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SAP ui5 date type sap ui. model. type. Analysis of the parsing format of date

2022-07-06 08:48:00 Wang Zixi

I developed a SAP UI5 application , Data type used sap.ui.model.type.Date, And specify the display format pattern by :yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss

<ObjectAttribute title="{i18n>dateTitle}" text="{ path: 'invoice>ShippedDate', type: 'sap.ui.model.type.Date', formatOptions: { style: 'long', source: { pattern: 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss' } } }"/>

The value of the data source bound to this field is :2015-04-01T01:20:59

I look forward to SAP UI5 The format displayed on the is One year - a certain month - One day -T- Hours - branch - second , But the final display effect is shown in the figure below :April 1,2015

This article introduces how to analyze the problem of this display format .

We are Chrome Found in the developer tool sap.ui.model.type.Date Implementation file address of :


First, in the function Date1.prototype.formatValue To set breakpoints , Observe the original value of string type , The function has been successfully passed in :

sInternalType Value :string

string Type of PrimitiveType The value is itself .

The logic is defined in the following functions :

SimpleType.prototype.getPrimitiveType = function (sInternalType) {
		// Avoid dealing with type objects, unless really necessary
		switch (sInternalType) {
			case "any":
			case "boolean":
			case "int":
			case "float":
			case "string":
			case "object":
				return sInternalType;
				var oInternalType = DataType.getType(sInternalType);
				return oInternalType && oInternalType.getPrimitiveType().getName();

Get the template of format data from the model :

For example, the abbreviation of seven days a week , Stored in aDaysAbbrev in :

A year 12 Months of words , Stored in aMonthsWide in :

Get into parse Internal function ,Calendar type by :Gregorian, intend The solar calendar .

Calendar type For enumeration value , All those who support calendar The type is shown in the figure below :

Format the value of the array :aFormatArray

Has successfully resolved 2015 year 4 month 2 The day :

Start parsing :T01:20:30

All possible Date separator


stay Dateformat.js Functional _parse The return value of the function , It has been observed for hours , Minutes and seconds have been successfully resolved . So the problem is not parsing , But in the display of values .

Last returned value :Thu Apr 02 2015 01:20:30 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time

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