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Mongodb replication (replica set) summary

2022-07-07 13:12:00 cui_ yonghua

The basic chapter ( Can solve the problem of 80% The problem of ):

  1. MongoDB Overview 、 Application scenarios 、 Download mode 、 Connection mode and development history, etc

  2. MongoDB data type 、 Key concepts and shell Commonly used instructions

  3. MongoDB Various additions to documents 、 to update 、 Delete operation summary

  4. MongoDB Summary of various query operations

  5. MongoDB Summarize the various operations of the column

  6. MongoDB Summary of index operations in

Advanced :

  1. MongoDB Summary of aggregation operations

  2. MongoDB Import and export of 、 Backup recovery summary

  3. MongoDB Summary of user management

  4. MongoDB Copy ( Replica set ) summary

  5. MongoDB Slice summary

  6. MongoDB meet spark( Integration )

  7. MongoDB Internal storage principle

Other :

  1. python3 operation MongoDB Various cases of

  2. MongoDB Command summary

One . MongoDB Copy ( Replica set )

MongoDB Replica set (Replica Set) It is a master-slave cluster with automatic fault recovery function , There is a master node and one or more slave nodes . Replica set has no fixed master node , When the primary node fails , The whole cluster will elect a master node to provide services for the system to ensure the high availability of the system .

MongoDB Replication is the process of synchronizing data on multiple servers .

Replication provides redundant backup of data , And store copies of data on multiple servers , Improved data availability , And can guarantee the security of data .

Replication also allows you to recover data from hardware failures and service outages .

Official website reference :MongoDB Replica set

Two . Why copy ?

Secure data
High availability of data (24* 7 )
disaster recovery
No need to shut down for maintenance ( Backup , Rebuild index , Compress )
Read zoom ( Extra copy reads )
Replica sets are transparent to applications

3、 ... and . MongoDB The principle of replication

mongodb Replication of requires at least two nodes . One of them is the master node , Responsible for handling client requests , The rest are from nodes , Responsible for copying the data on the primary node .

mongodb The common collocation mode of each node is : A master from 、 One master, many followers .

All operations recorded on the master node oplog, Periodically polling the master from the node for these operations , Then perform these operations on your own copy of the data , So as to ensure that the data of the slave node is consistent with that of the master node .

MongoDB Copy the structure diagram as follows :
[ Failed to transfer the external chain picture , The origin station may have anti-theft chain mechanism , It is suggested to save the pictures and upload them directly (img-UAcjfDeV-1657022462558)(evernotecid://B1CD39FE-B044-413D-A086-0649DB3F0070/appyinxiangcom/26430792/ENResource/p1224)]
In the structure chart above , The client reads data from the master node , When the client writes data to the master node , Data interaction between master node and slave node ensures data consistency .

Replica set features :

  • N Cluster of nodes
  • Any node can be the master node
  • All writes are on the primary node
  • Automatic failover
  • Automatic recovery

Four . Set up a replica set

Use the same MongoDB To do it MongoDB The master-slave experiment , The operation steps are as follows :

1、 Close running MongoDB The server .

2、 By designation --replSet Option to start mongoDB. The basic syntax is as follows :

mongod --port "PORT" --dbpath "YOUR_DB_DATA_PATH" --replSet "REPLICA_SET_INSTANCE_NAME"

5、 ... and . Case study

4.1 Start each member of the replica set with the appropriate options

sudo rm -rf /MongoDB/node1 /MongoDB/node2 /MongoDB/node3

sudo mkdir -p /MongoDB/node1 /MongoDB/node2 /MongoDB/node3

sudo mongod —bind_ip —port 27020 —dbpath "/MongoDB/node1" —replSet rs0

sudo mongod —bind_ip —port 27021 —dbpath "/MongoDB/node2" —replSet rs0

sudo mongod —bind_ip —port 27022 —dbpath "/MongoDB/node3" —replSet rs0

You can also specify the replica set name in the configuration file . start-up mongod Use profile , File specified with configuration options

4.2 mongo shell Connect replica set

mongo -port 27020 --host

4.3 initialization initiate Replica set

utilize rs.initiate() A default replica set configuration will be initialized on a member of the replica set .

4.4 Verify the initial replica set configuration

Use rs.conf() Show replica set configuration objects :

rs0:OTHER> rs.conf()
    "_id" : "rs0",
    "version" : 1,
    "protocolVersion" : NumberLong(1),
    "members" : [
            "_id" : 0,
            "host" : "",
            "arbiterOnly" : false,
            "buildIndexes" : true,
            "hidden" : false,
            "priority" : 1,
            "tags" : {
            "slaveDelay" : NumberLong(0),
            "votes" : 1
    "settings" : {
        "chainingAllowed" : true,
        "heartbeatIntervalMillis" : 2000,
        "heartbeatTimeoutSecs" : 10,
        "electionTimeoutMillis" : 10000,
        "getLastErrorModes" : {
        "getLastErrorDefaults" : {
            "w" : 1,
            "wtimeout" : 0
        "replicaSetId" : ObjectId("579b3500299da8059cc5fb99")

4.5 Check the status of the replica set rs.status()

rs0:PRIMARY> rs.status()
    "set" : "rs0",
    "date" : ISODate("2021-07-29T11:13:58.433Z"),
    "myState" : 1,
    "term" : NumberLong(1),
    "heartbeatIntervalMillis" : NumberLong(2000),
    "members" : [
            "_id" : 0,
            "name" : "",
            "health" : 1,
            "state" : 1,
            "stateStr" : "PRIMARY",
            "uptime" : 1200,
            "optime" : {
                "ts" : Timestamp(1469789441, 1),
                "t" : NumberLong(1)
            "optimeDate" : ISODate("2021-07-29T11:50:41Z"),
            "electionTime" : Timestamp(1469789440, 2),
            "electionDate" : ISODate("2021-07-29T11:50:40Z"),
            "configVersion" : 1,
            "self" : true
    "ok" : 1

4.6 Add the remaining members to the replica set

You must connect to the replica set primary Master node , Can be used rs.add() Add remaining members .

rs.add() In some cases , Trigger an election . If connected to the master node primary Become a slave node secondary, Connection required Mongo shell To the master node primary Continue to add new replica set members
utilize rs.status() Identify replica set master primary

4.7 Delete copy


The above example will start a named rs0 Of MongoDB example , Its port number is 27017.

After startup, open the command prompt box and connect mongoDB service .

stay Mongo The client uses the command rs.initiate() To start a new replica set .

We can use rs.conf() To view the configuration of the replica set , View replica set status using rs.status() command


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