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[kubernetes series] learn the exposed application of kubernetes service security

2022-07-06 02:45:00 Half body wind and snow

author : Half body wind and snow
Previous section :K8S in Pod Life cycle of
brief introduction : We learned together in the last section ,Kubernetes application Pod Three states of the life cycle Pending -> Running -> Succeeded/Failed. Content of this section , We will learn how to expose our application together .

The goal is

  • Study Kubernetes Medium Service
  • understand label (Label) and tag chooser (Label Selector) How objects relate to Service relation
  • Use Service Connect to the app
  • stay Kubernetes Cluster external use Service Exposed applications

One 、 What is? Kubernetes Service

In the last section , We have learned pod Life cycle of , When a job Node After hanging up , stay Node Running on Pod Will die . ReplicaSet Will automatically create a new Pod Drive the cluster back to the target state , To ensure the normal operation of the application .

Kubernetes In the service (Service) It's an abstract concept , It defines the Pod Logical set and access Pod The agreement .Service Make subordinate Pod It is possible to synthesize the loose coupling between the two . And others Kubernetes object , Service use YAML ( More recommended ) perhaps JSON To define Service The next group Pod Usually by LabelSelector To mark .

Although each Pod There's a unique one IP Address , But if not Service , these IP Not exposed outside the cluster .Service Allow your app to receive traffic .Service It can also be used in ServiceSpec Mark type The way to expose

  • ClusterIP ( Default ) - Inside the cluster IP Go public Service . This type makes Service Can only be accessed from within the cluster .
  • NodePort - Use NAT In the cluster, each selected Node On the same port of Service . Use <NodeIP>:<NodePort> Access from outside the cluster Service. yes ClusterIP Superset .
  • LoadBalancer - Create an external load balancer in the current cloud ( If you support it ), And for Service Assign a fixed external IP. yes NodePort Superset .
  • ExternalName - By returning CNAME Record , Use any name ( from spec Medium externalName Appoint ) Open Service. Don't use agents . This type requires kube-dns Of v1.7 Or later .

Two 、 Use Service Connect to the app

Kubernetes hypothesis Pod Can be used with other Pod signal communication , No matter which host they are on . Kubernetes To every one. Pod Assign a cluster private IP Address , So there's no need to be in Pod And Pod Create a connection between or map the port of the container to the host port . It means the same Pod All containers inside can pass localhost The ports on are interconnected , All in the cluster Pod No need to pass NAT Transformation can see each other .

2.1、 Expose in the cluster Pod

First, let's start a project , Specific startup mode , We have talked about it before , I won't repeat it here .

  1. After the project runs , open Kubernetes instrument panel (Dashboard), Click on the Number , Use YAML The way , Create a pod node .

 Insert picture description here

  1. As shown in the figure above , stay YAML Add the following code to :
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: my-nginx
      run: my-nginx
  replicas: 2
        run: my-nginx
      - name: my-nginx
        image: nginx
        - containerPort: 80
  1. Click upload , Click again in the list bar on the left pod Options , Just back before us Familiar with pod page .

 Insert picture description here

Of course , We can also use the command line directly , To check our nodes :

$ kubectl apply -f ./run-my-nginx.yaml

If the following error is reported :

 Insert picture description here

Direct command execution :


Re execution :

$ kubectl apply -f ./run-my-nginx.yaml
$ kubectl get pods -l run=my-nginx -o wide

The execution result output node is as follows :

 Insert picture description here

Of course , We can also use the command line , Check pod Of IP Address :

$ kubectl get pods -l run=my-nginx -o yaml | grep podIP

Output current node IP:

 Insert picture description here

We can get through ssh Log in to any node in the cluster , And use things like curl Such tools to these two IP Address to make a query request . It should be noted that , The container will not use... On this node 80 port , And will not use any specific NAT Rules to route traffic to Pod On . This means that you can run multiple on the same node Nginx Pod, Use the same containerPort, And from any other in the cluster Pod Or on a node IP The way to access them .

2.2、 establish Service

It creates a flat 、 Run in a cluster wide address space Nginx Service Pod , To expose it , We also need to create one Service.

Kubernetes Service It is a group that provides the same functions in the cluster Pod Abstract expression of . When each Service Creation time , Will be assigned a unique IP Address ( Also known as clusterIP). This IP Address and Service The lifecycles of the , as long as Service There is , It won't change . You can configure the Pod Make it with Service communicate ,Pod Know and Service The communication will be automatically load balanced to the Service Some of them Pod On .

Use it directly Order to above Nginx Create a copy Service:

$ kubectl expose deployment/my-nginx
$ service/my-nginx exposed

Of course , We can also use YAML Way to create , The creation method is the same as that above pod The same as , You can directly use the following code :

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: my-nginx
    run: my-nginx
  - port: 80
    protocol: TCP
    run: my-nginx

Click... In the menu bar on the left Serverces, You will see the present Serverces Details of :

 Insert picture description here

Above we created Service All with tags will be run: my-nginx Of Pod Of TCP 80 The port is exposed to an abstract Service On port (targetPort: The port on which the container receives traffic ;port: Abstract that can take any value Service port , other Pod Access... Through this port Service).

