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Onedns helps college industry network security

2022-07-07 11:31:00 Phyllostachys pubescens


Brother Xu Zhu has a friend Xiao Wu , He works in a safety manufacturer company . The dean of the University Department of junior five came to him , Consult whether there is an excellent network communication security protection software , We need to protect the network of the school .

There are mainly several pain points :

  • Traditional localized products are difficult to update the information base in time , Deal with new attacks .

In recent years , Hackers and gang attackers The segment presents diversified and practical , In addition to traditional stiff wood creep , Various new types 、 Complex and even unknown threats occur frequently , Including remote control Trojan horse 、 Backdoor program 、 Blackmail virus 、 Mining Trojan horse, etc . Besides ,APT Organizations through external infiltration and social work means , Continue to steal scientific research achievements in Colleges and universities , And the network export of this university is unlimited , Deployed traditional firewall 、 Online behavior management product protection is single , It is easy to be infected with blackmail virus and cause large-scale transmission .

  • There are many teachers and students online , Students' online behavior is difficult to control .

Students' safety awareness and protection level are different , Mix it up a lot U disc 、 Open the phishing email 、 Click on a malicious link 、 Browse risk websites 、 Install untrusted programs, etc . The university has multiple campuses , There are tens of thousands of customers, teachers and students , Everyone 1-2 Terminals , It is difficult for schools to unify and standardize the management of students' online behavior , There is no management authority for private terminal devices of teachers and students .

  • Limited security personnel , It is difficult to deal with a large number of warnings and various new threats .

School IT The Department has only 3~4 people , It is difficult to cope with hundreds of attacks every day , And all kinds of new threats ,IT Department heads and security personnel are concerned about the current situation of campus network security 、 Operation and maintenance disposal is very worried , We hope to carry out comprehensive safety protection through effective means .

Xiaowu recommended to the Dean : An office network security protection scheme : Beijing Weibo online OneDNS product .

One of the main reasons for the recommendation of the fifth primary school meeting is , As a OneDNS Regular users of the public service version , The first time I know OneDNS Commonweal Edition Finally, the official announcement is permanently free , Finally, I can safely introduce this useful office network optimization tool to my friends .

Let's learn more from brother Xu Zhu .

DNS Safety risk

DNS What is it?

DNS: The domain name system (DomainNameSystem) Abbreviation , A core service of the Internet , Equivalent to the Internet GPS.

It can be seen as a huge address book , When the host accesses the domain name , Resolve the URL to the corresponding IP Address Give the terminal .


DNS It is the main channel for the circulation of network threats

Common for recursive DNS Your attacks are :Dos&DDos、 Cache poisoning 、 Server hijacking 、 DNS hijacked 、DNS cheating 、DNS Rebinding, etc ;

Common use recursive DNS Your attacks are :C&C domain name 、 malice DGA domain name 、 Malware 、 Fishing website 、 Pornographic website 、 Black product advertising website, etc .

Conventional DNS Only provide parsing Services , But we don't know the parsing performance , It's hard to find out if something goes wrong , As well as DNS Traffic hijacking and other risks .

OneDNS Commonweal Edition

First of all , To use ; second , free ! Ha ha ha , White whoring is not fragrant .

solve the problem

OneDNS It can also solve the problems of colleges and universities / Some problems often encountered in the enterprise office network :

  • There are always students / Some inexplicable applications are installed on employees' computers , Slow down the computer , Affect office efficiency ;

  • There are always some advertising pop ups on the computer desktop from time to time , It's annoying ;

  • Others always open the company's banned website during working hours , Like web games 、 Gambling websites, etc ;

  • School / The company server always restarts inexplicably in the middle of the night , Suspected of being “ Mining in bad faith ”, But I can't find the specific infected file .

If there is a higher demand for office network security , For example, stop “ Mining in bad faith ”、 Anti extortion software 、 Anti trojan virus , You can choose micro step online OneDNS Enterprise Edition .

OneDNS What is it?

OneDNS In short, it is Internet security access service , It has the ability of safety protection DNS Recursive parsing service .


OneDNS The node distribution

National deployment 80+ Acceleration nodes , Cover 20+ Regions Each region covers 3 Large operators and some secondary operators , Including educational network access , Parsing performance up to 100 Ten thousand times / second

OneDNS Protection principle

OneDNS Get the requested domain name , Real time collision with cloud intelligence base , Secure domain name stable and efficient resolution , Return resolution IP Give users access ;

detected Malicious domain names are not resolved , Direct interception , Return to the interception page , Achieve security protection .

The picture will be more intuitive , The basic principle is shown in the figure :


OneDNS Core competencies

1、 Advanced threat protection for office terminals

Advanced threat comprehensive protection , Automatic interception and real-time blocking Weibo online Threat Intelligence cloud , With high accuracy 99.9%.


2、 Safety response closed-loop capability

OneDNS Protection realizes detection 、 Intercept 、 location 、 Evidence collection closed loop .

More detailed capability introduction , You can go to the official website to learn more about .OneDNS


For the pain points at the beginning of the article , Given the combination OneDNS Solution suggestions for reference :

Pain points : Traditional localized products are difficult to update the information base in time , Deal with new attacks .

Suggested solution : Export the University Network DNS Point to OneDNS,OneDNS Detect whether the terminal accesses the Internet DNS, Accurately identify malware 、 go fishing 、 Blackmail virus 、APT attack 、 Mining Trojan 、 Network communication of new attacks such as illegal sites , Accurate alarm Zero false alarm , Automatic interception reduces operation and maintenance disposal .

Use effect :

OneDNS Identify dozens of threat events for the university every day , Include APT、 Botnet 、 Trojan horse 、 Phishing site 、 Malware 、 Ore pool, etc , Accuracy rate 99.9% High accuracy alarm , Reduce a large number of false positives , More efficient safety control , College Security The full emergency response speed is increased to 90% above .


Pain points : There are many teachers and students online , Students' online behavior is difficult to control ; Limited security personnel , It is difficult to deal with a large number of warnings and various new threats .

Suggested solution :

Export the University Network DNS Point to OneDNS, Easily realize the unified access of a large number of terminals for teachers and students , Comprehensive threat identification with high accuracy , Automatic alarm interception , There is no need to invest a lot of security personnel , The campus network can be connected to the Internet for security protection .

Use effect :

OneDNS Provide ten million domain name resolutions for the campus terminal of the university every day , It introduces efficient and stable DNS service , While optimizing the online experience , Realize to over a thousand Other malicious requests are intercepted .

Thousands of various threats and attacks are accurately identified every day , And realize automatic interception , Console unified visual management .



OneDNS It is still very suitable for universities , There are many school staff and students , The staff is complex and worried about major safety problems , At the same time, the large traffic makes it difficult for us to use some complex traffic management or security products , however OneDNS The product is easy to use , It has no impact on the network , Just simply sign it , You can use it , We can see many security incidents every day .

OneDNS Such a light weight 、 Safe DNS protective , It can help the network security of colleges and universities . At the same time, combined with the actual scene of colleges and universities , It can solve the pain points well , Combined with Threat Intelligence , It is equivalent to giving DNS Service with wings , Look down at the threat from a higher perspective , Help us avoid and respond to security risks in time .

If you are interested, you can experience the free public benefit version :

Let enterprises / College office safety is light


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