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Crawler obtains real estate data
2022-07-06 22:19:00 【sunpro518】
Crawl from the data released by the Bureau of Statistics , Take real estate data as an example , There are some problems , But it was finally solved , The execution time is 2022-2-11.
The basic idea is to use Python Of requests Library to grab . Analyze the web 1 Discovery is dynamic loading . Find the Internet content inside , yes jsquery Loaded ( I don't know how the great God found it , I just looked for it one by one , Just look for something slightly reliable by name ).
With Real estate investment Take the case of :
find out js Request for :
Using the browser, you can see that the request returns a json result . All the data we want are here .
According to this idea, you can basically write crawler code 1 了 !
The above reference blog is written in 2018 year ,2022 There are two problems when testing in :
- Dynamic code is required for the first visit
- The access address is not authenticated , Direct access will report an error 400.
For the first question , use cookie Of requests request 2 Access can solve .
cookie That is Request Headers Medium cookie, Notice what I measured copy value There are certain problems , Direct replication can . I don't know which detail I didn't notice .
For the second question , Do not use ssl verification 34 The way , You can try to bypass this verification , But it will report InsecureRequestWarning
, The solution to this problem is to suppress the warning 5.
Synthesize the above discussion , The implementation code is as follows :
# I use requests library
import requests
import time
# Used to obtain Time stamp
def gettime():
return int(round(time.time() * 1000))
# take query Pass in the parameter dictionary parameter
url = 'https://data.stats.gov.cn/easyquery.htm'
keyvalue = {
keyvalue['m'] = 'QueryData'
keyvalue['dbcode'] = 'hgnd'
keyvalue['rowcode'] = 'zb'
keyvalue['colcode'] = 'sj'
keyvalue['wds'] = '[]'
# keyvalue['dfwds'] = '[]'
# The one above is changed to the one below
keyvalue['dfwds'] = '[{"wdcode":"zb","valuecode":"A0301"}]'
keyvalue['k1'] = str(gettime())
# Find... From the web page cookie
cookie = '_trs_uv=kzi8jtu8_6_ct3f; JSESSIONID=I5DoNfCzk0knnmQ8j4w7K498Qt_TmpGxdGafdPQqYsL7FzlhyfPn!1909598655; u=6'
# Suppress the alarm caused by non verification
import urllib3
headers = {
'User-Agent' : 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac 05 X 10_11_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.116 Safari/537.36'
# Among them headers Contained in the cookie,param Is the request parameter dictionary ,varify That is, bypass authentication
r = requests.get(url,headers = headers,params=keyvalue,verify=False)
# Print status code
# print(r.text)
# Print the results
Some screenshots of the results are as follows :
The result has not been parsed , But this is used json Just decode it !
Python Crawl the relevant data of the National Bureau of Statistics ( original )︎︎
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certificate verify failed:self signed certificate in certificate chain(_ssl.c:1076)︎
InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised. terms of settlement ︎
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