Now? , We execute the following command to check Service resources :

$ kubectl get svc my-nginx

The resource output is shown in the following figure :

 Insert picture description here

I mentioned earlier that , One Service By a group Pod Provide support . these Pod adopt endpoints Exposed . Service Selector Will continue to evaluate , The result is POST To a named my-nginx Of Endpoint On the object . When Pod After termination , It will automatically follow Endpoint Remove , The new one can match Service Selector Of Pod Will be automatically added to Endpoint in . Check that Endpoint, be aware IP The address is the same as the one created in the first step Pod It's the same .

$ kubectl describe svc my-nginx

Execute the above command , We can get the present serverces All the information about :

 Insert picture description here

$ kubectl get ep my-nginx

Now? , We execute the above order , Can expose our service 了 , The results are as follows :

my-nginx, 23m

Now we can use it from any node in the cluster curl The command to <CLUSTER-IP>:<PORT> Send a request to access Nginx Service.

2.3、 visit Service

Kubernetes Two main modes of search service are supported : Environment variables and DNS. Here I will only introduce how to find environment variables .

When Pod When running on a node ,kubelet For each active Service by Pod Add a set of environment variables . This introduces a sequential problem . To explain this problem , Let's check the running Nginx Pod Environment variables of .

My personal environment variable is my-nginx-cf54cdbf7-vr96x Yours may be different from mine , Directly in pod View direct environment variables in .

 Insert picture description here

Next, execute the command :

$ kubectl exec my-nginx-cf54cdbf7-vr96x – printenv | grep SERVICE

The operation results are as follows :


You can see that there is no environment variable you created Service Related values . This is because the creation of copies precedes Service. Another disadvantage of this is , The scheduler may put all Pod Deploy to the same machine , If the machine goes down, the whole Service Will be offline . If you want to correct it , We can stop this first 2 individual Pod, And then wait Deployment To recreate them . This time, Service Will exist before the copy . This will achieve scheduler level Pod Press Service Distribution ( Assume that all nodes have the same capacity ), And provide the correct environment variables .

Execute the following two commands respectively :

$ kubectl scale deployment my-nginx --replicas=0; kubectl scale deployment my-nginx --replicas=2;
$ kubectl get pods -l run=my-nginx -o wide

 Insert picture description here

You might notice ,Pod Have different names , This is because they were recreated .

Now let's do it again Nginx Pod Environment variable command , Be careful : Now your environment variables have changed , Please verify :

$ kubectl exec my-nginx-cf54cdbf7-fhghk – printenv | grep SERVICE

finally , We are in the running results , I saw it Service Related values :


2.4、 Protect Service

Up to now , We only accessed... Within the cluster Nginx The server . Will be Service Before exposure to the Internet , We want to ensure that the communication channel is secure . To achieve this , need :

  • be used for HTTPS Self signed certificate of ( Unless you already have an identity certificate )
  • Configured with certificate Nginx The server
  • send Pod Can access the certificate Secret

We can directly execute the following commands by manually executing the steps :

$ make keys KEY=/tmp/nginx.key CERT=/tmp/nginx.crt
$ kubectl create secret tls nginxsecret --key /tmp/nginx.key --cert /tmp/nginx.crt
$ secret/nginxsecret created
$ kubectl get secrets

The output is as follows :

default-token-t7mbb kubernetes.io/service-account-token 3 56m

Here are configmap:

$ kubectl create configmap nginxconfigmap --from-file=default.conf
$ configmap/nginxconfigmap created
$ ubectl get configmaps

The output is as follows :

kube-root-ca.crt 1 58m

Here's what you're running make Manual steps to follow when encountering problems ( for example , stay Windows On ):

#  Create public key and corresponding private key 
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /d/tmp/nginx.key -out /d/tmp/nginx.crt -subj "/CN=my-nginx/O=my-nginx"
#  Implement the key  base64  code 
cat /d/tmp/nginx.crt | base64
cat /d/tmp/nginx.key | base64

Use the output of the previous command to create yaml file , As shown below . base64 The encoded values should all be placed on one line .

apiVersion: "v1"
kind: "Secret"
  name: "nginxsecret"
  namespace: "default"
type: kubernetes.io/tls  
  tls.crt: " Put your code here "
  tls.key: " Put your code here "

Now use the file to create Secret:

