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[written to the person who first published the paper] common problems in writing comprehensive scientific and Technological Papers

2022-07-07 04:09:00 InfoQ



The paper , Especially the research papers in scientific journals , Setting questions is very important . If the whole discussion goes down , There is no clear theme , Then the discussion will become vague and superficial , It will make people feel “ There is no value 、 Not worth studying ”. actually , The author did not take the problem into account in his discussion ( The theme ) Describe clearly , Didn't catch the essence of the problem , Thus, it does not reflect the urgency and importance of solving the problem , Sometimes it is the angle and height of understanding problems , Sometimes it is to provide arguments “ typical ” Insufficient . All in all , The article should make people fully understand the importance of the questions raised , To arouse readers' interest in further research with the author . Facing the problem is too broad and broad , Discuss the East and West , Obscure language, obscure articles , Because the argument is not prominent 、 The theme is loose and the meaning is incomplete , Lost the ease of the paper , namely   Make some scientific value , It will also greatly reduce the quality of the article .

1  common problem

1.1  Topic selection

Topics often include
The topic is too large
The title doesn't match
The topic is too large
Refer to
The scope covered by the title of the paper is too large , Study problems from multiple angles 、 To be comprehensive , But writing an article does not necessarily require comprehensiveness , Don't give up in pursuit of perfection , You can limit the conditions , Go deep into a certain aspect or angle , Reveal laws or discover new phenomena
. example   Such as :“ Overview of the development of Beidou satellite navigation system ” The title of this review paper is too large , This navigation system has followed the global positioning system of the United States (GPS)、 Russian GLONASS satellite navigation system (GLONASS) After that, the third mature satellite navigation system , Many scholars at home and abroad have written relevant articles and analyzed the practical problems and future development of navigation system in a limited space 、 It is difficult to discuss the Countermeasures after description and induction . Generally, the review articles with large titles are all inclusive , piece   The amplitude is longer , But every part is general , Does not reflect the review paper   Of “ new ” effect , Make the content of the article nothing new .
The title doesn't match
Refers to the text
The title of the chapter is inconsistent with the main idea of the content , This kind of article usually has a large title and small content or a small title and large content
. Big title and small content means that the title is big , But the content of the article only writes a part of it , This kind of article can be corrected by modifying the title   just . There are also small topics and large contents , The title of the article is very specific , The scope of writing is relatively clear , But the author mentions the pen, but the sea is vast , And the title of the article   All the slightly related contents are written in , Such a review paper is long , The content is miscellaneous , The subject is not clear , I don't know what to say after watching . Generally, the text of such papers should be deleted according to the title , Remove the side branches , To highlight the key points of the article .

1.2  Abstract

The abstract is the summary of the full text , It mainly covers four aspects :
  • (1)  The general answer is why I wrote this article ,  Any research is purposeful ,  Are to solve some specific problems , In other words, the significance of research ,  General review articles can make this very clear .
  • (2)  To solve this problem ,  What work did you do , What method was used 、 Using tools 、 Different test schemes not only determine the credibility of the later results , It is also the innovation of the research . This is what the author often lacks ,  The author just lists the views of all parties .
  • (3)  What results can be obtained by discussing the article ? This is what most abstracts lack ,  But more often “ There is nothing in the article ” New idea , No new results have been obtained , This is also a key point to judge the level of the paper .
  • (4)  What did the results prove ? Or what value ? This is generally not lacking , It is often used instead of the result . But the problem is , The nature of this part is not well understood , Will affect the value of research . The conclusion is a summary of the study ,  The purpose of generalization is to improve and elevate the research results , It reflects the value and significance of the research . In order to fully reflect the value of the research results , It is often possible to add some application prospects of ductility or the direction of further research .

1.3  Text

Some review scientific papers , The author consulted a lot of literature when writing the article , And these documents are summarized and classified according to a certain logical relationship . In the process of writing , The author only lists the relevant literature together , Repeat the contents of the literature , And lack of their own views and Analysis . for example :“ Overview of the development of Beidou satellite navigation system ” This paper introduces “ Beidou generation 、 The development process of Beidou II satellite ”“ Application of Beidou satellite navigation system in navigation field and flood control and disaster reduction ” as well as “ Advantages of navigation system ” Other aspects ,  The whole article does not have the reviewer's own analysis 、 To sum up , Write the review paper into a pile of different arguments , namely
Comprehensive without description
Not comprehensive
It refers to when the author expounds his own views and opinions , Ignoring the objective basis supporting these views and opinions , Write the summary into a knowledge lecture , To give “ Water without source ” General impression of empty talk . It mainly appears in the review papers of professional degree postgraduates , Most of these authors have worked in professional skills for many years , Have certain professional knowledge and theoretical basis , With many years of professional work experience , It's easy to write a research overview of a field you're familiar with , The language expression of the article is relatively smooth , The disadvantage is that most of the articles are the author's own views and understanding , There is a lack of knowledge in the published literature 、 data 、 The facts 、 Phenomenon and other literature to illustrate or support .

2  The cause of the problem

2.1  Lack of writing experience

Review paper writer ,  You should read more authoritative journals in this field and review papers published by experts and scholars ,  Or consult experts, scholars and mentors ,  To learn more . To collect evidence 、 Look for theories ,  Multiple records review the views of all parties in the paper ,  This will not only deepen the study of professional knowledge ,  You can also broaden your horizons ,  Increase awareness of the industry . Ask more ,  Accept the guidance of others ,  Multiple modifications ,  By constantly writing ,  In order to improve their writing ability .

