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String alignment method, self use, synthesis, newrlcjust

2022-07-05 07:28:00 work-harder


  • The content format of multiple strings in the list is inconsistent , There is pure Chinese , Pure English , There is also a mixture of Chinese and English .
  • Use python Built-in function str.rjust Isochronous , Unable to align
  • win10, anaconda 4.8.3, python 3.8.3


  • Calculate the middle of each string 、 Number of English single characters , Adjustment
  • See code for details
  • Fill character ( Fill in spaces to keep the length of characters ) Only single byte characters are supported temporarily
#  pure English ,  Pure Chinese ,  A list of mixed English and Chinese strings (list) Align content :  Right ,  Left ,  in 
#  After import ,  function  chn_en_alignment.test()  See how to use 
#  After import ,  function  chn_en_alignment.newrlcjust(listchk, ttllength, direction ='r', fillwith = '0')
#  or  import chn_en_alignment.newrlcjust as rlcjust,  Again according to  rlcjust(' The order of the above parameters ')  function 
# V1, 20201016

# data for test
list1=['abc', 'a', 'abcded', 'aa']
list2=[' Middle core ', ' TSMC ', ' Huawei Technology ']
list3=['NXP', ' Middle core ', ' TSMC ']
list4=['NXP', ' Middle core ', 'Huawei Technology ']
list5=['123', ' in " core "', ' Hua Hua by Wei']

usage=''' Usage: newrlcjust(listchk, ttllength, direction ='r', fillwith = '0') listchk:  String element  list,  To be checked  ttllength:  Integers , list The width requirements of all string alignment in , ttllength:  The numbers are ttllength  And  list Maximum length of Chinese character conversion   The biggest of  direction: r-right, l-left, c-center,  Default  r fillwith:  What to fill the empty space with ( If there is ),  Default  0 ( zero ),  Non English or non single byte characters are not supported at the moment '''

# chn =2, en=1, return additional len
def getLen(strchk):
    # get total length, chn calculated as 2, en as 1
    strlen = 0
    for letter in strchk:
        # print(letter, flush=True)
        if ord(letter) > 255:
            strlen += 2
            strlen += 1
    return strlen

def newrlcjust(listchk, ttllength, direction ='r', fillwith = '0'):
    # listchk: list with elements to be aligned;
    # ttllength: total length you see after output;
    # direction, default as 'r', one of the three 'r', or 'l', or 'c',
    # fillwith, default as '0';

    listchkLenmax=max(getLen(x) for x in listchk)
    for strchk in listchk:
        difflength = 0
        if ttllength > listchkLenmax:
            listchkLenmax = ttllength
        ttl = listchkLenmax - (getLen(strchk)-len(strchk))

        if direction == 'r':
            print(strchk.rjust(ttl, fillwith))
        elif direction == 'l':
            print(strchk.ljust(ttl, fillwith))
            print(strchk.center(ttl, fillwith))

def test():

    print('\n Chinese numeration 2 Width ,  English numeration 1 Width .')
    print('len(str) Middle 、 A single part of English , Average position length  1')
    print( "*" * 66, '\n')
    print('following are examples: \n')
    i_sequence = 0
    for lst in [list1, list2, list3, list4, list5]:
        print("example as: newrlcjust(lst, ttllength=1, direction ='" +direction + "', fillwith = '0')")
        newrlcjust(lst, ttllength=1, direction =direction, fillwith = '0')
        i_sequence += 1
        i_sequence = i_sequence % 3

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # newrlcjust(list4, 20, direction ='r', fillwith = '…')
    # fill Of  … , Chinese input method  shift + 6,  Again backspace once . powershell Cannot enter under 