$ kubectl apply -f nginxsecrets.yaml
$ kubectl get secrets

Execution results :

default-token-t7mbb kubernetes.io/service-account-token 3 62m

Now modify nginx Copy to start a use Secret Of the certificate in HTTPS The server and the corresponding port used to expose it (80 and 443) Of Service:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: my-nginx
    run: my-nginx
  type: NodePort
  - port: 8080
    targetPort: 80
    protocol: TCP
    name: http
  - port: 443
    protocol: TCP
    name: https
    run: my-nginx
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: my-nginx
      run: my-nginx
  replicas: 1
        run: my-nginx
      - name: secret-volume
          secretName: nginxsecret
      - name: configmap-volume
          name: nginxconfigmap
      - name: nginxhttps
        image: bprashanth/nginxhttps:1.0
        - containerPort: 443
        - containerPort: 80
        - mountPath: /etc/nginx/ssl
          name: secret-volume
        - mountPath: /etc/nginx/conf.d
          name: configmap-volume

About nginx-secure-app detailed list , The points worth noting are as follows :

  • It will Deployment and Service The specifications of are put in the same file .
  • Nginx Server pass 80 Port processing HTTP Traffic , adopt 443 Port processing HTTPS Traffic , and Nginx Service These two ports are exposed .
  • Each container can be attached to /etc/nginx/ssl Volume access key . The volume and key need to be in Nginx Configure before the server starts .

$ kubectl delete deployments,svc my-nginx; kubectl create -f ./nginx-secure-app.yaml

At this time , You can access... From any node Nginx The server .

kubectl get pods -o yaml | grep -i podip
node $ curl -k
<h1>Welcome to nginx!</h1>

Notice how the last step is to provide -k Parameter execution curl Ordered , This is because when the certificate is generated , We don't know anything about running nginx Of Pod Information about , So we have to execute curl Ignore the command CName Mismatches . By creating a Service, We connected to the in the certificate CName And in Service The query was Pod The actual use of DNS name . Let's go from one Pod To test ( For convenience , The same... Is used here Secret,Pod Just use nginx.crt To visit Service):

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: curl-deployment
      app: curlpod
  replicas: 1
        app: curlpod
      - name: secret-volume
          secretName: nginxsecret
      - name: curlpod
        - sh
        - -c
        - while true; do sleep 1; done
        image: radial/busyboxplus:curl
        - mountPath: /etc/nginx/ssl
          name: secret-volume

Then execute the following command :

$ kubectl apply -f ./curlpod.yaml
$ kubectl get pods -l app=curlpod

The results are as follows :

curl-deployment-1515033274-1410r 1/1 Running 0 1m

kubectl exec curl-deployment-1515033274-1410r -- curl https://my-nginx --cacert /etc/nginx/ssl/tls.crt
<title>Welcome to nginx!</title>

2.5、 expose Service

For some parts of the application , You may want to Service Exposed to an outside IP Address . Kubernetes Two implementations are supported :NodePort and LoadBalancer. Created in the previous paragraph Service Used NodePort, therefore , If your node has a public network IP, that Nginx HTTPS Replicas have been able to handle traffic on the Internet .

$ kubectl get svc my-nginx -o yaml | grep nodePort -C 5

 Insert picture description here

$ kubectl get nodes -o yaml | grep ExternalIP -C 1

 Insert picture description here

Let's recreate Service To use cloud load balancer . take my-nginx Service Of Type from NodePort Change to LoadBalancer:

$ kubectl edit svc my-nginx
$ kubectl get svc my-nginx

my-nginx LoadBalancer xx.xxx.xxx.xxx 8080:30163/TCP

stay EXTERNAL-IP In column IP The address can be accessed on the public network .CLUSTER-IP Only from the cluster / Access in private cloud network .

Be careful , stay AWS On , type LoadBalancer The service of will create a ELB, And ELB Use host name ( A long ), instead of IP. ELB The host name of is too long to fit the standard kubectl get svc Output , So you need to execute kubectl describe service my-nginx Command to view it . You can see something similar to the following :

 Insert picture description here

It should be noted that there are some Service The use case of is not in spec In the definition of selector. A no selector Created Service The corresponding endpoint object will not be created . This allows users to manually map services to specific endpoints . No, selector Another possibility is that you strictly use type: ExternalName To mark .

3、 ... and 、Service and Label

 Insert picture description here

Service Through a group Pod Routing communications .Service It's an abstraction , It allows the Pod Death and death Kubernetes Copy the , Without affecting the application . Depending on Pod ( Such as front-end and back-end components in applications ) Discovery and routing between is done by Kubernetes Service To deal with the .

Service Match a group Pod It's using label (Label) selector construction (Selector), They are allowed to Kubernetes A grouping primitive that performs logical operations on objects in . label (Label) Is the key attached to the object / It's worth it , It can be used in many ways :

  • Designated for development , Test and produce objects
  • Embedded version label
  • Use Label Classify objects

 Insert picture description here

label (Label) Can be attached to an object at or after creation . They can be modified at any time .


Content of this section , Mainly explained service modular , And its associated tags , also service How to expose the cluster to the outside , There is still a lot of content , It's not easy to create , Hope to support .


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