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Why does WordPress open so slowly?

2022-07-07 04:16:00 Programmer community

I downloaded the Chinese version , Download address :http://cn.wordpress.org/, You will be very slow to open this website .

wordpress Why does it open so slowly ? illustrations


If you open it and see his HTML The code will find , He from fonts.googleapis.com Quote something . as everyone knows , It's lucky to be able to open Google's homepage now , If the website keeps quoting Google things , It will jam .
So I found after deployment , Whether it's the home page or the background , All open very slowly , It's so urgent .
Some people say it's caused by using the Chinese version , Some say it needs to be optimized . At that time, I didn't believe , If it is caused by using the Chinese version , Or the system must be optimized just after installation , Isn't that the rhythm of death .
So to put it bluntly, this slowness is definitely not caused by the program itself .
I don't talk nonsense , Just like opening his Chinese website , It's because of quoting something from Google .
Suggest global search fonts.googleapis.com It is amended as follows fonts.useso.com, I'll start with the development tools wordpress Of php All files are copied into the project , Then search for replacement .
then , It runs smoothly .
Finally, say a few words , although wordpress There are many themes and plug-ins , But I found him very bloated , I didn't even find out how to insert code into the content , got , That's it , Today is about opening the slow problem .

I recommend you to read more about “ wordpress slow Google Blog ” The article


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