network as an important carrier , Deep integration of digital technology and real economy , Keep improving digitalization 、 Networking 、 Intelligent level , Accelerate the reconstruction of the new economic form of economic development and governance mode . As a new economic form , Digital economy has not only changed the way of communication in human society 、 Organization 、 Mode of production 、 Life style , It also improves human production efficiency and transaction efficiency .


At present, China is stepping into a new era of digital economy , Industry digitalization 、 The process of digital industrialization is in the ascendant , New technology of digital economy 、 New products 、 New formats are emerging . Chenglian technology is committed to building a digital trading platform for global supply chain providers , And promote the transformation and upgrading of the Internet in the consumer industry , Use blockchain technology to reconstruct business model , Realize consumption sharing 、 Everyone benefits , At the same time, empower businesses , Add value to the enterprise , Let consumers become consumers , Help mass consumer groups achieve wealth through consumption , Empower more physical enterprises , Give better marketing channels 、 Clear stock 、 Realize chain change , Promote consumption in an all-round way , Promote social employment 、 Start a business , Help build a new highland of digital economy .


Now , Xi'an station of the city chain science and Technology Strategy Summit has successfully concluded and achieved remarkable results . future , City chain technology will continue to struggle in the era of digital economy , Continue to find ways for entities to break out of business , Stimulate the new momentum of high-quality development of the real economy with the innovative application of digital technology , Enable the comprehensive transformation and upgrading of physical industries with digitalization , Create a brilliant digital economy era !


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