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Have you got the same "artifact" of cross architecture development praised by various industry leaders?

2022-07-07 04:27:00 Intel edge computing community

As well-known in the development circle “ Artifact

Architecture that can provide excellent performance

Support and maintain code running across architectures

The developers all praised oneAPI Tool set

Behind the magic tool ” Secret ” What is it? ?

Today I'll take you to the bottom

The software and hardware update iterations change with each passing day , Excellent products bring new functions and opportunities , And it brings a certain degree of convenience to the work of developers , But all this needs the right software 、 Drivers and operating systems . According to the Evans Data Survey ,40% Developers need to use more than one processor on heterogeneous systems 、 Processor core or coprocessor .

Intel oneAPI The toolkit is designed to support 、 Optimize and accelerate cross architecture and heterogeneous computing . Intel is right oneAPI The implementation of includes many libraries 、 Compilers and analyzers , Most are already in Intel CPU It has been used for many years . For ease of use , All components are packaged into a tool suite for a specific field and purpose , And it became oneAPI Tool set .

With excellent performance architecture and cross platform 、 Open programming model ,oneAPI The tool suite has been praised by innovation leaders in many industries , Let's take a look ANSYS、 Dell 、 Gu Ge Yun 、 samsung Medison、 Stephen · Hawking Center for theoretical cosmology (Center for Theoretical Cosmology) And Berlin Zuse In the eyes of the innovation leaders of the Institute oneAPI What is the tool kit like !

Cross architecture programming

oneAPI Including direct programming languages Data Parallel C++( Data parallelism C++) And a set of library functions .Data Parallel C++ Based on familiar C++ Language , It helps greatly simplify cross architecture development .Intel DPC++ Compatibility tools can put 90% to 95% Of CUDA Code is automatically migrated to SYCL/DPC++, stay CPU and GPU On the most popular programming language at present Python Do accelerated calculations .

We chose easy Wave Code , Yes GPU use CUDA, Yes CPU Then use OpenMP. application Intel oneAPI tool kit , In especial Compatibility Tool, Migrate existing code to DPC++, This allows us to maintain a single source code base on a variety of devices CPU、GPU and FPGA.

Dr. Thomas Steinke

Berlin Zuse Director of supercomputing Department of the Institute

  We will use Samsung image processing technology 、 semiconductor 、 Ergonomic technology , And in 5 Years ago, artificial intelligence technology was integrated into ultrasonic system , For efficiency 、 Reliable diagnostic results . We think Intel oneAPI Solutions can help us achieve this goal more efficiently and flexibly . Samsung Madison is using oneAPI Programming for conceptual verification of medical imaging system . Use oneAPI Write a set of source code , And accelerate performance on different types of hardware or their combinations . Intel @ DPC++ Compatibility tools enable us to easily import existing code into data parallelism C++ (DPC++).

Won-Chul Bang

Samsung Madison (Medison) Vice president and head of product strategy

  Support hardware

oneAPI The basic tool kit is the most basic tool kit , It has core libraries and functions , No matter your device architecture is CPU、GPU Or other architectures ,oneAPI The basic tool suite provides basic function libraries and tools that support all architectures . meanwhile , Intel Intel oneAPI The toolkit has been optimized and innovated , It can also support the advanced functions of the latest and upcoming new hardware .

Intel compiler tools are a key part of our products , Because we know that the performance obtained when compiling with Intel compilers is much better than that of using GCC And other compilers . I Believe ,oneAPI It has the potential to become an industry standard for compiling code across all architectures .”

Bharat Raj Agrawal

ANSYS Senior R & D Engineer


  Performance analysis optimization

Intel oneAPI Data analysis tools can build fast-running computing intensive applications .Intel Advisor It is a design and analysis tool for developing high-performance code , Modeling allows developers to evaluate code in advance . Intel VTune It helps to improve the visualization of performance hotspots . Intel GDB The release application debugger provides a unified debugging experience , It enables you to debug and use at the same time Data Parallel C++ (DPC++)、C、C++、OpenMP*、SYCL* or Fortran Developed cross platform parallel and threaded applications .

The developers of our team use some tools for performance analysis . for example VTune It can improve the performance of code , It really helps us identify bottlenecks in our code , And let us know whether adding new features affects performance 、 Improved or reduced performance in some way .

Amelia Drew

Stephen · Hawking Center for theoretical cosmology

Junior researcher at Homerton College

 Intel Advisor, In especial Roofline The model allows our customers to really understand the possibilities , And what performance a particular workload can achieve . We are working with Intel MPI Over the years of cooperation, Intel has been optimized MPI, Make its workload achieve the best performance out of the box .

llias Katsardis

Gu Ge Yun HPC The person in charge of the solution

Improve development productivity

For high-performance computing HPC Tools also belong to oneAPI Tool set ,oneAPI IOT The tool suite provides everything developers need to deploy the edge of the network efficiently , in addition , For scientists oneAPI AI The analysis tool suite includes a powerful and optimized deep learning framework , There are also some tool kits made by oneAPI Provide functional support .

oneAPl The tools included are already used and familiar by data scientists and developers AI Tools , So they can unlock these new functions on their chips . In my submission oneAPI Another advantage , It will lead a new era of competition , This is beneficial to the whole industry . Now? , I will be able to develop cross CPU Applications for , Including the new type of independence that has not yet appeared GPU.

Michael Boros

Dale cloud /AI Senior strategist of Solution Group

Chinese Internet companies 100 Strong list comments on Intel oneAPI The toolkit is provided for Intel CPU、GPU and FPGA Tools needed to develop high-performance cross architecture applications and solutions .oneAPI Combination kit for ( Basic toolkits and domain specific add ons ) Simplified programming , Help developers improve productivity and provide excellent performance , Accelerate innovation . These toolkits include advanced optimization compilers for high-performance heterogeneous computing 、 library 、 Framework and analysis tools , Realized oneAPI Standardize and work with optimization tools .

oneAPI Allow developers the freedom to choose the best hardware for a particular solution , Without the economic and technical burden of proprietary programming models . Based on standards oneAPI Simplifies software development , Support old code integration , And provide uncompromising performance for accelerated Computing , Without proprietary locking . With the help of oneAPI, Developers can choose the best architecture for their solutions , Without rewriting the code for the next architecture and platform !


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