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PMP candidates, please check the precautions for PMP examination in July

2022-07-05 05:14:00 Caiju PMP

2022 year 7 month 30 Day PMI The project management qualification examination will be resolutely implemented by the Party Central Committee 、 The decision and deployment of the State Council on the prevention and control of the COVID-19 , Conscientiously abide by the relevant provisions of local epidemic prevention and control , Ensure that the majority of candidates 、 The life safety and health of the examination staff in all links of the examination , Ensure the safety of examination registration and organization and implementation during the normalization of epidemic prevention and control 、 smooth 、 The smooth .

Prepare for the exam

( One ) All candidates are required to 72 Complete two nucleic acid tests within hours ( The interval between two tests shall not be less than 24 Hours ), Calculated by sampling or detection time , For specific requirements, please consult the examinee's test center .

Candidates should prepare the above two nucleic acid certificates before the exam , Present or submit... On the day of the examination , If there are no special requirements in the region where the examination is held , The above certificate can be in paper or electronic form .

( Two ) At least before the exam 10 Complete the application for health code in the place where the exam is located within days , And make a health code 、 Preparation for inspection of communication big data travel card .

( 3、 ... and ) Candidates before self-examination 10 Sky rise , Take your temperature sooner or later , Self observe for fever 、 cough 、 Fatigue and other suspected symptoms , And truthfully fill in... Every day 《 Health record 》. The notice of downloading the record form will be published on the Chinese registration website of the foundation project management , Please check in time .

( Four ) Candidates should prepare the health code where the exam is located 、 Communication big data travel card 、 Completed 《 Health record 》 And other materials specified below , Be examined on the day of the exam . Failure to take the exam and material preparation 、 On site inspection 、 Post exam tracking and other matters shall be implemented in accordance with the following provisions .

( 5、 ... and ) Before the exam 10 You can't go or pass by within days 、 The county where the high-risk area is located ( City 、 District 、 flag ), And areas with epidemic risk such as overseas .

( 6、 ... and ) Candidates should protect themselves during the preparation period , It is suggested that candidates should 10 Avoid inter provincial flows within days , Avoid people with high mobility 、 Crowded places , Avoid contact with confirmed cases 、 suspected case 、 Contact with asymptomatic infected persons and people at risk of epidemic in medium and high-risk areas .

( 7、 ... and ) If there are other requirements in the epidemic prevention policies of various regions , On the basis of complying with the requirements of this notice , Local requirements must still be observed .

( 8、 ... and ) Candidates who have one of the following conditions before the exam cannot take the exam :

1. Nucleic acid detection does not meet the above requirements ;

2. Abnormal health code ( Including but not limited to non green code 、 Pop up, etc );

3. Pre exam 10 Come from or pass by within days 、 The county where the high-risk area is located ( City 、 District 、 flag ), And areas with epidemic risk such as overseas ;

4. Pre exam 10 Abnormal body temperature within days (≥37.3℃) Or cough 、 Fatigue and other suspected symptoms ;

5. Covid-19 confirmed cases of new crown pneumonia still under quarantine treatment 、 Suspected cases or asymptomatic infections , And close contacts who have not completed the centralized isolation period .

6. Other situations that do not meet the above requirements and local epidemic prevention and control policies .

( Nine ) When downloading the admission ticket, candidates must log in to the Chinese registration website of the foundation project management and sign their personal account 《PMI Project management qualification examination epidemic prevention related matters candidate commitment letter 》, Promise to know 、 Accept and abide by the examination and epidemic prevention requirements . Candidates who make false promises or fail to fulfill epidemic prevention requirements , Bear relevant responsibilities and accept treatment .

PMP Exam notes

1、 Before the exam 60 minute , Candidates should present the admission letter and valid ID card ( Including resident ID card 、 passport 、 Officer card 、 A driver's license 、 Pass for Hong Kong and Macao residents to and from the mainland 、 Taiwan residents pass to and from the mainland ) Enter the designated examination room and take your seat according to the number , You will not be allowed to take the exam without your admission letter or ID card . Candidates are advised to arrive at the examination site on time , Enter at the specified time to avoid delaying the exam .

2、 After the examinee enters the examination room , Until the beginning of the exam , Candidates are not allowed to go out of the examination room . If you need to go to the bathroom during the exam , You must be accompanied by staff to enter and exit the examination room, and only one person is allowed to go to the bathroom in the same examination room , When returning to the examination room, you need to verify your identity again before entering .

3、 Each candidate is equipped with 2B The pencil 、 Eraser and scratch paper . In addition to the admission letter and ID card , Candidates are not allowed to bring the following items into the examination room ( Including but not limited to ): Books 、 Information 、 The notebook 、 Prepare your own draft paper 、 Bring your own stationery 、 Calculator 、 watch 、 Mobile phones and other features include 、 Store 、 Electronic devices with memory function, etc , During the examination, keep the mobile phone in the off state and store it in the designated location as required , Once found to be carried to the seat , It shall be treated as violation .

4、 The exam officially began 15 Candidates who arrive at the examination room within minutes are allowed to enter the examination , But the lost answer time will not be supplemented . The exam officially began 15 Minutes later , Late candidates will be prohibited from entering the examination room . The exam officially began 30 Minutes later , Candidates can hand in their papers and leave in advance . Candidates should exit immediately after handing in their papers , Do not stay near the examination room 、 conversation , Do not return to the examination room again . Before the end of the exam 15 Within minutes , Candidates are not allowed to hand in their papers and leave . The whole examination is over until the invigilator announces that the candidates are allowed to leave , Candidates cannot leave the examination room by themselves , Please wait quietly in the examination seat .

5、 There is no extra time for the exam to fill in the answer sheet , All answers must be distributed by the examination room 2B Pencil on the answer sheet , No score will be given on the test paper and draft paper .

6、 Candidates are not allowed to ask questions related to the meaning of the test questions , If you find that the handwriting of the test question is fuzzy or the test question is wrong , You can raise your hand to the invigilator , Ask the invigilator in a low voice , Do not ask other candidates .

7、 After the end of the exam instruction is issued , Candidates should stop answering immediately . The invigilator will test the paper 、 Answer sheet 、 After the draft paper is collected and confirmed to be correct , Candidates should leave the examination room orderly according to the instructions of the invigilator . It is strictly forbidden to put the test paper 、 Take the answer sheet and draft paper out of the examination room .

8、 Candidates should take the exam in good faith , Obey the supervision and management of invigilators , Strictly abide by the examination rules and regulations , Put an end to all forms of cheating in exams . If in the exam process , Candidates have any cheating , Invigilators have the right to stop their exams , And report the records of disciplinary violations to PMI Carry out subsequent disposal .


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