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What a new company needs to practice and pay attention to

2022-07-06 22:00:00 Milk coffee 13

One 、 Understand the new company and job content

Information about new companies and new positions can be found below 3 To understand :

from 3 Start to understand the new company and position
Serial number explain  
1 Understand the industry ( company ) Business process ( namely : People in this industry should be able to clearly explain the business content of the company in short language )
2 Understand the work content of your position ( Clarify the work content , People in this industry should clearly explain the job content of this position in short language )
3 Understand the company structure 、 My own leadership ( Need regular 【 Usually in weeks 】 Take the initiative to report your work to the leader ( You can send a weekly report by email ), Let the leader know what you are doing )
Be careful : Join a new company , I have a lot of unfamiliar content , At this time, you need to be proactive , Ask , Ask for help 【 Always remember : It's love that others help you , It's my duty not to help you ; You respect others , Others respect you 】
When others are polite to you , Not because of how good you are , It reflects the taste and cultivation of others .



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