2.2  Too few references

The main reason why the general summary paper is not well written is that there are too few professional knowledge materials ,  Not reading a lot of literature ,  It's hard to write a high-level review paper . An important prerequisite for writing a review paper is to consult a large number of relevant literature at home and abroad ,  And carefully read and understand these documents ,  Understanding is the basis of writing ,  Only on the basis of a lot of reading and understanding can we write good literature .

2.3  Interdisciplinary knowledge is limited

On the basis of mastering the main points of knowledge and relevant research of this major ,  Increase the understanding of relevant industry knowledge . The development of science makes adjacent or similar professional knowledge permeate each other ,  That is, the so-called interdisciplinary knowledge has been mastered more ,  Will broaden our thinking ,  It will enlighten the research methods and contents in this field .

2.4  The in-depth mastery of professional knowledge is not comprehensive

Professional knowledge is limited to the mature theory of scientific research in this industry ,  It belongs to the initial and intermediate stage of scientific research ,  I don't know much about higher-level theories and research results ,  The depth of professional knowledge is not enough . To write a meaningful review paper, you must read a lot of relevant literature ,  Through analysis and understanding ,  Truly and deeply understand the development status and existing problems of the industry ,  You can stand at the forefront of industry development ,  Understand and treat problems as experts and scholars ,  The summary written in this way will have new ideas ,  Enlighten readers .

3  How to write a review paper

3.1  The topic is appropriate

The topic should not be too big ,  If the topic is too big, it needs to describe a lot of content ,  If the content is too rich, we should not only find a large number of documents ,  Also increase the amount of reading 、 Make the finishing process more difficult ,  For a novice writer, the amount of information is too large to start ,  Care for this and lose that ; Moreover, it is difficult for all-round manuscripts to go deep ,  Often list the views of all parties together ,  Can't highlight the argument in the text . Practice has proved ,  Choose the appropriate topic of the review article, strong penetration ,  Easy to go deep ,  Especially for beginners, it is appropriate to write smaller topics ,  Start small ,  After accumulating experience, gradually write a wide range of topics . Besides ,  The title must also be commensurate with the content 、 Appropriate ,  Don't make a mountain out of a molehill or make a mountain out of a molehill ,  Let alone the inconsistency between the text and the title .
Good topics are clear at a glance ,  Look at the title to see the outline of the content . Big topic ,  The content is insufficient ,  It is bound to cause top heavy problems ; In turn, ,  The problem is small ,  More content ,  It is also necessary to commit the problem of inconsistency between name and reality . For starters ,  When choosing a topic, you must not aim too high ,  Choose the big questions and difficult problems ,  Topic selection must be realistic .

3.2  Consult recent literature ,  Excerpts from records

After the topic selection of the comprehensive scientific and technological paper is determined ,  Consult a large number of relevant materials at home and abroad according to the subject of the title . First, read through the checked data roughly ,  Then classify a large number of documents at home and abroad ,  Then carefully study and analyze the classified data ,  Choose forward-looking topics that are similar to the topics you write 、 Innovative articles ,  Take these articles as references for the writing of review papers . Modern science and technology have the characteristics of rapid development 、 Many achievements 、 The characteristics of large knowledge capacity ,  The effective use period of scientific and technological documents is becoming shorter and shorter . Therefore, the latest literature can reflect the current research level at home and abroad ,  When writing a summary academic paper ,  Generally, the references cited by the author are mainly recent 3~5 Experimental research literature published within the year ,  Moreover, the listed literature must have new ideas and discoveries . In daily work and study ,  Accumulate at any time ,  Make reading abstracts or notes ,  Find... When in standby ,  It can pick up the missing parts .

3.3  Learn to analyze and summarize

In writing, it is forbidden to list the views and conclusions in the references ,  No analysis 、 Sum up and refine ,  The summary academic papers are written into a pile of different viewpoints and conclusions . When writing a review academic paper, we should first pay attention to the comprehensiveness of the review ,  A large number of interrelated literatures will be collected and analyzed 、 inductive 、 summary ,  Abstract the viewpoints and research conclusions scattered in different papers ,  And sort it out according to certain ideas . From its current situation 、 Existing problems and development trend, etc ,  Put forward your own opinions on the basis of analysis and induction ,  Predict the future development trend of this field ,  Lay a good foundation for research topic selection and topic opening . A good summary academic paper ,  It can not only lay a solid theoretical foundation for the next experimental research and thesis writing ,  Improve the opportunity for some extension ,  And it can show the author's induction of existing research literature 、 Comprehensive ability to analyze and sort out integration . The author should carefully study the relevant literature ,  Writing should be from the perspective of experts ,  Research status of a certain field 、 level 、 Conditions, etc ,  Compare its advantages and disadvantages ,  Discuss its advantages and disadvantages ,  And make predictions ,  Make the article really play a guiding role in the development of the discipline .


[1]  Li Mingna . Common problems in writing review scientific papers [J]. Journal of Heilongjiang Institute of Engineering ,2017,31(05):78-80.DOI:10.19352/j.cnki.issn1671-4679.2017.05.017.
[2]  Yang Xiaorong . Examination of high-level summary cold articles   Cable [J].  Journal of University Library and Information Science , 2013, 31(2): 45-46.
[3]  Ireen , Tang Xihui . Form selection and compilation of summary of review paper [J].  Advances in animal medicine , 1999, 20(4): 65-66.
[4]  Zhang Jingzhong . A comparative study on the use characteristics of summary verbs in the introduction of foreign scholars' academic papers [D].  wuhan :  Huazhong University of science and technology , 2012.

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